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Thanks to _Contra_ for the news tip!

Adventure Island: The Beginning (WiiWare) – Recommended
Bubble Bobble Plus! (WiiWare) – Recommended
Final Fantasy IV: The After Years (WiiWare) – Recommended
Crystal Defenders R2 (WiiWare) – Hmmm…
Family Pirate Party (WiiWare) – Hmmm…
Silver Star Chess (WiiWare) – Recommended
Texas Hold’em Tournament (WiiWare) – Recommended
Boulder Dash (VC) – Hmmm…
Clay Fighter (VC) – Grumble Grumble
Galaxy Force II (VC) – Grumble Grumble
The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask (VC) – Recommended
American Popstar: Road to Celebrity (DSiWare) – Recommended
Art Style: PiCTOBiTS (DSiWare) – Recommended
Mighty Flip Champs! (DSiWare) – Recommended
Real Soccer 2009 (DSiWare) – Hmmm…

Nintendo Wii

North America:
1. Wii Fit (Nintendo)
2. EA Sports Active (Electronic Arts)
3. Mario Kart Wii (Nintendo)
4. Guitar Hero World Tour Band Kit (Activision)
5. Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10 Wii MotionPlus Bundle (Electronic Arts)

1. Wii Sports Resort including Wii MotionPlus (Nintendo)
2. EA Sports Grand Slam Tennis (Electronic Arts)
3. Wii Fit (Nintendo)
4. Parallel of Haruhi Suzumiya – SOS Team Heroes Collection (Sega)
5. Mario Kart Wii (Nintendo)

1. EA Sports Active (Electronic Arts)
2. Wii Fit (Nintendo)
3. Mario Kart Wii (Nintendo)
4. My Fitness Coach (Ubisoft)
5. EA Sports Grand Slam Tennis with Wii MotionPlus Accessory (Electronic Arts)

Nintendo DS

North America:
1. Mario Kart DS (Nintendo)
2. New Super Mario Bros. (Nintendo)
3. Pokemon Platinum (Nintendo)
4. The Legendary Starfy (Nintendo)
5. Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day! (Nintendo)

1. WarioWare D.I.Y. (Nintendo)
2. Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days (Square Enix)
3. Pokemon Platinum (Nintendo)
4. Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth (Capcom)
5. Sloane and McHale’s Mysterious Story (Level-5)

1. Professor Layton and the Curious Village (Nintendo)
2. Pokemon Platinum (Nintendo)
3. Club Penguin: Elite Penguin Force (Disney)
4. Mario Kart DS (Nintendo)
5. Mystery Case Files: Millionheir (Nintendo)


GamePro review scores

Posted on 15 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News, Wii | 7 Comments

The August 2009 GamePro magazine review scores are as follows:

Red Faction: Guerrilla – 5
The Conduit – 3.5
Ghostbusters: The Video Game (360/PS3) – 4
inFamous – 4.5
Punch-Out!! – 4.5
Terminator Salvation – 2
Fuel – 4
Battlefield 1943 – 4.5
BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger – 4.5
Let’s Tap – 4
Klonoa: Door to Phantomile – 4
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor – 3.5
Harvest Moon: Frantic Farming – 3.5

Holy Invasion of Privacy, Badman! What Did I Do to Deserve This – 3.5

We don’t really have any good luck when it comes to site downtime, do we? Our host underwent emergency maintenance at about 5 EST today, but we didn’t get back up until 7 EST or so. The actual maintenance was complete after roughly thirty minutes, but then we had to restart some sort of lovely box, which we obviously weren’t able to do for quite some time! I’d rather not get into the tech mumbo jumbo and drag this post on long, but rest assured that we are completely fine now. I feel like I’ve said that so many times throughout NE’s life, but I’m honestly hoping for a better technical future as the months go on.

Oh, and before I forget, happy Fourth of July to those who celebrate!

Little King’s Story (Wii) – 9.0
Virtua Tennis 2009 (Wii) – 7.0
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Wii) – 5.5
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor (DS) – 8.0
Mega Man Star Force 3 (DS) – 6.0
Guitar Hero On Tour: Modern Hits (DS) – 7.0
The Bigs 2 (Wii) – 6.0
Dawn of Discovery (DS) – 8.5
Overlord: Minions (DS) – 7.0
Overlord Dark Legend (Wii) – 7.0

Thanks to Jake for the news tip!

Thanks to _Contra_ for the news tip!

After Super Mario Galaxy 2 was revealed at E3, fans were left wondering about a particular moment in the trailer. In the video, Mario hits a switch and then the screen turns black and white. So what was that all about? Nintendo Power asked Shigeru Miyamoto about this in the magazine’s most recent issue.

“We haven’t revealed that yet but maybe I can talk about it…It’s an effect where time slows down. There’s a slowdown in time within the game – probably pretty much what you had expected.”

So it seems as though the developers will be mixing up gameplay mechanics in a few ways. We now know about slowing time down, the level where duplicate Mario figures copy you, and of course, Yoshi.

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