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01./05. [NDS] Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky (Pokemon Co.) – 44,000 / 283,000 (+2%)
02./02. [NDS] Dragon Ball Kai: Saiyajin Raishuu (Namco Bandai) – 41,000 / 115,000 (-45%)
03./03. [NDS] Made in Ore (Wario Ware) (Nintendo) – 41,000 / 97,000 (-27%)
04./09. [NDS] Mario & Luigi RPG 3!!! (Nintendo) – 26,000 / 606,000 (+18%)

05./08. [PSP] Monster Hunter Portable 2 G (BEST) (Capcom) – 23,000 / 663,000 (-12%)
06./06. [WII] Monster Hunter G (Capcom) – 23,000 / 195,000 (-43%)
07./12. [WII] Wii Fit (Nintendo) – 20,000 / 3,403,000

08./04. [PS2] Jikkyou Power Pro Major League 2009 (Konami) – 16,000 / 58,000 (-63%)
09./01. [PSP] Persona (Atlus Co.) – 14,000 / 93,000 (-82%)
10./16. [WII] Taiko Drum Master Wii (Namco Bandai) – 14,000 / 498,000


Monster Hunter 3 trailer

Posted on 15 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 2 Comments

Factor 5’s troubles have been well documented over the past few months, with rumblings of the company being shut down, employees being laid off, and more. The company apparently has been dealing with quite a few issues and have announced that their San Rafael studio has been shut down (via their website). Achim Moller, CEO Factor 5 GmbH, notes that “the obstacles created by the sudden bankrupcy of Brash Entertainment for the continuation of operations have turned out too great to overcome in the current economic climate.”

“We are sorry to announce the closure of the San Rafael-based Factor 5, Inc. studio, but the obstacles created by the sudden bankrupcy of Brash Entertainment for the continuation of operations have turned out too great to overcome in the current economic climate.

Factor 5 GmbH, which has been creating games since 1988 with its headquarter in Cologne, Germany, is entirely unrelated to Factor 5, Inc. and the circumstances surrounding Factor 5 Inc.’s recent challenges. Altough we are saddened by Factor 5 Inc.’s situation, our corporation will remain unaffected by these developments and has partnered with both old and nwe friends in the industry who will reveal our upcoming projects over the next months.

We would like to thank everybody on the publishing and development side who have supported us throughout the last 20 years and continue to do so. The current transition of the games industry is challenging, but as with transitions prior there is more opportunity than ever for independent development out there.”

This is very unfortunate news and it will be interesting to see how the company’s projects are affected. Factor 5 has been rumored to be working on the revivals of both Kid Icarus and Pilotwings.


1 (1) – Nintendo DSi Browser
2 (3) – Paper Airplane Chase
3 (2) – Dr. Mario Express
4 (4) – WarioWare: Snapped!
5 (5) – Bird & Beans
6 (7) – Clubhouse Games Express: Card Classics
7 (13) – Animal Crossing Clock
8 (14) – Animal Crossing Calculator
9 (6) – Master of Illusion Express: Deep Psyche
10 (8) – Mixed Messages
11 (9) – Art Style: AQUIA
12 (10) – Brain Age Express: Math
13 (11) – Master of Illusion Express: Funny Face
14 (12) – Master of Illusion Express: Shuffle Games
15 (N) – Real Soccer 2009


1 (1) – Super Mario Bros. 3
2 (2) – Super Mario Bros.
3 (3) – Super Mario World
4 (5) – Punch-Out!!
5 (4) – Super Mario Bros. 2
6 (6) – The Legend of Zelda
7 (7) – Super Mario 64
8 (8) – The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
9 (9) – Pac-Man
10 (10) – Super Punch-Out!!
11 (12) – Donkey Kong Country
12 (11) – Mario Kart 64
13 (13) – Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
14 (14) – Donkey Kong
15 (15) – The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
16 (16) – Paper Mario
17 (17) – Sonic the Hedgehog 2
18 (18) – Galaga
19 (19) – Excitebike
20 (20) – Tecmo Bowl


1 (1) – World of Goo
2 (2) – My Aquarium
3 (3) – Tetris Party
4 (4) – My Pokemon Ranch
5 (7) – Dr Mario Online Rx
6 (6) – Onslaught
7 (9) – Defend Your Castle
8 (8) – CueSports – Pool Revolution
9 (10) – Fun! Fun! Minigolf
10 (5) – Crystal Defenders R1
11 (11) – Brain Challenge
12 (12) – Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King
13 (17) – Bit.Trip Beat
14 (14) – Bomberman Blast
15 (13) – Sandy Beach
16 (16) – Wild West Guns
17 (18) – Midnight Bowling
18 (19) – Target Toss Pro: Bags
19 (N/A) – Mega Man 9
20 (15) – Pop’Em Drop’Em SAMEGAME

Roogoo Attack trailer

Posted on 15 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News | 0 comments

Thanks to _Contra_ for the news tip!

A few hours ago, news circulated that Nintendo was showing off a new title to select members of the press and apparently, it’s a title that gamers will be interested in. IGN’s Craig Harris has posted another Twitter update, providing followers with a hint on the yet to be revealed project.

“Yo, @craigign here. Try this trick on your Wii: Go to Mii Channel, and press A, B, 1, and hold 2 for five seconds. What’s this?? Hmm…”

It’s almost natural these days to bring up the idea of “risk” with Wii development based on the sales of some of the more standout titles. With some of the more recent NPD reports, Wii owners have to hold their breath since there’s always a rather big chance that the sales of that particular game will be disappointing. Senior Producer of Spyborgs, Daryl Allison, has commented on success of recent mature titles on Nintendo’s console and explains that Spyborgs is considered to be a risk.

“To answer your first question about the risk, you guys wouldn’t be asking me if it wasn’t an obvious risk. The numbers say it’s a little more challenging to, as a third-party, break out and have a hit on the Wii. That’s a given. I guess you could say I’m not surprised that recent mature-rated games on the Nintendo platforms, of which I can think of two, I’m not going to name them because I don’t want to be offensive to anyone… it’s disappointing that they didn’t succeed, but I don’t think anyone expected them to. At least for the Wii, based on the market data, you can look on the games that sell for the Wii, there’s nothing anywhere close to mature-rated content that sells well. You could sit back and hope a hardcore game would release for the Wii and succeed and blaze that trail…”


“I am confident that this game is meeting the fans’ expectations. For the original Punch-Out!! fans, they can have this nostalgic feeling when they play this game for the first time. And new Wii players with the new unique Wii motion will enjoy this game with a more intuitive control…It will meet the expectations of the old fans as well as have an appeal for new users.” – Kensuke Tanabe, Nintendo producer

I’m absolutely loving what we’ve seen of Punch-Out!! and the game does indeed look to be meeting fans’ expectations. So guys, with only a few weeks before release, how do you feel about the game?

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