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Super Return of the Jedi – 800 points


Heron: Steam Machine – 500 points
Little Tournament Over Yonder – 800 points


Viking Invasion – 800 points
Wakugumi – Monochrome Puzzle – 500 points

Mistwalker, the developer of titles such as Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon, has been fairly quiet over the last few months. However, company president Hironobu Sakaguchi posted a new blog update yesterday and very briefly spoke about his new project:

“I am working hard on a new project.
Now we are being rushed into the “finishing” stage.
No matter what, I will make it really good….”

We haven’t heard a peep about what Mistwalker has actually been working on. However, seeing as how the game is at reaching a significant point in development, it’s possible that we’ll hear something about it soon.

Source 1, Source 2

Fully Motion Plus compatible Luxury Wii Sports packs from BLAZE

Doncaster, UK – 14th October 2009

BLAZE have today revealed their all new luxury sports packs for Nintendo Wii sporting titles which incorporate Wii motion plus functionality.

As motion sensing technology evolves, so must the accessories that we use to enhance our games.

Nintendo Wii

North America:
1. Wii Fit Plus (Nintendo)
2. Mario Kart Wii (Nintendo)
3. Wii Fit Plus with Balance Board (Nintendo)
4. Wii Sports Resort (Nintendo)
5. Wii Play (Nintendo)

1. Okami — Special Edition (Capcom)
2. Wii Fit Plus (Nintendo)
3. Wii Fit Plus with Balance Board (Nintendo)
4. Wii Sports Resort (Nintendo)
5. Mario Kart Wii (Nintendo)

1. Wii Sports Resort (Nintendo)
2. Wii Fit (Nintendo)
3. Mario Kart Wii (Nintendo)
4. FIFA 10 (EA Sports)
5. Toy Story Mania (Disney)


North America:
1. Mario & Luigi: Bowser’s Inside Story (Nintendo)
2. Scribblenauts (Warner Bros.)
3. Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box (Nintendo)
4. Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days (Square Enix)
5. New Super Mario Bros. (Nintendo)

1. Love Plus (Konami)
2. Pocket Monsters: Soul Silver (Nintendo)
3. Tomodachi Collection (Nintendo)
4. Pocket Monsters: Heart Gold (Nintendo)
5. Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey (Atlus)

1. Professor Layton and Pandora’s Box (Nintendo)
2. Professor Layton and the Curious Village (Nintendo)
3. My Horse & Me 2 (Atari)
4. Scribblenauts (Warner Bros.)
5. MySims: Agents (EA Games)

It’s definitely great to see Okami at the top of the Wii charts in Japan!


More Epic Mickey details

Posted on 15 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 3 Comments

– Yensid (sorcerer) creates world for forgotten creations
– Oswald is the first resident of the world
– Mickey goes through a magic mirror in his home into Yensid’s world
– He spills paint thinner on the minted world
– Mickey hears Yensid returning, goes back to his home
– However, because of what Mickey did, the Phantom Blot takes over the hidden world, turns it into a wasteland
– Oswald, other forgotten characters unsuccessfully fight the Blot
– Years later, the the mirror Mickey Mouse went in to comes alive, takes him in
– Mickey must escape the blot, look for Oswald, leave the world
– The game is a Wii-exclusive
– Mickey takes a paintbrush into the Wasteland, which can be used to paint or be used as a thinner
– Can either build or destroy the world
– Two styles of play: Destroy or create
– Based on how you play, Mickey’s appearance will be different
– Health can be obtained by trading items
– In one part of the game, you need to collect Donald Duck animatronic items so that he can be restored
– Gameplay is a mix of platforming/exploring/role-playing
– Change islands by going into movie projector screens (where you’ll see 2D action for a bit)
– Restore sketches with the paintbrush, which will add to your abilities
– Sketching abilities include being able to slow time down, distracting opponents
– E-tickets used to get on rides, obtain powers
– Jim Dooley working on the game’s music

Following rave reviews in Europe the season switching WiiWare hit debuts 19th October.

16th October 2009, Cambridge, UK. Frontier Developments Ltd. (‘Frontier’) today announced that LostWinds®: Winter of the Melodias will be released on Monday 19th October 2009 by Nintendo of America on the innovative WiiWareä service.

David Braben, Frontier’s Chairman and Founder, said: “The original LostWinds was embraced by the US, and the sequel has major new gameplay features and improvements across the board. After the incredible reception in Europe for Winter of the Melodias, we’re excited to see what the American reaction will be.”

“We’re really happy that our fans seem to be so positive about the updates to the Nintendo Channel and the new Nintendo Week show. As the show develops, viewers can expect Nintendo Week to be a source of exclusive game announcements and special guest appearances by game developers and celebrities. Of course, we’re all about providing our fans with surprises, so here’s a tease for you: We’re working on a little surprise for those who connect their Wii to the Internet, so keep your eye on the Nintendo Channel for that announcement to come in the near future.” – Denise Kaigler

This sounds like it could be pretty interesting. I actually spend a lot of time on the Nintendo Channel and there are some decent videos to check out. But I suppose I’ll have to keep an eye on the channel even more since Nintendo will have exclusive game announcements in the future. Perhaps the first game announcement will be the Today and Tomorrow Channel.

Source 1, Source 2

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