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There’s a new Escape Trick game available through the Japanese 3DS eShop. As the name implies, Escape Trick: The Five Dangerous, Secret Rooms is all about… escaping. It also has some elements that are similar to Zero Escape: Virtue’s Last Reward.

For the lowdown on the latest Escape Trick, check out the summary below. There are also screenshots and art attached in the gallery for your viewing pleasure.

Genius Sonority has announced the official release date for The Denpa Men 2: Beyond the Waves. The 3DS eShop game is due out on May 30 for $11.99.

The announcement is posted below. You can find an English trailer above.

Code of Princess is now available for a slight discount on the North American 3DS eShop. Originally priced at $39.99, the game can now be bought for only $29.99. That’s a $10 drop – or 25%.

The packaged version of Code of Princess is also set at $30. Retailers such as Amazon and GameStop list that very price point.


Zelda series producer Eiji Aonuma opened up about the new Link to the Past 3DS follow-up while speaking with CNET recently.

Comparing the entry with some of the more recent Zeldas, Aonuma said “it certainly feels different from our [the developer’s] point of view.” Aonuma didn’t elaborate too much beyond this, but noted that the chance to create a brand new Zelda for the 3DS brought about a blank canvas. It was this opportunity that led to the decision of a return to the classic top-down style.

Wii U owners in Japan can take advantage of a special Wii U Virtual Console “Start-Up Campaign”.

Those who purchase Kirby’s Adventure – currently available for 30 cents – can then buy Kirby Super Star at a discount. The game’s sale price is 640 yen, or 20% off.

The “Start-Up Campaign” runs until May 7 at 9:59 AM.

A special Wii U Virtual Console “Start-Up Campaign” began today in Japan, giving gamers 20% off of Kirby Super Deluxe (Kirby Super Star).


Rawbots has a shot of landing on Wii U. The game’s developer has guaranteed that it will come to the eShop if a new Kickstarter goal is reached.

To say the least, a whole lot of money will need to be raised to make this project happen. A total of $300,000 has been requested in the span of about a month.

Interested backers can find details about Rawbots on the Kickstarter page here.


Mighty Switch Force! 2 is coming close to release. Developer WayForward shared an update on its blog today saying that the game “is a wrap”, probably indicating that actual development has completed. The studio is now getting involved with testing to ensure a quality launch.

WayForward’s blog states:

“Mighty Switch Force! 2 is a wrap! It’s pencils down for the dev team. Next stop, testing, testing, and more testing. Poor Patty… not even cybernetic citizens of Planet Land can escape the wrath of final exams.”


After numerous leaks, Activision finally announced Call of Duty: Ghosts. But the reveal left out the mention of a Wii U version, something that was a bit unexpected.

Activision has since commented directly on the possibility of a Wii U version of Ghosts – cryptically, might we add.

While the statement doesn’t say much, Activision noted that there isn’t news to share “as we aren’t dating next generation platforms yet.” The publisher also teased: “Stay tuned.”

“We don’t have any news for the Wii U at this time, as we aren’t dating next generation platforms yet. Stay tuned.”

That certainly gives off the impression that a Wii U announcement could be coming at a later date. Still, it’s rather annoying that Activision can’t just give us a straight answer immediately.


As expected, Nintendo Software Technology is behind the upcoming 3DS eShop game Mario and Donkey Kong: Minis on the Move.

NST was the developer of all previous entries in the series. The company also created Metroid Prime: Hunters, Crosswords Plus, and Aura-Aura Climbers – among many others.

You may remember that Sonic the Hedgehog co-creator Hirokazu Yasuhara joined NST last year. It’s unclear if he played a role in the making of Mario and Donkey Kong: Minis on the Move.


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