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Just got an e-mail about it so I figured I’d share with you guys. You can vote on what the box art will be on their official Facebook page for the game, which is worth a like whether you vote or not.

That’s it. Short post.

How are you guys?


Some backstory first: CEDEC, the Computer Entertainment Developers Conference, is a yearly conference to be held on August 20th that has cool people talk about cool things to less-cool people who wanna learn about cool things.

Sort of. I may be misinterpreting a bit.

Anyway, this year’s CEDEC will be ‘headlined’ by Smash Bros., Kid Icarus, and Kirby developer Masahiro Sakurai, who’s going to be doing a good chunk of the talking alongside Yuichiro Anzai, chairman of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, and Yuusei Uesugi, senior artist at Industrial Light & Magic. Good times to be had by all!

Via Andriasang

“Like I said, I know there’s going to be pressure on us to do another Castlevania game, but I don’t want to rise to that pressure. I want to do something else. I love Contra. I’d love to do Contra. At Mercury Steam we’ve got an original idea that I think is really awesome. We’d love to bring that idea to market and I’m hoping that the success of Lords of Shadow 2 will allow us to do that.” – Dave Cox, MercurySteam Entertainment

I honestly really appreciate when artists- musicians, game developers, whatever- do this. To turn down financial profit in favor of making games you love and not trapping yourself in a creative box is really respectable, and it shows that they’ll probably do a great job with Contra, should they ever have the chance to work on it.

Via VG247

I got an iPad a few weeks ago.

Since then I’ve nabbed a ton of games for it, from the terrible free ones like McDonald’s Happy Meal Builder (seriously, try it) to the top-notch like Plants vs. Zombies HD. The accessibility of games and the dangerously cheap cost of them had me all but convinced that this was the way casual gaming would be from here on out. I thought “Well, this is it. Gaming as a whole sure isn’t dead, but it may very well be slipping out of its casual hayday.”

Then, to my great luck, I got a review code for Art of Balance Touch! on the 3DS eShop. A simple game upon first glance, but given a few minutes with it and I realized something rather pleasant: Games are still better on dedicated gaming platforms than phones and tablets. They just are.

It seems like the longer I watch this industry progress, the further from me it moves. It is slowly severing its connections with innovation, artistic expression, or even just plain fun. We see fewer games like ‘Flower’ and more games like ‘Call of Duty’. Fewer games like ‘Zelda’ and more games like ‘Darksiders’. Fewer games like ‘Mario Kart’ and more games like ‘Forza’. The longer I look at it, the worse it seems to get. Profits go up, but my enjoyment goes down.

I never really understood why I felt this way- at least not in any tangible, communicable sense- but finally I figured it out. It’s all because of testosterone. It’s all because of that weird, obscure concept of “manliness” as though it is something that even exists, much less is important.

I really hate having to write these types of articles. I love Nintendo and it pains me to have to talk so badly of them. But seriously. Come on. The other press conferences this year were as follows:

Microsoft: Bombed.
Sony: Eh.
EA: Terrible.
Ubisoft: Average.

This wasn’t a tough scenario. Nintendo should have been ready to blow this one out of the park. It was a fastball straight down the middle. It was a perfect storm of awesome that had the potential to send chills down the spines of every gamer watching. Instead of going for the home run though, they apparently decided to fake getting hit by the pitch and hobbled along to first base, managing to barely keep the game going, and build little if any hype for the next at-bat.

This is my obligatory “Here’s what’s going on at E3 just so you know” post.

So, just one day into the pre-E3 shows and we’ve already seen the effects of last year’s presentation by Nintendo. I don’t know if it’s just my imagination, but it seems like as time goes on, more and more people are waiting for Nintendo’s “OK” before they start trying out new things, as though they’re using the big N as a guinea pig for them to invest in new ideas. This year it was probably the most prevalent, save for perhaps the year we saw Move and Kinect revealed.

I know you wanted to say it when you saw the image.

I know you took a look at those rounded grips and those smooth analog sticks and the first thing that came to mind was “Great, Nintendo’s copying Microsoft”

But don’t. Don’t go there. Don’t you judge Nintendo for this. I know you want to, but don’t.

Nintendo files a lot of terrible, terrible patents, and over the last two years (since the Wii, especially) we’ve seen everything from football wiimotes, play-horses to ride, and stationary bicycles for Wii Fit. It’s rather absurd, and I don’t see it getting any less absurd anytime soon since we just learned of a new 3DS patent that would allow you to use a vibrating stylus to control the system without touching it.

It works by using the inner-facing 3DS camera and a marker- similar to how Playstation Move functions- that the camera can follow and track in 3D space so you can “grab” and “move” objects on the top screen. Combine that with the 3D visuals and it could appear that you’re moving objects in 3D space. Additionally, the new crazy stylus has a vibration function to help you understand when you’re interacting with objects and when you’re not.

I could go on about how this isn’t going to work, but perhaps I’ll save it for a feature later. I’ve more posts to write!

Via NintendoLife

– A 30 year old explorer searching for a way to save his love.
– Explorer is a bit jaded, troubled by his past, but does not realize his full potential
– Uses a sword and shield
– His love’s name is “Nova”
– Protagonist must find an “architect” who knows how to save her
– Eventually meets a female mercenary, described as a “dark beauty” and a “femme fatale”
– Female mercenary flirts with the hero, tends to turn on people
– A love triangle forms
– Tries to kiss the protagonist and tempt him to stop searching for Nova

No word on what consoles this is coming to, but something tells me Nintendo won’t be included… Then again, with the Wii U coming out, who knows!?

More details will apparently be revealed “soon”.

Via Siliconera

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