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3DS eShop

These screenshots may seem a bit strange, but don’t worry about them too much – they’re from an “atmospheric demo” made for PAX.

Shovel Knight has managed to reach its Kickstarter goal. With two weeks remaining, Yacht Club Games managed to collect over $75,000.

The studio said of the news:

We are so appreciative and thankful, we could cry. It’s been a crazy ride, and we still have a long campaign ahead, but WE’RE FUNDED! Were you worried? We weren’t worried. Ok, we were worried.

But! Let the celebration be short! We have lots of updates to put together, and few other goodies.
Check out our awesome Stretch Goals if you haven’t yet, and stay tuned for big excitement tomorrow. I think we’re gonna take the rest of the night off… well, maybe we’ll answer a message or two. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

As mentioned above, while Shovel Knight has been officially funded, there’s still money to be raise. Stretch goals include New Game +, playable boss knights, a 4-player battle mode, and more.


This week’s Japanese eShop update is as follows:

Wii U

Game & Wario – 4,935 yen


Downloadable titles
3D Super Hang-On – 600 yen
Fractured Soul – 800 yen
The Starship Damrey – 800 yen
Zoo Resort 3D – 2,980 yen
Shoshinshakara Nippon Ichi Made: Flash Anzan – 5,800 yen
Fish Eyes 3D – 2,980 yen

Virtual Console
Castlevania II: Simon’s Quest (Famicom) – 500 yen
Donkey Kong 3 (Famicom) – 500 yen

Video content

Tomodachi Collection: New Life overview trailer
Cardfight: Vanguard commercial
Dragon Quest X video
Animal Crossing: New Leaf commercial


Collecting Smiles has confirmed that a new update for Colors! 3D will be going live next week. On April 5, players will be able to download a free patch that adds a changes a bunch of different elements. Applying the update will upgrade your game to version 1.1.

You can find a partial change listing below. There’s also a more comprehensive document here.

• Follow your favorite artists in the gallery to make sure you don’t miss any of their paintings
• Customize your Nintendo 3DS button setup to streamline your painting flow
• Use the new search-bar to easily find paintings of your favorite topics
• Filter paintings in the gallery based on if they used a reference photo not – only want to see original works? No problem
• See what tools you and others used to create a painting – and find out who spent over 30 hours on a single work!
• Get news directly in Colors! 3D about everything from gallery improvements to painting contests
• Make your own gallery page more individual by customizing it with a message and a profile picture
• Tag your paintings with the new #tags system for other users to easily find them
• And tons (and tons) of other additions and bug-fixes


Cave Story hit the North American 3DS eShop back in October, but for some reason, never launched in Europe. That’s about to change.

Nicalis tweeted earlier today that Cave Story has been approved in Europe. There’s no set release date yet, but one would think that its release is imminent.

The company tweeted:

Source, Via

CIRCLE Entertainment has confirmed that Witch & Hero will be hitting the European 3DS eShop next week. A North American launch is coming soon.

Witch & Hero is an action game featuring an 8-bit style, 20 stages, two difficulty settings, along with Trial and Infinite modes. Players will be battling lots of monsters and leveling up along the way.


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