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Reports today indicate that the Wii storage solution has been released. More details in a moment. When you update, a SD card channel will appear next to the option button. All channels and games will be left there and can be played so long as your Wii has memory left.

– Play games directly from SD card
– 20 screens, 10 channels
– 240 channels in all

Nintendo President Satoru Iwata revealed at the Game Developers Conference today that the Wii has topped 50 million units. It was also mentioned that the Wii is now the fastest selling hardware.

How Red Fly Studio Started Busting Ghosts

Jeff Mills
Director of Production
Red Fly Studio

Stars Align (again)

At GDC in March 2007, Red Fly Studio had only been in business for about three months. Studio founders Dan Borth and Kris Taylor knew that we had to start immediately preparing for the future beyond our first title (Mushroom Men). We set out for the Game Developer’s Conference in San Francisco where we met with the top brass of half a dozen of the biggest game publishers in the industry.

The one publisher who seemed surprisingly uninterested in our demo was Vivendi Universal Games. They sat impatiently through our presentation, and as soon as the standard demo spiel was done, they drew us away from the screen and quickly got to the point. They had a job, and they wanted Red Fly Studio specifically to do it.

Something fishy is going on, but don’t go crazy – yet. Those who try to connect to the Wii Shop Channel will be unable to do so. Currently, the channel says maintenance is being performed. The Wii Update setting isn’t functioning either – attempting to perform a Wii system update will result in an error. It is also worth noting that Japanese DSiWare cannot be reached right now either. So what is Nintendo planning? Typical maintenance, or something bigger?


Famitsu review scores

Posted on 15 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments

The latest Famitsu review scores are as follows:

?DS?Disney Fairies: Tinker Bell??/?/?/?
?DS?Pro Yakyuu Famista DS 2009??/?/?/?
?PS3?Winning Post World??/?/?/?
?PS2?Winning Post World??/?/?/?
?Wii?Winning Post World??/?/?/?
?Wii?Doala de Wii??/?/?/?

This is the last bit of news that comes from Capcom Product Manager Colin Ferris…

On doing anything again with Zack & Wiki/similar approach to gameplay:

“Well, you know, Zack and Wiki…Another one in a long line of very highly rated Capcom games that unfortunately did not sell very well. We can take a part of the blame on ourselves by having it star a shirtless boy pirate. That is actually a personal favorite of a lot of people in Capcom, so don’t be surprised if you see it again but we have nothing in the works at the moment.”

On bringing Tatsunoko vs. Capcom to U.S. shores…

“We are looking at how to bring Tat vs. Capcom here. As many of you might realize, we really want to bring it out here even though we know it’s going to be a little bit more of a core title…We love our fans and we love releasing titles even if they only sell a little bit. As long as we can make it profitable…And honestly, that’s the bigger deal with Tatsunoko vs. Capcom – the liscencing is sort of out of control on that one.”

Hey folks,

Just thought I’d give you all a heads up about our GDC coverage for tomorrow. I will not be attending Satoru Iwata’s keynote event, but I promise to keep the site up to date throughout the day with GDC news. Basically, expect a similar format to last year’s E3 and October conference. For those who are unaware, Mr. Iwata’s keynote is expected to start at 9 AM PST and last for about an hour. Again, as soon as any news trickles in, I will post information on the site immediately.

This GDC seems to be a bit more interesting than in years past – Hopefully Nintendo will not disappoint! Is anyone looking forward to anything in particular?

According to Nikkei, the Wii will reach the 50 million units sold milestone this month. There are four business days remaining in March, so it is likely that an announcement will be made soon. Nintendo’s own forecasts also hinted that the Wii would attain 50 million units sold before the end of the fiscal year.


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