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I wanted to share this with everyone, since I think it’s a very original and selfless act. The folks over at WiiNintendo are trying to compile tons of videos of fighting Ike in SSBB and winning. Also, they currently have a donations box running and all money that is donated will be given to the American Red Cross to help victims of Hurricane Ike.

“I wanted to let you know about a project entitled ‘Ike’ll Get No Sympathy From Us’ that WiiNintendo is starting. One of our writers, Charmy, came up with an idea to have the gaming community help Hurricane Ike victims. What we’re asking is for people to record videos of themselves fighting the character Ike in Super Smash Bros. Brawl and winning. We’re going to post these videos up on WiiNintendo in an effort to show the many people that are ‘fighting Ike.’ We’re eventually going to make a big compilation video of the videos that were sent in.”

More about the project here

Square Enix President Yoichi Wada has revealed that Dragon Quest IX will be released early next year in Japan. Numerous Dragon Quest fans have been itching to get their hands on the title this year, but the game is still in development. We probably won’t hear about Dragon Quest IX news in other territories for quite awhile, but keep your eyes pealed over the next few months for more news.


Dragon Ball: Origins intro

Posted on 16 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News | 0 comments

This video is pretty nostolgic for me…The classic music is there, the characters, and it’s Dragon Ball. I remember growing up and watching the show all of the time – Lame, I know!

Leading European game company from the Netherlands, Games Factory Online will introduce 25 games aimed at providing alternative training solutions

GAMES CONVENTION ASIA (GCA)- Singapore, 18 September 2008 – Games Factory Online, Europe’s leading game company from the Netherlands announced today a line-up of more than 20 games aimed at providing alternative training solutions to businesses, schools and hospitals.

This is the first time that a European company is launching such a wide slate of titles which targets a B2B market and yet still has very strong content that will be hugely popular amongst a specific audience ranging from patients who are being treated for diabetics, to corporate and business managers, to students seeking to improve language skills, and even hospitality venues or schools looking for solutions to train staff or students.

“There is a growing need for “serious games” which as the term suggests, are computer games designed to help achieve practical outcomes, such as improving conditional behavior through training. The goal of Games Factory Online is to use our expertise as a game developer and publisher to create games that provide solutions to health care and other social challenges,” said Hennie van Velzen, Director and co-founder of Games Factory Online.

Nintendo will begin offering a bunch of DS Lite bundles in the UK this October. A white or black system, along with the bundled Brain Age, for 120 GBP. There is also the option of purchasing a red DS with Big Brain Academy, also for the 120 GPB. Last but not least, the pink DS Lite bundle comes with Nintendogs: Labrador and Friends (130 GBP) while the blue DS Lite comes with a copy of Cooking Guide: Can’t Decide What to Eat? for 130 GBP.


Lithium Polymer Batteries Provide up to 25 Hours of Battery Life per Charge

Albuquerque, NM (September, 2008)
– Video game accessories have just reached a new stage of technological innovation with the introduction of TeknoCreations’s InCharge remote charger for Nintendo™ Wii™. Designed to charge one or two Wii remotes, the InCharge is the first and only charging station that will power Wii remotes without having to remove Silicon skins or most other similar protective covers.

Using the power of Lithium Polymer battery packs, the InCharge for Wii provides up to 25 hours of battery life on a full charge and is 50% lighter than other charge solutions for Wii. Likewise the InCharge, which retails for $34.99, uses a contactless inductive charging solution rather than metal contacts to charge each Wii remote. With the InCharge, gamers can save money on batteries as well as eliminate complications that arise from dirty or greasy battery contacts that occur with other Wii chargers.

“The InCharge is a powerful and effective tool that every Wii fan can benefit from,” commented Mark Kasok, TeknoCreation’s VP of Sales and Marketing. “Our designers have completely eliminated the metallic contact points that always seem to fail over time due to excessive accumulation of dirt, grime, sweat and grease. And gamers no longer have to constantly remove and replace their protective remote skins. Simply drop the Wii remote into the cradle and it will quickly recharge for up to twenty five hours of gaming.” Continued Kasok: “The InCharge is the most convenient, cost-effective and technologically advanced charging station available to Wii fans.”

InCharge Product Highlights:
• Charges through Nintendo Silicon skins and most other protective skins
• Uses Lithium Polymer Batteries for increased charging power and reliability
• Charge up to two Wii remotes simultaneously
• Non-metal conductive charging solution (charge not effected by dirt or grime)
• Up to 25 hours of battery power per charge
• Rapid recharge solution
• 50% lighter than other charging solutions
• Easy to read LED charge indicator lights
• Easy to clean and saves on battery cost

GameStop offers preorder deal to celebrate console debut of “gaming’s first sitcom”

SAN RAFAEL, September 17, 2008 – Telltale and The Adventure Company are announcing that the highly-anticipated Sam & Max Season One for Wii™ will be in retail stores across North America starting October 7. Thanks to this console debut, for the first time Telltale’s award-winning comedy series can be enjoyed in the comfort of the living room, bringing you closer than ever to the experience of playing your favorite television show.

The Sam & Max series is structured like a TV series, with self-contained episodes that tie into a larger overarching storyline as the season progresses. The Wii version collects the first six-episode “season” of Sam & Max games on one retail disc. In Season One, straight-laced canine detective Sam and his psychotic “rabbity-thing” sidekick Max are on the hunt for the mastermind behind a baffling hypnosis conspiracy. Players get to interrogate suspects (with amusing results), uncover clues, solve puzzles, and ultimately piece together the underlying mystery that links the episodes.

The story-focused gameplay and simple “point and click” interface have a low learning curve, and a new tutorial ensures that even players new to the Sam & Max experience will be up to speed in minutes. Sam & Max Season One for Wii also has a few technical improvements over the PC original, including widescreen support.

1. [NDS] Pokemon Platinum (Nintendo) 963,000 / NEW
2. [NDS] Quiz Magic Academy DS (Konami) 119,000 / NEW

3. [360] Infinite Undiscovery (Square Enix) 90,000 / NEW
4. [WII] One Piece Unlimited Cruise: Episode 1 – Nami ni Yureru Hihou 61,000 / NEW
5. [NDS] Rhythm Tengoku Heaven (Nintendo) 56,000 / 723,000
6. [WII] Wii Fit (Nintendo) 25,000 / 2,635,000

7. [PS2] D.Gray-man: Sousha no Shikaku (Konami) 15,000 NEW
8. [WII] Mario Kart Wii (Nintendo) 14,000 / 1,762,000
9. [NDS] Daigasso! Band Brothers DX (Nintendo) 14,000 / 340,000

10. [PS2] J-League Winning Eleven 2008 Club Championship (Konami) 13,000 / 148,000


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