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Thanks to Jake for the news tip.

As has been mentioned, the DSi became the fourth fastest-selling system based on weekend sales. The handheld sold 92,000 units in just two days. Nintendo’s Senior Product Manager James Honeywell has now reacted to the initial sales of the DSi.

“We are pleased with the initial performance of DSi over its first two days. However, a launch is just the beginning and we will continue to work hard throughout the year to try and maintain this positive start for the platform. We were also pleased to see DS Lite maintained strong sales during DSi launch and that people see that both consoles have something to offer them.”

Deep Silver, the games label of Koch Media, a leading producer and distributor of digital entertainment products, has launched a teaser website for the infotainment game “Russell Grants Astrology” for Nintendo DS™. The publisher also announced that the title is already in production. “Russell Grants Astrology” is due to be released on May 1st, 2009.

The website not only holds a description of the product, but interested gamers will also find an overview of all the most important features of “Russell Grants Astrology”. Moreover, the “Screenshots” section contains illustrative impressions of the game and of individual functions. Of course, eager amateur astrologists can also pre-order the game on the website.

Gamers keeping track of The Conduit know that the title will support 16 players online and will support modes such as Deathmatch. However, High Voltage Software has yet to reveal how many multiplayer modes will actually be present in the game. However, a rumor has surfaced which gives insight regarding how many modes should be expected.

The following translated information was posted in a recent MeriStation article/preview about the The Conduit:

The multiplayer games via the Wii’s online is key for The Conduit. Players will find a wide range of options for play and access to an automatic searching system for games. In total, there will be 16 players online simultaneously and seven modes of different games, among them “Deathmatch” and “Capture the Flag.”

“The system of matchmaking continues its development and we are very happy with it’s evolution. Now we are introducing more content in multiplayer to extend playability and its duration.” – development team

Regardless of the validity of these details, it is expected that an official press release from SEGA will explain all of the game’s online capabilities in the near future.

Nintendo’s hotly anticipated rhythm-based music game will be put to the test as consumers and eager beat-keepers gather at an exclusive invitation-only event at New York’s Scratch DJ Academy for a night of game sampling and turntable spinning. Following the April 5 launch of the Rhythm Heaven™ video game, playable on either the Nintendo DS™ and Nintendo DSi™ systems, this unique event will give players and spectators an up-close look at the new game with interactive demonstrations, a live Rhythm Heaven/DJ battle and prize giveaways. The Scratch DJ Academy is the perfect place for consumers to experience the game for the first time, allowing players to apply rhythm skills learned in the game to real-life DJ techniques.

World-renowned DJ instructors DJ Daddy Dog and DJay Jung will also be on hand at the event to show attendees how the rhythm drills and beat-keeping exercises found in the DJ School mini-game in Rhythm Heaven relates to real-life DJ skills.

Vienna, Austria – Tuesday April 7th, 2009

Bplus, independent software developer, today officially announces Vektor Tank, a brand-new title under development by Bplus for Wii™.

Vektor Tank is a totally original genre-mix featuring action-packed shooting gameplay, exciting tactical tank combats in a destructible environment and of course lots of explosions.

After the success of Niki – Rock ‘n’ Ball, Bplus now makes another game in stylish retro fashion: featuring classic mid-nineties vector graphics, Vektor Tank is a real blast to the past.


DSiWare Launch Lineup
Rhythm Heaven Info Video
Developer’s Voice – Bonsai Barber
Guitar Hero Metallica – Behind the Scenes 2
Super Smash Bros. Brawl – Tutorial 6
GTA: Chinatown Wars Rampage Clip
Dokapon Journey Info Video
Final Fantasy: Echoes of Time Tribes Video 4
Equilibrio Info Video
Digest Video

Demos (Expire 4/12)

Personal Trainer: Cooking Mac & Cheese Demo
MySims Party
Gardening Mama
MLB 2K9 Fantasy All-Stas

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