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“When we developed the DS, we started from the question, ‘If we make a high spec Gameboy Advance, is it something people will want?’ If you make the same sort of thing, there’s no uniqueness to it. When there’s nothing unique, all you get as a result is a price war. [Former Nintendo President] Mr. Yamauchi had no direct input in the development of the Wii U, but indirectly, you could say his idea from the DS is connected.” – Shigeru Miyamoto

The idea Miyamoto is referring to is Yamauchi’s philosphy of adding something new and unique to every console or handheld, a concept he applied to the original Nintendo DS, and then carried over (more than just functionally!) to the Wii U. I’d say this has worked out for the better so far for Nintendo, and– sales notwithstanding– it looks like it’s going to work out well for Wii U as well!

Via Kotaku

After any tragic public display of violence– such as the recent, heartbreaking shooting at Sandy Hook elementary in Newtown, Connecticut– there is always a certain subset of society that instantly tries to find something to blame like video games, movies, gun control laws, the media, etc. While narrowing the causes down to anything so simple is somewhat shortsighted and narrow-minded, it hasn’t stopped the UK tabloids from spreading misinformation about the shooter from Friday’s events.

“The Sun” and “The Daily Express” have both said they got information from a plumber (the irony is not lost) who got a look into the basement room where the shooter spent most of his time, and they said he appeared to play “Call of Duty” and “Dynasty Warriors”.

Via EuroGamer

The discussion this week was about how much power a developer can give a player to change controls/gameplay/difficulty before such things can no longer be counted as positive towards review scores. Once a player is programming pieces of the game themselves, it’s not really fair to give credit to the developer! The list this week is our top ten coolest gaming industry personalities.

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Announced back at New York Comic Con, The Amazing Spider-Man: Ultimate Edition is supposed to be heading to Wii U sometime in the future. Now, we may have a more solid release window, courtesy of Amazon. The online retailer lists the game as available for pre-order, and says it ships in March of 2013, which would put it within the Wii U’s gigantic “launch window” laid out by Nintendo.

I’d guess this is true just based on the fact that any later and it’ll lose relevance among the necessary crowds, but who knows– Amazon has been wrong before!

Via Nintendo Life

If you happen to REALLY like the Super Nintendo and you happen to be REALLY wealthy, you might be interested in purchasing every single game that every came out on the system– including rarities like Demon’s Crest— for $24,999. That’s 721 games.

Joystiq did the math and it comes out to about $35 per game– which could be a lot or could be not a lot, depending on which game you apply it to. Overall it’s not a great deal, but it’s an easy one if you need every SNES game right this second and can’t afford to buy them one at a time for some reason.

The seller’s online name is “Byuu” and he says if he doesn’t get over 20K for them he won’t make a profit, and thus won’t bother selling! Why does he have all of them? Well, he developed a popular SNES emulator and he wanted to make sure every game ran flawlessly on it, so he did the logical thing and purchased all of them! Now he wants to sell them off in order to buy the complete Japanese and European collections, perfect emulators for those, and sell THEM off as well!

All of the games come with their boxes, 605 of them with manuals, and come have duplicate games to sweeten the deal. Sort of.

Via Joystiq

– Hits eShop sometime next week
– Support for Wii U Pro Controller
– Voice Chat for online multiplayer
– New languages (German vocals for example)
– Improved graphics (more vivid/better black colors)
– Some controller improvements
– Minor bug fixes/improvements

Via Nintendo Life

Donkey Kong’s Man Land

News, what we played, complaint corner, and “this week in news, 5 years ago” make their returns. The list this week is our top five Nintendo Land attractions, and our discussion is a wonderfully saturated talk about “autopilot gaming”.

I would seriously love to hear what all of you guys think about this whole “autopilot gaming” thing I’m starting to latch onto. Do you think I’m right? Wrong? What games do you “autopilot” through? General thoughts? Comments section!

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Donkey Kong Image from the DeviantArt page of “KeeleTheMan”. I don’t know him/her, but check out their page here!

I’ll admit, I’ve never thought about buying a skin for a console. Never even a handheld! This time, however, I’m giving it some serious consideration, because the $20 retro-feel Wii U skin from DecalGirl looks so awesome in this picture, AND it would prevent me from finger-printing the heck out of my Wii U…

You can buy the skin yourself here.

Via Nintendo Life

I actually saw this on reddit a couple of days ago, but didn’t think it was news-worthy for our great website. Apparently, IGN has not such high standards.

I kid, of course. This is serious business, because the ultra-hard sequel to the ultra-tough game Dark Souls was announced just a few days ago for PS3, PC, and 360– but not for Wii U. Apparently a group of gamers is pretty frustrated by this, so they’ve started an online petition to try and get Namco Bandai to reconsider. Currently there are about 6,000 people who have pledged support, and while I’m not sure that’s quite enough to get the game released (try 100,000… or more!), it’s a start. If you would buy Dark Souls II on Wii U, add your name to the petition:

Sign here.


Well, this stinks! We did another great podcast (that’s two weeks in a row… knock on wood!), but unfortunately our hosting service for “Here’s a Podcast!” is down until late tomorrow night. I’ve uploaded the episode to our old hosting service so you can download the raw MP3 if you’re particularly eager to give it a listen or to have it for listening on your way to places or to put it on while you sleep so you can absorb all the Nintendo goodness, but there’s no embed or subscription capabilities.

Proper post coming tomorrow. For now, here’s a podcast… for you!

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