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I’m honestly not sure what this is or why it’s relevant, but I needed an image to make this look vaguely professional.

But Austin, what the heck am I about to vote on!?

This is a two question survey that requires no signing up, accounts, clicking through ads, or anything. Just answer a required question, answer a non-required question (if you want) and make your voice heard in the first ever NintendoEverything reader survey poll thing! Results will be read in the form of our top ten list on the next podcast, and if you opted to answer the written question your answer could (and probably will!) be read on the show!

Thanks very much. As stated above the question for you guys this week is “What 3DS game(s) are you most looking forward to this coming year?”.

Take the survey here!

But Austin, what am I about to watch!?

You are about to watch the third gaming session of myself and Aysha, put together during a painful (seriously) 8 hour editing and troubleshooting session that lasted well into the wee hours of the morning!

Basically we play Pokemon Stadium 2 for a bit, edit all the good parts together, and give you a bite-sized “Let’s Play” to sink your teeth into.

One episode for every episode of one season of 24!

This episode was totally normal, with the exception that we did a mix list/discussion about why people are saying the Wii U’s 2013 looks awful when we all think it looks really awesome. I’m just as dumbfounded as Nintendo that people are being so negative about the situation!

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“I posted today that we are working on the next patch, which should include any updates/fixes made to the other platforms up to this point.” – A_Trey_U, via the Call of Duty Community Forums

This response was posted in a thread about whether or not DLC will be coming to the Wii U… and the developer just skipped right over talking about that! Somewhat frustrating as someone who really wants to give them my money for the next zombies map, but what can ya do!?

Via Call of Duty Community

But Austin, what am I about to watch!?

You are about to watch myself (Austin), Aysha (das co-host), and Jack (of ‘Here’s a Podcast’) play some New Super Mario Bros. U together while filming the TV with an iPad! It makes it feel like you’re there with us, playing games with your friends, having a grand ol’ time.

I think that’s all you need to know.

This episode was a normal episode, except that Laura was not present, and ‘Two People Playing Games’ co-host Aysha was! Everything else was pretty regular. The list was Nintendo Power’s top 285 Nintendo-platform games, and the discussion was not in existence.

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This image honestly doesn’t have that much to do with what we talked about.

No discussion this week, but we delve a lot deeper into news compared to most weeks! The list this week is a quiz of all the games that came out in 2012– a fitting way to end the year I think!

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Warning: Pretty got dang explicit. It’s an ‘M’ rated game after all.

But Austin, what am I about to watch!?

I have quite a history of starting “weekly segments” on NintendoEverything, only to do them for a few weeks and then stop doing them forever after that. I don’t know yet if this is going to be one of those things, but depending on how you guys feel about it we should most definitely see another one next week at least!

But what is it?

Well, “Two People Playin’ Games” is an idea that people have been bugging me about for a while, asking me to do “Let’s Play” videos or walkthrough-esque tutorials of various video games. The thing is, I’m not a huge fan of regular old “Let’s Play”s, and walkthroughs are just long and boring and take all the fun out of playing the game in the first place! So what is my solution?

Think of “Two People Playin’ Games” as a sort of “Let’s Play” for people who don’t have several hours to sit around watching Youtube videos. It’s a collection of moments from a playthrough of a game, strung together as coherently as possible to give you guys and idea of what’s going on, and a reason to keep watching. I think we accomplished that pretty well with this first video, even if it did have its ups and downs! Without too much explanation though, just watch the video. I think it’ll speak for itself.

This episode was definitely a weird one! We had to do it on the floor of Laura’s new house because that was the only way we’d all be free… Needless to say we get pretty off-topic! I even go off on a tirade about the spirit of Christmas! The list this week is our top 3DS and Wii U games from 2012, and the “discussion” was just about 2012 gaming in general.

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“Technically speaking, the Goblin Menace expansion is not “exclusive” to Wii U as such. It’s exclusive as of right now because we haven’t had enough resources to look into getting it to XBLA and PSN. The levels in the expansion are quite a bit more demanding than the original campaign, so we’re not quite sure if we can squeeze them onto the older consoles properly. We probably could if we did some minor changes to the levels, but that can end up as quite a bit of work…”- Joel, Frozenbyte team

I know that technically speaking it’s better for more people to have access to a game, but man, it sure does feel good to hear stuff like this! He also went on to say that they don’t really like PSN or XBLA, and definitely prefer the Wii U’s eShop for releasing content:

“Truth be told we’re not very big fans of XBLA nor PSN at the moment, their processes are a bit too heavy to our liking and we also need to go through the XBLA/PSN publisher ATLUS, so it’s all a bit more complicated. And frankly there’s a big psychological factor as well – We had a very stressful time getting the game onto XBLA and PSN, and we feel like it wasn’t really up to us, so we dread having to do that again.”

There are a lot more comments from Joel, but I’ve yet to read through them all. As I do I’ll post em up!

Eurogamer via Reddit

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