Famitsu software sales (5/30 – 6/5)
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, DS, News, Wii | 0 Comments
1. [3DS] Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D
2. [3DS] One Piece Unlimited Cruise SP
3. [DS] Battle & Get – Pokemon Typing DS
4. [360] Phantom Breaker
5. [DS] Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2 Professional
6. [PS3] Troy Warriors
7. [PSP] Akiba’s Trip
8. [Wii] Pandora’s Tower
9. [PS3] Nobunaga no Yabou: Tendou
10. [PSP] Patapon 3
Impressions from Day One at E3
Posted on 13 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in 3DS, DS, Features, Wii, Wii U | 0 Comments
*Note- this feature article was not written by me. I did not write this. This is not from me. It was written by somebody else. It was written by Jack from GamingEverything.
Day One at E3
After arriving at the Los Angeles Convention Center in downtown LA with Laura via bus, Austin, Laura, and I walked into a gigantic line, which we presumed to be the line to determine your place in line for the major company’s demo booths. Since waiting in line is a bit less fun than eating, we decided to check out the media hospitality room to grab some free grub. Unfortunately, we were greeted with another line, and after a thirty minute wait while chatting and taking photos with a cool dude from XboxPulse.com, we received some filling chicken sandwich meals.
Once we got done stuffing ourselves with free food, we hopped on over to the enormous West Hall to see all that Nintendo had to offer. Austin was the only one of us who got to see the Nintendo press conference in person (or at all, for that matter), and since I had been busy getting to the convention center earlier that morning, I had only heard secondhand reports of the goings-on in the Nokia Theater at that point. I was very excited to see the new system in person, to demo all of the announced 3DS games, and hopefully to put my Skyward Sword fears to rest. Once again however, there was a monstrous line waiting for us, so monstrous that we were unable to get hands-on with the freshly christened ‘WiiU’ that day (you’ll be able to see the six hour line in all its glory in That One Show: Episode 17).
Star Fox 64 3D Multiplayer – Perfect Blend of Old and New
Posted on 13 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in 3DS, Features | 0 Comments

Remakes and rehashes are becoming ridiculously popular these days, and I can only assume it’s for the simple reason that they’re cheaper to produce than creating a whole game from scratch, and they have a higher chance of success than their more original counterparts. That being said, remaking an old classic isn’t always a bad thing, but you really have to be careful with how you portray it.
Mario Kart 3D – Shaken, Not Stirred
Posted on 13 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in 3DS, Features | 0 Comments

I don’t know what that title means, but Mario Kart 64, when I was a kid, seemed like a bit of a magical venture. The courses, music, and multiplayer functionality were just too good to be true at the time, but as I grew older I began to appreciate more the subtleties with which the games were created; from drifting and drafting, to the distribution of items and item effects. When I sat down (errr.. I think I was technically standing up) with Mario Kart 3D today, 19 years after the original released for the SNES, I came to a very happy conclusion: It’s mostly more of the same, but that’s definitely a good thing.
Off-screen Super Mario 3D video
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 Comments
UTV Ignition Games Announces Planet Crashers 3D for Nintendo 3DS
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 Comments
Planet Crashing Opportunities Will Be Plentiful This Year As Planet Crashers 3D Joins Planet Crashers For Social/Mobile From Sister Company UTV True Games
Los Angeles – Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) Booth #5500 – June 7, 2011- UTV Ignition Games today announced at the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3), that Planet Crashers 3D is currently in development and will be available for Nintendo 3DS™ in early 2012. Based on the original Planet Crashers IP that is coming to mobile and browser-based platforms later this year through Ignition’s sister company, UTV True Games, this Nintendo 3DS-specific version combines classic quest-oriented gameplay with light-hearted RPG combat. Planet Crashers 3D also introduces competitive multiplayer modes and endless character customization that freshens the beloved genre.
UTV Ignition Games Announces Fractured Soul 3D for Nintendo 3DS
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 Comments
Update: UTV Ignition will no longer be publishing Fractured Soul 3D. See this story.
Available This Fall, Original IP Adds Another Dimension To Side-Scrolling Platformers As It is Played Across Both 3DS Screens At Once
Los Angeles – Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) Booth #5500 – June 7, 2011- UTV Ignition Games today announced at the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3), that Fractured Soul 3D is currently in development and will be available for Nintendo 3DS™ in early 2012. A fast-paced action platform game, Fractured Soul 3D is an all-new IP that retains the familiarity of classic platformers, but adds a unique twist – it is played across both screens of the Nintendo 3DS at once. This unique feature forces players to switch between the two screens regularly to dodge incoming bullets, outsmart enemies, and ultimately complete each level. Additionally, the title features spectacular new 3D effects and other exclusive features.
In Fractured Soul 3D, players take on the role of interplanetary rogue, Jake DeSaul – a man with a checkered and mysterious past who must confront his demons in his desperate plight to escape an eerie and malevolent space station. As they progress through each level, the boundaries between dream and reality continue to blur as Jake faces a lifetime of regrets, hopes, dreams, and what might have been in his efforts to reconcile himself with his past.
In order to help Jake, players must blast their way through 20 exciting and brain bending platform levels spread across five distinct worlds – each offering a unique challenge including inverted gravity, damage, wind, ice, and underwater. Additionally, there are four shoot ’em up levels that also make use of the screen switching. Each level is timed and ranked to encourage replayability.
Source: UTV Ignition PR
Miyamoto Q&A details from roundtable event
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Wii | 0 Comments
Miyamoto on casual games for 3DS
– nintendogs + cats was made before Mario
– This was unusual for Nintendo
– Miyamoto: as long as nintendogs is out there, casual gamers will have something to play
– Built-in 3DS features such as Face Raiders were made more for casual experiences and they’re included with the system so you have experiences to enjoy when you buy the system
– Nintendo focusing more on traditional experiences with 3DS
– This is the area that Miyamoto is putting his energy into for now
– Developers making casual games that will be revealed when development is more complete
Luigi’s Mansion 2 details, made by Next Level Games… and no Pikmin talk
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 Comments
– Likely releasing early 2012
– Far along in development
– Miyamoto jokes about the lack of Pikmin, says no one can ask questions about it
– Miyamoto made the game because he wanted to
– Developed by Next Level Games (Punch-Out!! Wii)
– Miyamoto’s team isn’t overseeing the game, although he’s become personally responsible
– Exclusive Luigi’s Mansion 2 video shown at the roundtable
– Trailer shows: Luigi dancing in front of an old car, talks to E Gadd, E Gadd gives him a DS scanner
– Map on the touch screen
– Many secrets in the game
– X button: action button
– Gyro-sensor support
– Ice mansion level shown
– Help Toad find ghosts that only show up in mirrors
– Game is a mix of action and puzzles
– For male/female gamers
– Flashlight has a new strobe function, flash it at ghosts
Super Mario 3D details – Zelda inspired stage
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 Comments
– Nintendo still working on the final name for the game
– Game is a return to a more traditional Mario world
– The Galaxy games allowed Yoshiaki Koizumi to think about what Mario is really about
– Koizumi wanted to make the most Mario-like 3D Mario game ever
– Dash: X or Y button can be used
– Game automatically controls camera angles
– Has the moves from Super Mario 64
– Flagpole at the end of levels now instead of stars
– Airship level showed off at the developer roundtable
– Boss battle at the end of the level
– Stomp on him to make him go into his shell
– He’ll spin around the area after that
– There’s a secret in the E3 levels that involves a hurdle
– Game has side-scrolling levels
– Another level: Zelda-themed stage
– The level is top-down, floor pattern comparable to A Link to the Past
– Use the fireball suit to light up four torches with fireballs
– Has Zelda chimes, spikes, and fixed perspective, and more