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XGen Studios Announces Super Motherload for WiiWare

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada (September 9, 2010) – XGen Studios, independent developer behind hit WiiWareTM title Defend Your CastleTM is pleased to announce the upcoming release of the all-new Super MotherloadTM on Nintendo’s WiiWare. Featuring the classic arcade-style digging gameplay already enjoyed by millions, Super Motherload is a new 4-player digging adventure for Nintendo WiiTM players.

This information comes from Sonic Colors Producer Takashi Iizuka…

“The team think they know the problem (with 3D Sonic games), but the reason behind it is because those games in 3D didn’t live up to the expectation of the fans. In Sonic Colors, the team looked back at previous Sonic games and looked at the pros and cons of each title, and they hope they have addressed all the goods and bads in Sonic Colors. We believe that this Sonic game is as good as or even better than the 2D Sonic games.”

Making a game as good as the classic 2D Sonics is a very difficult task. While I believe Sonic Colors could turn out well, I just don’t think it’ll be met with the same reception as the old titles. In any case, Colors is a very different product than what we’ve seen in the past. So, personally, I don’t see the point in comparing it to the 2D games.


– Main city was designed in the motif of New York City
– Black & White director Junichi Masuda said he wanted to make another original Pokemon game for the DS because he always wanted to make a second game for the system, as it’s become very popular
– From the start, Masuda and his staff wanted to make sure the game wasn’t just like Diamond and Pearl
– Masuda explained that because it’s another DS Pokemon, there is a danger that it would be too similar to previous entries on the system
– Team had set images through the series’ development, like go to the Pokemon Center and exchange Pokemon
– They wanted to “destroy” these bits of “common knowledge” in terms of Pokemon game development
– Team would be rethinking the rules that had been formulated over the years
– Masuda regrets that people “graduate” as they go into different levels of education
– Masuda thought about “If it were me, what could be done to make me continue playing” to address this
– Thinking about that resulted in things like being able to view the text using kanji characters instead of strict kana-only policy from past games
– Masuda was thinking about these issues following Diamond/Pearl while Game Freak worked on Platinum
– Masuda didn’t have such issues with Diamond/Pearl because the game was coming to the DS, was the first Pokemon game for the system, and therefore obvious differences like Wi-Fi and touch screen support
– Masuda, Pokemon Co. CEO Tsunekazu Ishihara, and Iwata agreed that Black/White has the feeling of a brand new game
– Setting as well as other areas give the feeling of newness
– Hiun City wasn’t designed themed around Japan, unlike previous games
– Masuda wanted a big chance, which is why the city is a motif of New York City
– New York idea came from a 2006 Pokemon concert
– Masuda considered what would be a good location if they could do another concert
– Manhattan came to mind due to its musicals and operas
– Weren’t able to realize this idea to logistical issues in bringing over all the instruments and musicians
– Idea of going to New York lingered in Black/White’s setting
– Masuda went to the New York Museum of Modern Art after deciding on the setting
– He sat down in a garden area and finalized his ideas, coming up with the general setting of the new Isshu region
– Isshu comes from a similar Japanese word which means “single type”
– Isshu region meant to consist of all types of Pokemon/people
– While there are a variety of types, everyone looks to be one
– Masuda gets a similar feeling from New York, which he thinks is an amazing place because of having so many types of people in one place
– First time a game has had new Pokemon since Red/Green
– Previous Pokemon titles have added new Pokemon over their predecessors
– Tricky to make all these Pokemon
– Design staff needed to keep the world balance in mind, making sure they have a proper eco system
– Team debated about Pokemon looking too similar to past titles, creatures not looking like Pokemon, etc.
– Staff went to a zoo to view actual animals, helped to bring a reality to the creatures
– 17 graphic designers involved in creating the designs for all Pokemon
– Mix of veteran and newcomer designers
– 10 designers were used to create the Pokemon in Red/Green
– Sugimori drew all the illustrations
– Sugimori does the preliminary art as well, showing all sides of a Pokemon before making the sprite version

Thanks to Thomas N for the tip!


Amanita Design and XGen Studios bring Machinarium to WiiWare

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada (September 9, 2010) – XGen Studios, independent developer behind hit WiiWareTM title Defend Your CastleTM and the award-winning Amanita Design are pleased to announce the forthcoming release of MachinariumTM on Nintendo’s WiiWare. The two studios have teamed up to bring Amanita’s award-winning puzzle-adventure game to a new audience of WiiTM gamers.

“As the subject of enormous critical acclaim, this is an honor long overdue for Machinarium.” said Jordan Dubuc, Director of Operations for XGen. “We’re very fortunate to be working with the talented team at Amanita to share this interactive work of art with a whole new audience of gamers.”

Have you ever been interested in starring in a Nintendo commercial? Well, today’s your chance! Nintendo is looking for a group of people/families to be a part of upcoming TV spots. The main point of the campaign is to get participants to share their ideas for a party, and why they’re interested hosting a Wii Party party. You can check out additional details on the flier below, but be aware that today’s the last day to enter.

Thanks to our Nintendo representative for the tip!

1. Madden NFL 11 (360)  – 920,800
2. Madden NFL 11 (PS3) – 893,600
3. Super Mario Galaxy 2 – 124,600
4. Mafia II (360) – 121,600
5. New Super Mario Bros. – 110,400
6. New Super Mario Bros. Wii
7. Mafia II (PS3)
8. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (360)
9. NCAA Football 11 (360)
10. Wii Fit Plus
11. Just Dance
12. Red Dead Redemption (360)
13. Pokemon SoulSilver
14. Madden NFL 11
15. NCAA Football 11 (PS3)
16. Wipeout: The Game
17. Mario Kart Wii
18. Dragon Quest IX
19. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (PS3)
20. Mario Kart DS

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