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It’s 2AM. I couldn’t get the normal uploader to work so it’s on Youtube instead. I’ll work on fixing things tomorrow! Goodnight everybody!

There seems to be an eternal argument going on about violent video games and children, and what sort of adverse affects that these video games may or may not have on such youngsters. Now, I’m no psychologist or specialist on the subject by any means- hell, my opinion doesn’t even mean any more than yours does- but I feel that I need to get this out there for people to read. You see, I’ve been playing a lot of Call of Duty: Black Ops on the Wii lately, and I’ve noticed a lot of very, very poor parenting going on as I play.

Telltale is hosting a press conference in mid-February to formally announce their upcoming title based on the Jurassic Park series of games, however, it seems like that won’t be the only thing we’ll be hearing about:

“In addition to the Jurassic Park game, Telltale will reveal 5 major new multi-platform projects, including one based on a just-launched property from the TV and comic book world whose popularity is changing life as some know it.”

A life changing TV show and comic book? I really don’t know! The Walking Dead comes to mind, but I honestly would doubt that that is what they’re talking about. I guess we’ll find out in February!

Via NeoGaf

I don’t know how long I’ve been a Nintendo fan– it’s been for as long as I can remember– but it’s days like these that make me prouder than ever to be part of a company that’s doing so many innovative and technically astounding things with the gaming industry. In 2006 they flipped over the idea of gaming as a niche hobby with the release of the Wii, and now, 5 years later, the 3DS is on its way out and it’s setting itself up to be yet another ingenious release from this veteran of the gaming industry.

On the surface, everything about the 3DS looks like it’s prepped for success: A great launch line-up, an awesome gimmick, tons of pre-loaded things to do, and a huge potential to grow. No matter how much I want to believe that this will be the system to end all systems, however, there’s that little voice in the back of my head that reminds me of past let-downs– sure, the Wii was awesome, but it didn’t deliver on all its promises– and so I go into this launch with a very excited, but very cautious hand.

What could go wrong, you ask? Well, I’ve been thinking it over, and a lot more could go awry than you might think. The following list is not just conjecture either; each item on it has it’s factual evidence to back it up, and as much as I hope that none of it’s true, I think there’s a pretty good chance that at least one or two of these will end up becoming a reality. If all of them somehow turn out to be true, then we could really have a perfect storm of bad events and the 3DS could suffer from an extreme case of Molyneux syndrome.

I did my best to make the title super difficult to read and rhyme. I think I did an okay job! Anyway, there was some news I was supposed to post or something… Oh, yea:

Bill Trinen, everyone’s favorite translator and Nintendo representative, has revealed today that you can indeed move your Mii’s from your Wii onto the 3DS, but Miis created on the 3DS cannot be moved back to the Wii.

“You can send your Miis from your Wii to your 3DS. But, because the Mii Maker on the Nintendo 3DS is a more robust program and has newer features, like hairstyles and eyes and things like that, the Miis you create there can’t go back to the Wii,” – NOA product marketing manager Bill Trinen

Hey, fine by me! As soon as I get my 3DS, the Wii is not going to be played for at least a month anyway.


Well… I’m not sure how I feel about this. On one hand: Awesome, more Mario Galaxy! On the other hand, I really don’t feel like the levels will match up to what Nintendo has put out, and it’s a little disrespectful using someone’s technology without their permission. Ah well, I’ll have to write a feature about this sort of thing sometime!

Via Dtoid

“I think that the 3DS will outsell the PSP2, because the 3DS is new and different, while the PSP2 is likely going to be a souped up version of the old PSP. Thus, I think that 3DS will have greater success in capturing the consumer’s imagination.” – Superanalyst Michael Pachter

I honestly think the 3DS is going to sell buckets and buckets of units. I’ve heard people who’ve never played a game in their life that are excited to get their hands on the 3DS, which, while it’s not a first ever, it’s certainly more electric than any other console in recent memory.

Via Inc Gamers

Update: Game Night is now over!

Time: 7PM EST, 4PM PST
Game: Black Ops and/or Goldeneye 007
System: Wii

The IRC will be put up at… I dunno, probably right around 7PM EST. Even if you don’t have an account on the site/forum, there’s no need to register to play game night with us! Stop by, jump in, and let’s have a good time.

To note, the first 4 people in the IRC get dibs to play Nazi Zombies. 😉


I was down at the Mall of America today to do some magazine shopping, and while me and some friends were wandering around, we came across the Microsoft store. Now, I’ve been in the Microsoft store multiple times, and each time it’s been host to great people and great fun; I haven’t even purchased anything from there yet! Today when we went back, they had the Kinect hooked up to the body-moving, fun-inducing Dance Central, and so naturally I began playing it.

About 45 minutes later, I was all danced out- as were my friends- and I was finally convinced: Kinect is pretty damn awesome, and I felt like I should ask what other people feel about Sony and Microsoft’s attempts at motion gaming. Of course, both of these never would have been possible without the Wii’s pioneering of the technology, but that doesn’t make the alternatives any less enjoyable! Are there any 360/PS3 owners out there that have been dying to talk about their experiences with the alternates to the Wii motion control?

Personally, I’ve played around with Move a lot and I’m still not convinced that it’s any better (in my experience it’s only been worse) than the Wii, but Kinect (especially Dance Central!) has got me hooked! Of course, I enjoy Ubisoft’s Just Dance to an equal level, so I won’t be purchasing a Kinect for just that one title any time soon. Even so, you can tickle me impressed!

How about you?

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