Furry Legends to be released next year
Posted on 15 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments
Sunnyvale, CA – December 22, 2009 – Gamelion revealed today new screenshots for Furry Legends for Nintendo WiiWare service, the physics-based 3D puzzle-platformer game, scheduled for world-wide launch during first half of 2010.
About Furry Legends
In “Furry Legends” players take control of characters who are best described as a furry ball. “Furry Legends” will feature a couple of unique characters, each with its unique powers, allowing the player to perform various moves depending on the character selected. Players will be able to roll, jump, bounce, attack and perform other various moves with their spherical character. Gamelion aims to please both casual and hardcore crowds, with easy to pick up and hard to master gameplay, as well as brilliant, full 3D graphics packed with detail and a healthy dose of humor. The game features controls taking advantage of the Wii Remote as well as a robust physics system, which will be used to solve different puzzles player might roll into.
Key features
Sakurai says he doesn’t develop the types of games he plays
Posted on 15 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
This quote comes from the latest edition of Japanese gaming magazine Nintendo Dream…
“I’ll freely admit that I don’t create the sort of games I actually play. Maybe I don’t push my own interests in my games, but I do see a need to make an effort to fulfill the needs of beginners and broaden horizons. It’s not a matter of one approach being better than the other; doing it either way is fine. Some people push their own visions in other art forms, besides.” – Masahiro Sakurai, Super Smash Bros. Brawl director
I have to admit that I’m surprised by Sakurai’s words. Pretty much all of the games he’s worked are titles that core gamers generally enjoy.
Capcom reveals Dark Void Zero, coming in January to DSiWare
Posted on 15 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, News | 0 comments
As the ‘80s were drawing to a close, the developers at Capcom began work on a top secret project that aimed to set new standards for the platformer genre. That game was called “Dark Rift”, and it blended the intense shooting action of Section Z™ with the latest innovations in platform jumping from Mega Man. In order to properly fulfill the producer’s vision for Dark Rift (later renamed Dark Void), the hardware engineering team at Capcom was enlisted to design and produce an all-new chipset that would be included in every cartridge, enabling huge numbers of sprites and never-before-seen special effects to be displayed on the aging NES® platform and the PlayChoice-10 NES arcade cabinet.
Alas, time waits for no man and game developers are no exception. The dawn of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System® made the additional hardware requirements for Dark Void redundant. Capcom suspended development on Dark Void as it began to evaluate the SNES. Before long, the game was shelved and drifted into the annals of gaming history. Even the internal tape-based archives were lost due to an unfortunate magnet incident which even today is best left un-discussed. Dark Void became a legendary “lost project” at Capcom…until now.
Monster Hunter 3 overseas release delayed
Posted on 15 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 7 Comments
Capcom released their forecast revisions for year ending March 31, 2010 today and the company had some unfortunate news to share with fans. Monster Hunter 3 (overseas release), in addition to Lost Planet 2 and Super Street Fighter 4 have been delayed to the next fiscal year. This means that these titles are now expected to ship anytime from April 1st 2010 to March 31st 2011. In their revisions, Capcom highlighted reasons for the delays:
?Avoid competing with the major titles that other companies plan to introduce
in the 4th quarter
?Preserve the value of Capcom’s titles and maximize sales volume
?Expand the lineup of titles in the next fiscal year and afterward
Game Arts announces the release of The Magic Obelisk for WiiWare
Posted on 15 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments
The First Original Title in a Decade From a Legendary Japanese Developer
NEW YORK, NY – December 21, 2009 – GAME ARTS announced today that the heartwarming action-adventure game The Magic Obelisk will be available in North America on WiiWare™ on December 28, 2009. This is the first original title in a decade from the acclaimed Japanese developer. The Magic Obelisk is an unforgettably original gameplay experience featuring fascinating characters, an extraordinary tale, and the forge of a deep friendship.
Featuring over 30 stages, The Magic Obelisk revolves around a tree spirit named Lukus. Like other tree spirits of this world, Lukus is gifted with the ability to transform into trees and is eager to use his powers to help people around the world. He is looking for the perfect place to take root and become a tree, but unfortunately the only way he can move is by shadows, a journey he cannot complete himself. Players are tasked with helping Lukus reach his goal by taking charge of Popo, a light spirit who can shine his light near the mysterious Magic Obelisks to create shadows. When Popo shines his light near one of these obelisks, he can create shadows and connect two or more shadows to help Lukus move through the level.
Atlus has a new game in development
Posted on 15 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
This image popped up in the latest edition of Famitsu this week. It apparently shows that Atlus has a new project in development. It seems to be a general teaser of sorts, as it only really seems to indicate that it’s not a Shin Megami Tensei, Persona, or Etrian Odyssey title.