Squre Enix’s 08 official E3 lineup
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, News | 0 comments
E3 2008 Line-up
(Square Enix)
Platform: Microsoft Xbox 360® / PLAYSTATION®3 computer entertainment system
Genre: RPG
PAL Release Date: (Xbox 360) This Winter / (PLAYSTATION 3 system) TBA
SONG SUMMONER: The Unsung Heroes
Platforms: iPod nano with video, iPod classic and fifth generation iPod
Genre: Role-Playing
Now Available (EU, JP, NA)
WiiWare isn’t exactly know for downloadable content, however, Mega Man 9 looks to be changing that. We already know a good amount about the game (and we’ll probably know more after E3 blows by), though at this point, we know Mega Man 9 will have DLC. Famitsu revealed this information, but further details as to what exactly will be up for download and how often new content will be available were not provided.
Small update: The latest word (which is confirmed) on Mega Man 9 is that the title will cost 1000 Wii points. This is for Japan, but I would expect the price to be nearly if not exactly the same for America.
Famitsu news – 4 DS RPGs, Saihai no Yukue, Captain Rainbow
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, News, Wii | 0 comments
There was quite a buzz stirring over this week’s Famitsu because of 4 RPGs Famitsu would reveal, but it’s probably a bit disappointing for most.
– Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo Tales: The Witch, the Girl and the Five Heroes
– Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo’s Dungeon DS+
– Spectrobes: Beyond the Portals
– Tongariboushi and the 365 days of Magic (Konami, a game in the same style as Animal Crossing)
Other titles announced
– Saihai no Yukue (Koei’s new DS game, due out in Japan Fall 2008)
– Captain Rainbow (Wii)
Details on Captain Rainbow
– Main Character name is Nick
– “American hero” Captain Rainbow
– Wii, release date TBC
– Skip (Chibi-Robo) developed
Winning Eleven 2009 confirmed for Wii?
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments
The media received a press release about Winning Eleven 2009 not too long ago, but there was no mention of a Wii version. Fans of the series hoping for a Wii version could rest a little bit easier now, as Konami’s Japanese website has listed a Wii version of the game. An official confirmation from Konami would be the best way to know that Winning Eleven 2009 is coming to the Wii, but for now, this is an encouraging sign.
Famitsu review scores
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, News, Wii | 0 comments
Bloom Blox|9-8-8-8 (33/40)
Metal Slug 7|7-7-8-6 (28/40)
Hello Kitty Sports Stadium|5-5-4-4 (18/40)
Gachapin Challenge DS|7-6-6-6 (25/40)
Capcom to show off secret game, “Flock” at E3, E3 lineup revealed
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments
Capcom has revealed its complete E3 lineup. There is one standout listing, codenamed Flock, which is an apparent “super-secret project.” Right now, we have no idea what Flock could be, although some are already guessing that the game could be Capcom’s “surprising take on a next-gen favorite” for the Wii.
• Street Fighter IV: Final arcade code running on a heaping handful of arcade machines.
• Resident Evil 5: Game of show? Quite possibly!
• Dark Void: Also playable, also awesome. Snazzed up since CAPTIVATE08 and ready to totally jetpack your face.
• Bionic Commando: New areas and enemies, now playable on console!
• Mega Man 9: Put on your retro hats and prepare for a major challenge.
• MotoGP ’08: This year’s installment of the fastest-growing motorsport on two wheels. We’ll be running the 360 version.
• Neopets Puzzle Adventure: Surprise hit from CAPTIVATE08, we’ve got more to show on this puzzle adventure game created by the guys who brought you Puzzle Quest.
• Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix: A new batch of characters will be selectable for hi-def brawling.
• Plunder: Something new is happening with our digital pirate’s booty…
• Bionic Commando Rearmed: It’s almost out, and we’re showing it one last time.
• New games-on-the-go from Capcom Interactive, our mobile group
• Plus a new super-secret project, Flock!
Punch-Out!! played with GCN bongos
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in GameCube, News, Wii | 0 comments
The real reason behind Wii stock issues: Factory to store travel
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments
It’s still difficult to believe that in a handful of retail outlets, it’s close to impossible to find a Wii. The situation is definitely improving, but people still wait outside their store of choice on Sunday mornings, hoping for a chance to finally get their hands on the system. There have been all sorts of ideas as to why there aren’t enough Wii units on store shelves, some of which include conspiracy theories. However, the problem may be much simpler than we imagined. There has been a discovery (based on a bit of an investigation) that Wii consoles take approximately 14 weeks to build the Wii and have it traveled to a specific retailer. It isn’t an entirely snail-paced process, however, it’s not incredibly speedy either.
Wild West Guns detailed
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments
Wild West Guns initially appeared on the ESRB ratings website, although we finally have nailed down what exactly the game is. Essentially, the game seems to be a basic third-person shooter with the focus being – of course – the wild west. The new WiiWare game will support four player co-op and competitive play, and as an added bonus (or not), Zapper support. Wild West Guns will cost 1000 Wii points and is scheduled to release in Japan July 22.