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Every week Nintendo puts out a press release talking about all the great new downloadable titles that are coming out, but never something showcasing the occasionally-decent games that come out in retail. Well, I’m gonna change that. This week, Nintendo gamers are treated with world cup soccer, free running intensity, ruthless romans, and fighting extinction.

The last article I wrote, “What do YOU think? Wii is the best console for third party ‘core’ titles?”, discussed the idea of sales comparisons from the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 to the Wii as being unfair, because developers were comparing top-quality titles to mediocre titles and expecting similar sales. In that article, I stated that a game needs 2 things to sell well: Good reviews, and good advertising. Of course, it helps if the game isn’t a niche genre, but that is the least important of the three. In the last 2 months, two big Wii titles have been released, both of which have gotten pretty good review scores and a good amount of advertising; Monster Hunter Tri, and Red Steel 2. The latter of these two titles supposedly sold just 50,000 copies in its first month. Now, some people say that Red Steel 2’s first month wasn’t really a full month (12 days), and other sources report that the game has in fact sold more than 100,000 units, but based on the official numbers given to us by Ubisoft, it’s a solemn start for an (apparently) very good game.

In the last part, I took a look at various Nintendo series of games and worked out based on Metacritic scores what the best five franchises were. This time we’re going to take a look at the absolute worst series.

My way of categorizing games seemed to confuse a few people so I’ll start this second and final part by clarifying a few things. I used Super Smash Bros.’ way of categorizing series as a basis, attributing each game to a specific character. While some games feature more than one character (like Mario vs. Donkey Kong) or some don’t play like other games in their series at all (Super Princess Peach), they all share similar attributes and take place in the same universe, so I’d classify all of them as “Mario” games. The Mario series in particular is so massive that I had to include some spin-offs like Mario Kart or Mario Party as separate franchises. I’m probably boring a lot of people, so anyone who wants to know more specifics, just read the rules I outlined in the last part.

My hypothesis: Wii is at least as good as Sony’s PS3 and Microsoft’s Xbox 360, if not better, at selling ‘core’ third party titles.

It seems to me that in the last year and a half, third party Wii developers have been complaining more and more about how the Wii has caused their games to fail, and subsequently lose money. Is this true? Well, developers have definitely lost money, but I don’t believe it’s the fault of the Wii, and the reason is simple: People are making comparisons that take average-reviewed niche games and compare them with critically acclaimed mainstream games. The fact of the matter is that comparing No More Heroes to Call of Duty 4 or Halo 3 is just ridiculous, because no matter what system a game like No More Heroes is released on it will not sell as well as a mainstream shooter game. Therefore, the goal of this article is to compare the sales of a game like No More Heroes to another game in its genre with similar review scores, rather than taking unfair comparisons and basing my judgments off of them.

What Nintendo series is the best? The question has puzzled scholars for decades and turned forums into vicious flame wars. But today I’ve worked out once and for all what the greatest Nintendo franchises of all time (up to this point) are. Unfortunately, it’s through counting average review scores via Metacritic, so there’s a number of things I need to point out before I go into detail.

System: Wii
Category: RPG
Players: 1
Developer: Namco Bandai Games/tri-Crescendo
Publisher: XSEED
Available: Now

I’m going to start this review off by telling you I have no idea how to start this review off. Why? Because Fragile is such a unique game, I’m hard pressed to review it as a “game” at all. Unfortunately, being that this is a website about games and not about whatever it is that Fragile is, I’ll have to just give it my all and hope things turn out okay.

Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon is classified as a role playing game, and it follows the tale of a young 15 year old boy named Seto who finds himself alone in the world after his “grandfather” (whether it actually was his grandfather or just an old man he was living with remains to be seen) passes away during the summer. As such, he is left to explore the ruined world and look for survivors on his own with no information as to what happened that left everyone dead except for him. Shortly thereafter, he runs into a girl (a mysterious girl, at that) and decides he better follow her if he wants to be not-lonely for the rest of his life. Thus begins the solemn tale of Fragile Dreams.

Ever since The Conduit was announced back in mid-2008, developer High Voltage was put right on center stage, with every Wii developer taking note on what they were doing, and how they were achieving it. For the first time in the console’s lifetime, it seems that Wii owners would be getting a fully-equipped “next-gen” (term used VERY loosely) shooter experience that wasn’t behind in terms of tech or online capabilities. Hype for The Conduit was so huge that it seemed nearly impossible for the game to truly deliver what was being idealized, and, as it turns out, it didn’t. The game released in summer of 2009, sold a measly 400,000 copies to this date, average critics scores usually congregating around 70%. No, surely High Voltage Software did not entirely deliver with The Conduit, but for having developed the engine alongside the game, it’s not as bad as one may think. Regardless, a mediocre game is a mediocre game, and The Conduit is no exception.

Nintendo: The Musical

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Features | 3 Comments

We have musicals based on everything. Musicals based on singing trains, making musicals, cats…So logically someone is bound to make a musical based on a video game at some point. Thankfully, plenty of fans of both games and musical theater have heard the curtain call, and so we have a number of fan-made musical productions based on Nintendo series.

You may not be aware of the fact that Shin’en has created games exclusively for Nintendo platforms since the company started in 1999. They’ve worked on titles for the Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance, DS, and most recently WiiWare. Art of Balance was released on the Wii Shop Channel just a few weeks ago, but the company is continuing to work on other downloadable titles for the service. One such project is Jett Rocket, which looks very promising. Shin’en CEO/Jett Rocket director Manfred Linzner was able to answer a few questions about the game for us, as well as a few other things about Shin’en in a recent interview.

Nintendo Everything: In a few sentences, can you please describe the style of gameplay in Jett Rocket?

Manfred Linzner: “3D Jump’n’Run” desribes JR’s gameplay best. You know, free exploration, no invisible walls, free camera control. You have a great amount of moves and you can interact with many vehicles and machines. One of the coolest things JR can do is to fly to higher grounds with his Jet Pack.

Back in February, I spent a whole weekend holed up in my room, door blockaded, headphones on, only coming out to eat and pee, and all because of one thing: I was playing Banjo-Kazooie, and I’d be damned if I wasn’t going to beat that thing once and for all.

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