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– Sonic Anniversary game contains the best classic levels
– Levels have been updated for the latest systems
– Unclear if it’s a compilation
– Combination of 2D and 3D environments
– Coming to the Wii/DS/PS3/PSP
– Arriving next year
– New Mario and Sonic title will be released next year
– May tie into the 2012 Summer Olympics in London
– The Mario and Sonic titles “were the games that fans were expecting” supposedly

Source 1, Source 2

In August, it was reported that 25 employees from n-Space were laid off as a result of “momentary reduced demand.” It seemed like the company would be able to rebound in due time, but a rumor recently popped up claiming that the studio would soon be closing its doors. n-Space has since responded to the speculation, and while they admitted they are facing some issues, a statement posted on Facebook says that they are “down, but definitely not out.” We technically still don’t know what’s happening with n-Space, but let’s hope this isn’t the beginning of the company’s existence.


Sonic the Hedghog 4: Episode 1 (1000pts, Sega)
The Game of Life: Happy Step (1000pts, Takara Tomy)


G.G. Series: Drift Circuit 2 (200pts, Genterprise)


1. [PSP] Monster Hunter Portable 3rd
2. [Wii] Dragon Quest X
3. [DS] Ni no Kuni

4. [PS3] Tales of Graces F
5. [PS3] Gran Turismo 5
6. [PSP] Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together
7. [PS3] Catherine
8. [PS3] Final Fantasy Versus XIII
9. [PS3] Final Fantasy XIV
10. [DS] Super Robot Taisen L

Sonic Colors footage

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii | 1 Comment

I’d say that the image above is pretty legitimate, but consider it a rumor until Nintendo officially confirms the news. In any case, it looks like New Super Mario Bros. Wii will be included in the package, as will the original Wii Sports and Donkey Kong: Original Edition. Yesterday, we heard that Super Mario Bros. will come preinstalled in Japan. But in Europe, Nintendo appears to have swapped that game out for Donkey Kong. Now the only question is, will it feature a few, small changes similar to the items found in Super Mario Bros. Wii?


Son Son
Exed Exes
Wolf of the Battlefield: Commando
Ghosts ‘n Goblins
Black Dragon


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