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Super Famicom
– Ganbare Goemon 2: Kiteretsu Shougun Magginesu (Konami)

– Fire Pro Wrestling 2nd Bout (Spike)

– Ninja Combat (D4)


Square Enix software sales

Posted on 16 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News, Wii | 1 Comment

– Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII (PSP): 800,000
Dragon Quest IV (NDS): 1.5 million
Dragon Quest Swords (Wii): 490,000
Final Fantasy IV (NDS): 590,000
Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings (NDS): 540,000
Itadaki Street DS (NDS): 430,000
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates (NDS): 380,000

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII (NDS): 450,000
Dragon Quest Swords (Wii): 110,000
Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings (NDS): 220,000
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates (NDS): 160,000

Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings (NDS): 280,000
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates: 150,000
Final Fantasy III (NDS): 480,000


Weekly savings

Posted on 16 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, GBA, News, Wii | 1 Comment

Circuit City

Free $10 gift card with purchase of Deca Sports
Free $10 gift card with purchase of Death Jr: Root of Evil
GT Pro Series (Wii) – $9.99
Blazing Angels: Squadrions of WWII (Wii) – $9.99
Chicken Shoot (Wii) – $9.99
Cars (Wii) – $9.99
Kawasaki Jet Ski (Wii) – $9.99
Arctic Tale (Wii) – $9.99
Sonic Rush (DS) – $9.99
Cooking Mama (DS) – $9.99

Disney’s The Little Mermaid (DS) – $9.99
Star Wars: Lethal Alliance (DS) – $9.99
Namco Museum (DS) – $9.99
4 – Game Pack: Clue / Mouse Trap / Perfection / Aggravation (DS) – $9.99
Sea Monsters (DS) – $9.99
Pokemon Emerald Version (GBA) – $9.99
Sonic the Hegdgehog (GBA) – $9.99

3 Game Pack: Life/Yahtzee/Payday (GBA) – $9.99
3 Game Pack: Candy Land / Chutes and Ladders / Memory Game (GBA) – $9.99

Circuit City sales (5/25 – 5/26)

The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (DS) – $17.49
Deal or No Deal (DS) – $9.99
Showtime Championship Boxing (Wii) – $14.99
M&M’s Kart Racing (Wii) – $14.99


Game Party (Wii) – $19.99
SpiderMan 3 (Wii) – $19.99
AMF Bowling Pinbusters (Wii) – $19.99


The Mario Kart Wii tournaments have been a bit disappointing to say the least, although the next one may actually be interesting. The upcoming tournament, according to Nintendo’s Japanese website, is supposed to spotlight one of the bosses from Super Mario Galaxy. While far from the best, it’s interesting to note that this will be the first time that users will see original content. The website also reports that the tournament should begin in early June.


A good number of people have awful memories of the Super Mario Bros. from 1993. The movie was, perhaps, the biggest reason as to why some cringed at the thought of a live Zelda film. A Metroid movie, however, has been believed to be in production for many months now. Another rumor has been spreading which involves the producer of the film. Rumor has it that Micheal Bay, who most recently finished work on Transformers, will be producing the movie. Currently, Bay has film related work up until 2010, in which three movies will be released in 2009 and one for 2010. In one year four movies that involved Bay were released, so it is possible that he could have other projects in store.

Thanks to Jolt and Ninty for the tip!

The DS homebrew scene has taken off dramatically since the system was released a few years back. The Wii may be headed in the same direction, as yet another stride was taken by the homebrew community. The Wii homebrew channel has been released without a time limit. The code takes advantage of the notorious Twilight Princess hack to execute homebrew programs. The channel acts similarly to all other Wii channels and can run all sorts of applications through a SD card, USB Gecko, or TCP. It is logical that Nintendo could release an update to block the Wii homebrew channel from functioning; however, the enormous support behind the homebrew community will, most likely, come up with a workaround.



Nintendo has opened up a new website to its fans (with the French gamer in mind) with all sorts of downloadable goodies for your computer. There are a number of wallpaper graphics up for download, in addition to instant messaging images, videos, and game packaging. So far, only Mario Kart Wii and Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney have content up to view, but it is assumed that Nintendo will produce more material for the website in the future.


More 3D images

Posted on 16 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Features, Wii | 3 Comments

Super Mario Galaxy, Twilight Princess, and….Zack & Wiki?!

galaxy1_3de1.jpg galaxy_3d2.jpg


twilightprincess1_3d.jpg twilightprincess2_3d.jpg


zackwiki2_3d.jpg zackwiki1_3d.jpg


– 3D glasses necessary to view in 3D (Red/blue recommended)
– Give your eyes a minute to adjust to the 3D – I promise, it works!
– Some images work better in 3D than others
– Original images were not taken by myself
– In the future, I may try to investigate a way to make the images 3D without the need of 3D glasses.
– Tip: Try to divert your eyes back and forth briefly from the 3D image to something not 3D, such as your desktop wallpaper

“The core gaming market didn’t buy the Wii to play Wii Sports. But it was a means by which gamers could get the nongaming people in their lives to take an interest in their hobby. Wii Fit will play a similar role: It will continue to broaden interest in videogames. That’s important for the core gamer — the bigger the audience, the greater the chance for something that’s new and unique to succeed. As the people around you who haven’t been playing videogames take an interest in things like Wii Fit, it’s going to change the impression that people have of what videogaming means. Rather than be concerned that we’re abandoning them, core gamers should realize that we’re creating a better environment for their hobby.” – Shigeru Miyamoto

To be honest, I don’t think that most people have a negative impression of gaming as compared to the past. People have to come to realize that video games are a means of entertainment and thus appear more approachable.

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