New Japanese trademarks
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
??2008-104316 ??????? [Puzzle Katamari]
??2008-104706 ?????????? [Totsugeki ! Kassen Stadium // Assault ! Battle Stadium]
??2008-104873 ?? [Totsugeki // Assault]
??2009-000948 ??????? [Noby Noby Boy]
??2009-000949 ?????????????
??2009-000950 ???????????? [Mister Driller World]
??2009-000951 ?????????????????????????????
??2009-000952 ????????????????????????????????
??2009-000953 ?????????????????????????????
??2009-001835 ??????? [Panda to Nameko]
??2009-001836 ??????? [Datsuryoku Butsuri Enzan Kei]
??2009-001837 ?????????
??2009-001838 ????? [Big Clena]
??2008-103477 ????????????????? [Desktop Arcade Collection]
??2008-103636 §?????????????????????????????
??2009-000554 ????????? [Hayate no Dragnity]
Nintendo :
??2009-000640 ???????? [Solitaire DSi]
??2009-000643 ???????? [Kuru Kuru Work]
??2009-000644 ??????? [Kuru Kuru Range]
??2009-000645 ?????????????? [Kuru Pachi Six]
??2009-000677 ??????????? [Nintendo DSi clock]
??2009-000678 ??????????? [Nintendo DSi calculator]
??2009-000679 ???????? [Famicom Mario]
??2009-000717 ???????????????????? [Wii Fit\Body Check\Channel]
??2009-001351 ?????????? [Chotto Panel de Pon]
??2009-001352 ?????????? [Chotto Suujin Taisen]
??2009-001354 ???????????????????????? [Chotto\Asobi Taizen\Jikkuri Tramp ? Taizen]
??2009-003075 ?? [Phuten]
??2009-003076 ??????
Square-Enix :
??2009-000496 ?????????? [Item Gallery]
??2009-000507 ???????? [Kuniyaburete Sanga Ari // The country is in ruins, and there’s still mountains and rivers -> Japanese proverb]
??2009-001091 ???????[Hoshizora no Nakama-tachi // Companions of the Starry Sky]
Sega :
??2009-001268 ??????? [Pacchin Pop]
Nippon Ichi :
??2008-101423 ??????????????????
Another Sonic and the Black Knight trailer
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 1 Comment
[flashvideo file= /]
‘Ready 2 Rumble: Revolution’ boxers get ready to weigh in
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 1 Comment
Meet the Hilarious Parodied Personalities from ‘Ready 2 Rumble: Revolution’ at the Official Website
Atari comes out swinging with the launch of the official website for Ready 2 Rumble: Revolution at Visitors to the site will be introduced to the larger-than-life personalities from the game through videos featuring voiceover by Alan Ford, the British actor who portrayed the tough-talking ‘Brick Top’ in the acclaimed 2000 movie Snatch. In the Ready 2 Rumble: Revolution videos, Ford brings his inimitable cockney delivery to bear as hard-talking boxing promoter Diamond Jim who really takes the gloves off when introducing the likes of Mosh Deck’em and old friend Fight Clubber.
Ready 2 Rumble: Revolution features a roster of 18 wildly caricatured cartoony would-be boxers from the worlds of sports, music and movies. The introductory videos narrated by Alan Ford give a lively blow by blow account of the fighting histories and gruelling training regimes of these super-sized egos.
Ready 2 Rumble: Revolution is scheduled for European release exclusively for Wii on 17 March 2009. For more information on Ready 2 Rumble Revolution, visit
Relax, Play and Improve Your Mind with Challenge Me: Maths Workout on Nintendo DS
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, News | 0 comments
Hidden Logic! Unlock the numbers
NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, UK Weds 25th February 2009: Oxygen Games™ introduces the next in a new range of games designed to relax and stimulate your mind; Challenge Me: Maths Workout!Relax, Play and improve your mind. Challenge Me: Maths Workout, with its extended gameplay and variety of features, gives you the chance to test yourself while having fun. Guaranteed to stimulate and surprise with hours of gameplay to keep you entertained, Challenge Me: Maths Workout is a relaxing and entertaining way to keep your mind challenged and stimulated.
Hidden Logic! The object of Hidden Logic! is to guess the values of your opponents cards whilst stopping them from guessing yours. Initially the cards of your opponent are face down on the Nintendo DS™ screen – a correct guess (from 0-11) will reveal the card. Play to reveal all your opponents cards before they reveal yours!
Nintendo Asks U.S. Trade Representative to Help Combat Global Video Game Piracy
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
Nintendo Asks U.S. Trade Representative to Help Combat Global Video Game Piracy
Nintendo Calls Out Brazil, China, Korea, Mexico, Paraguay and SpainREDMOND, Wash.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Nintendo has outlined a list of countries around the globe that remain leaders in denying adequate and effective protection of video game products. In its annual comments to the U.S. Trade Representative under the “Special 301” process, Nintendo has singled out countries where piracy is rampant and has asked the United States to take further steps to combat it.
Nintendo reports that piracy of its most popular products, the Nintendo DS™ and Wii™ systems, has increased during the year. Nintendo attributes this increase to the availability of circumvention devices, such as “game copiers” and “mod chips.” These devices skirt the product security embedded in Nintendo’s famous products and enable the play of illegal Nintendo software.
Nintendo and MATHCOUNTS Give Math a Makeover
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, News | 0 comments
Nintendo and MATHCOUNTS Give Math a Makeover
Middle School Clubs Nationwide Can Win Nintendo DS and Personal Trainer: MathREDMOND, Wash.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Nintendo is trying to give mathematics a makeover by partnering with MATHCOUNTS, a nonprofit organization that promotes math education. Between now and March 25, MATHCOUNTS is challenging its middle school math clubs across the country to boost their membership in a quest to win Nintendo DS™ systems and copies of the new Personal Trainer™: Math software.
MATHCOUNTS is a national enrichment, coaching and competition program that promotes mathematics at more than 48,000 middle schools in every U.S. state and territory. Personal Trainer: Math plays on the portable Nintendo DS system and includes more than 40 fun, fast-paced math exercises, from basic addition and subtraction to more extensive multiplication tables and calculation ladders. Up to 16 players with Nintendo DS systems can wirelessly race to finish their problems, even if only one player has a game card.
Mr. Driller WiiWare gameplay video
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments
Japan getting three new DSi colors
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, News | 0 comments
The colors are pink, lime green, and metallic blue. All three of the colors will be available on March 20.