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Everyone’s favorite (and only!) No More Heroes developer Grasshopper Manufacturer has been purchased by Ragnorak Online publisher “Gungho Online Entertainment”, but how this affects Suda51 and his team’s development process remains to be seen. Word on the street is that the developer will be operating as normal, and has teamed up purely to give them more resources to realize their vision.

“By joining GungHo Online Entertainment, we are aligning ourselves with a strong, established publishing force that will support our vision to further create inspired new games that appeal players across the world. The Grasshopper team and I have many new ideas to share with our fans as we move forward so this union with GOE will help us realize our future plans.” – Grasshopper Manufacturer Founder Goichi Suda

Via Eurogamer

Update: Nope. From the Activision forums:

“We are aware that some of the menu listings from the [Xbox] 360’s Revolution DLC drop are showing up in the game. This is … just a versioning problem that we are working to address.”

Like I posted about last night, Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 got a brand new patch last night that supposedly brought a handful of things up to speed with the PS360 versions of the game. The reality ended up being that it broke more than it fixed, but that’s for Treyarch to deal with as time goes forward. The most interesting part of this isn’t that things broke or didn’t break: It’s that we may have seen our first glimmer of hope for the “Revolution” DLC coming to Wii U in quite some time.

When the patch was applied, players quickly noticed that leaderboards now included the DLC-only “Diner Turned” mode, and there were even a few players listed on it despite it not having come out for anything other than Xbox 360 thus far. There was also a calling card added based off of the “Peacekeeper” SMG, which is a gun only available for those that have purchased the DLC.

Wii U community manager A_Trey_U was quick to rectify the situation, however, saying it was just an accident:

“Holy things that shouldn’t have happened, Batman! This is indeed a bug, and sadly something that will likely be going away this evening.

This is by no means a confirmation of DLC. Just something that got brought over when we brought over the rest of the fixes from the other platforms. Leave it to our community to find it in the first two minutes.”

We’ll just have to wait and see what happens! Treyarch is usually under incredibly strict rules about what they can and can’t talk about during the Xbox 360’s exclusivity period with DLC, so if we hear anything it’ll likely be after February 28th when the DLC comes to PS3 and PC.

Call of Duty Community via FPS General

Update: Apparently it’s not going as smoothly as they would like! Here’s the quote from Wii U community manager A_Trey_U:

Hello Wii U Community,

We are noticing some issues with the version of the patch that was posted that you guys are also reporting here on the forums. We are working with Nintendo on a resolution to this problem and hope to know more at some point tomorrow. I will keep you posted as I receive more information.

We are aware that some of the menu listings from the 360’s Revolution DLC drop are showing up in the game. This is not a confirmation of DLC for the Wii U, just a versioning problem that we are working to address.

I do not want to publish the list of known fixes until I have confirmation that they are all live. I hope to be able to do this tomorrow, but as I mentioned, this is something we are working on with Nintendo, so the timeline isn’t entirely in our hands.

Thank you for understanding.


No details on what it does other than bringing the Wii U “up to date” with the PS3 and 360, but I just wanted to let everyone know that it is live and you can go download it right now. I haven’t noticed any explicit change yet, and we won’t be getting the full details list for a little while now.

Via Call of Duty Community

“At Disney there’s very little [violent content], but I still want to make sure we’re asking ourselves the right questions in terms of that standard and also [ensure] we’re willing to be a part of a dialogue in today’s world that I think is pretty necessary in terms of what our role is and what our role should be.” – Disney CEO Robert Iger

A respectable point of view, if I do say so myself. Even though there isn’t a definitive link between violence in games and violent behavior, all of us– developers and gamers alike– need to be open to at least discussion and objectively examining our hobby just in case it plays any role in stuff like this. And if it doesn’t, the self-examination can only serve to increase our awareness about how much tasteless violence there is in video games, which is something we should strive to cut back on for the sake of the art.

Develop Online Via MCVUK

But Austin, what am I about to watch!?

Do you like Mythbusters? Do you like “Let’s Play” videos? Then you’ll love this! Aysha and Austin shift gears for this week’s episode of TPPG by taking on some rumored easter eggs and glitches in The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker, seeing which ones pan out and which ones are just lies floating in an ocean of beautiful blue Gamecube graphics.

This episode was really awesome because it was the first time that me, Jack, Laura, AND Aysha have been together for an episode since some of the very first ones we recorded. Some great discussions about how Twilight Princess was (or wasn’t!) as artistic as the other Zelda games, how the new Monolith Soft game might not be so colorful either, and plenty of talking about the Nintendo Direct! Top ten list? The things YOU guys are most excited about from the Nintendo Direct!

Download this episode (right click and save)

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The following quote comes from the brownie-loving community communicator over on the Activision community forums, A_Trey_U:

January 21st, 2013 11:51AM

We are wrapping up work on our next patch and hope to be submitting to Nintendo in the next day or two.

To those questioning our ability to get these out quicker, please understand that there is a process to this. Fixes have to be implemented by various people in the studio (all teams, not just the Wii U team), brought over to the Wii U, then tested thoroughly before the update can go to Nintendo. At that point, Nintendo spends time testing it on their end before releasing the patch to you.

Once Nintendo supplies us with a date that we can expect the patch to go live, I will publish another update. Sometimes they give us a few days warning, sometimes they give us a few hours warning. I will do the best I can to get you the information you are asking for in a timely manner.

This was posted on January 21st, so they have probably already submitted it to Nintendo, and we’ll likely hear an announcement about it within a week or two!

Via Activision Community

I made this video back on Wednesday (hence why it sounds like I thought the Nintendo Direct was “today”) but neglected to put it up because I feel as though its production values are rather low. Still, I think I trust you guys to be able to look passed the low recording quality and poor editing just this once to see the point I’m trying to make. What’s the point I’m trying to make?

Xenoblade is way more colorful (and in my opinion better looking) than Monolith Soft’s new game “X”. I think “X” looks like baloney visually, even if the game will be good for other aspects.

We have one or two more features coming today and this is the least important of them so I’m just tossing it up in the afternoon willy nilly. Expect a new ‘Two People Playin’ Games’ beta episode and a new ‘Here’s a Podcast’ later tonight!

Good ol’ Reggie, getting ready for a Nintendo Direct.

But Austin, what the heck am I about to vote on!?

This is a two question survey that requires no signing up, accounts, clicking through ads, or anything. Just answer a required question, answer a non-required question (if you want) and make your voice heard in the first ever NintendoEverything reader survey poll thing! Results will be read in the form of our top ten list on the next podcast, and if you opted to answer the written question your answer could (and probably will!) be read on the show!

Thanks very much. As stated above the question for you guys this week is “What was your favorite part about the Nintendo Direct on Wednesday?”

Take the survey here!

At first glance something like this comes off as a little “odd”, but when you get passed the weird translation oddities and the stigma of being weirdly artistic in this industry, I think this sort of thing is super awesome to see from a developer. The following is a (long) piece written by Earthbound series creator Shigesato Itio where he tells you exactly what the games mean to him as a person. It’s a pleasant little read if you’ve got some time to kill!

You can find it all after the break actually, since it’s pretty long.

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