Unlocalized: The Nintendo games we didn’t see (Part 1)
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Features, General Nintendo | 0 comments
There has been a lot of fuss lately about Nintendo —specifically Nintendo of America— slacking off when it comes to localizing Japanese games like Xenoblade and The Last Story. This made a lot of game-centric websites, including IGN, compare Nintendo-published titles that were exclusive to either Europe and America in an attempt to pin the blame on Nintendo of America “dropping the ball.”
That’s all well and good, but what about the games we never got to play in English? What about all the games that neither international branch attempted to translate? That’s why I thought it was worth taking a look at all the weird and wonderful games that never left Japan at all. Obviously there was a ton of stuff that was never translated, but I’ll be limiting it to Nintendo-published games released over the last ten years and leaving out a few unremarkable games (unless you really want to read about virtual Japanese dictionaries). As well as a brief overview of each game, I’ll speculate as to why they were never officially translated and then weigh up how much of a loss it really was that the game was never localized. This will be measured in the only unit that can accurately portray an amount of distaste towards Nintendo of America: Reggies.
What is the “Nintendo Difference”?
Posted on 13 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Features, General Nintendo | 2 Comments
It’s a pretty simple question, but for those of us who have been with Nintendo games for years, it can have anywhere from one simple answer to a millions of vague and undefined ones. For me, I find myself more on the latter side of things, which is why I’m coming to you: I’m going to be putting together a massively pro-Nintendo piece of video soon in the feature, and I want it to include not only the opinions of one lone “journalist”, but the thoughts of many Nintendo gamers young and old.
So what is it for you? Is it their focus on things like frame rate and graphical consistency over technical prowess? Is it their attention to little details like easter eggs? Their innocent-yet-deep nature? Or maybe something as simple as “they make their games fun to play inherently– not fun to play because you want to see the next cutscene”?
Whatever it is, I want to know what you all think so I can take them and make a massive list that we can all use the next time someone asks us why the hell Nintendo games are better than anyone else’s. Not to say that there aren’t other great games, but there’s just something about games made by the big N that have a special ring to them, and I think a lot of you agree!
That One Show: More Wii U Hate Because I Hate Nintendo Grrr
Posted on 13 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Features, Videos, Wii U | 0 comments
New episode! Aww yea! Topic this week is the Wii U and why a more powerful console could actually be worse than a less powerful console.
Lack-Of-Inspiration Friday: What have YOU been playing?
Posted on 13 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Features, Random | 0 comments
I haven’t done a feature for NintendoEverything in weeks now, and I have no idea why. I’m not sure if it’s because I’ve been busy doing so much OTHER writing (it’s my job, after all!) that by 4PM I’m tired of sitting in front of a computer screen, if it’s because I have nothing to write about, or if it’s due to just a complete lack of inspiration in the realm of video gaming. Whatever the reason is, I figure I need to snap myself out of this rut right this second, and you guys are going to help me! How?
I just want to talk with you guys about video games. Namely, what we’ve all been playing. I’ll start, but basically if we could kick off a discussion in the comments section, maybe I’ll find my inner gamer somewhere between trading sentences. I don’t care whether it’s for a Nintendo system or another system, and I honestly don’t even care if you’d rather chime in with your opinions on another gaming related subject. Let’s just talk, shall we?
Five games we want to see on the Wii U
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Features, Wii U | 0 comments
When Nintendo’s newest console, the Wii U, was unveiled at this year’s E3, there was no denying that the console was full of new ideas. But actual games? Not so much. Sure, there were a few titles announced by third-party developers, but it’s tough to get excited over ports of games that are already coming to other consoles or anything titled “Killer Freaks From Outer Space.” All the more reason to write a whole article doing nothing but speculate on all the series and genres we’d most like to see represented on the Wii U. If Nintendo aren’t going to announce anything, why not just make stuff up?
Nintendo not localizing Japanese Wii titles for North America, cause for concern in the future
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Features, News, Wii, Wii U | 0 comments
Yes, Nintendo’s initial response about possibly bringing Xenoblade, The Last Story, and Pandora’s Tower to North America was lame. It was short and uninformative. Although they promised an update in the near future, it was not at all worth the wait.
This response, too, is useless and basically confirms what most Nintendo fans have feared: Nintendo of America is not bringing any of these desired titles stateside. Looks like Operation Rainfall is going to have a long, tough battle ahead of them…
That One Show – 3 Reasons Why The Wii U Will Fail (And Why It’s Nintendo’s Fault)
Posted on 13 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Features, Videos, Wii U | 0 comments
Nothing like a little controversy to kick off the work-week! I have been so busy lately, it’s ridiculous, so I’m sorry that I don’t seem as focused as I normally do during videos.
Beyond the press conference – A minor E3 news recap
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, DS, Features, Wii, Wii U | 0 comments
Sure, we all know most of the major news from Nintendo’s E3 2011 press conference: The Wii U was revealed, Luigi’s Mansion and Super Mario hit the 3DS, third-party developers finally got onboard with a Nintendo console… But there was plenty of other Nintendo-related news throughout the week, some of which you might have missed, and you really don’t want to sort through about twenty pages of E3 information here on Nintendo Everything. So here’s some other important things we learned about Nintendo’s games and consoles at E3 2011:
The Best Game I Played At E3 2011
Posted on 13 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in 3DS, Features, News | 4 Comments
This year’s E3 was an event filled with fantastic visual and technical spectacles. From the Wii U’s unveiling to the graphically stunning Uncharted 3 getting a gameplay demo, to a Zelda HD trailer and Resident Evil Revelations blowing all other 3DS titles out of the water (visually, anyway), it almost seemed taboo that the highlight of the show for me would be getting to sit down and play a game that featured neither giant explosions nor high definition graphics. I was on my way back to our hotel on the last day of the convention, prepared to stay up until 4AM yet again and write about everything I had seen before flying home the next day. As far as I was concerned, E3 was over.
As far as the E3 gods were concerned, however, I still had work to do. It is for this reason (I assume; the reasoning of the E3 gods can be tricky to decipher) that they lead me to run into none other than Renegade Kid’s co-founder and director, Jools Watsham who, after a brief conversation, pulled out his 3DS and let me try my hand at the newly transformed Maximillion and the Rise of the Mutant Mudds.
I was about 60% certain he wouldn’t be getting it back from me. Ever.
Wii U: Your thoughts
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Features, Wii U | 22 Comments
It’s finally done. After months of speculation, Nintendo has unveiled their brand new home console. A good amount of the rumors were surprisingly spot on. The controller does indeed have a 6.2 inch screen, which is a touch sensitive, and it includes a camera as well.
Since a few days have passed since Nintendo’s E3 2011 conference, perhaps it’d be a good time to reflect on the Wii U’s showing. I’ll share my thoughts below and hopefully you guys will as well in the comments area!