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NeoGAF member Mama Robotnik has made some rather neat discoveries on John Dobbie’s Behance profile. Dobbie once worked for Silicon Knights as an Environmental Artist. The first round of art – which can be seen above – shows drawings for the unused endings in Eternal Darkness. Here’s a rundown of each piece:

This information comes from the latest Iwata Asks…

Miyamoto: Yeah. When we tested the game on the Nintendo GameCube system, there was a dog whose hair had grown in…

Iwata: That’s right, you first experimented with it on the Nintendo GameCube console when you first wanted to make a game like Nintendogs. Why didn’t that go anywhere and how was it decided that it would be released for the Nintendo DS system?

Miyamoto: The project started when I thought it would be fun to raise a pet in the television, but I thought the Nintendo DS hardware was much better suited to it.

Iwata: With the Nintendo DS systems, you can use the stylus to pet it.

Miyamoto: But with Nintendo DS, we couldn’t show the character of the coat. We now had more hardware power, so we could go back to that super-soft and fluffy feeling. (laughs) And it’s in 3D, so you can pet around their back.


3DS region-clock

– Unconfirmed
– Sounds like the 3DS will be region-locked
– DSi was region-locked, DS/Lite were not
– Primary reason Nintendo does region-locking is for piracy

3DS Game Coins

– Shown in screenshots/video
– Different theories about what it actually does

This information comes from the latest Iwata Asks with Satoru Iwata, Shigesato Itoi, and Shigeru Miyamoto…

Iwata: To go back a little further, the Nintendo GameCube12 system actually had 3D-compatible circuitry built in.

Itoi: Huh?

Iwata: It had the potential for such functions.

Itoi: Nintendo GameCube did? And all the Nintendo GameCubes systems around the world?

We posted this information yesterday along with Sakurai’s other response’s about Super Smash Bros. Melee yesterday, but I thought these two excerpts were important…

“On a personal level, Melee had an extremely grueling development cycle. Some of my other games did, too, but Melee sticks out far ahead of the pack in my mind. I worked on that game for 13 months straight, after all, without a single Sunday or holiday off that whole time. During parts of it, I was living a really destructive lifestyle — I’d work for over 40 hours in a row, then go back home to sleep for four.”

“Melee is the sharpest game in the series. It’s pretty speedy all around and asks a lot of your coordination skills. Fans of the first Smash Bros. got into it quickly, and it just felt really good to play.”

Can you imagine that work schedule? Personally, I don’t think I would have been able to put up with it! Also, I’m wondering how you guys feel about Melee – Do you agree? Do you believe Melee is the sharpest game in the series as well?

Sakurai on the development cycle…

“On a personal level, Melee had an extremely grueling development cycle. Some of my other games did, too, but Melee sticks out far ahead of the pack in my mind. I worked on that game for 13 months straight, after all, without a single Sunday or holiday off that whole time. During parts of it, I was living a really destructive lifestyle — I’d work for over 40 hours in a row, then go back home to sleep for four.”

Sakurai on what drove him through his work…

“I seriously felt like a man on a mission. With the original [Nintendo 64] Smash Bros., there was no guarantee the game would be well-received at all — I had my hands full just trying to make it into the completely new sort of fighting game I had in mind. With Melee, though, the previous game did well enough that Nintendo and the character designers knew what I wanted in advance. And I wanted a lot. It was the biggest project I had ever led up to that point — the first game of mine on disc-based media, the first that used an orchestra for music, the first with ‘real’ polygon graphics. My staff was raring to go, and we plunged in full-tilt from the start. I pushed myself beyond any limit I could think of because I doubted I’d ever have this sheer amount of work in my hands ever again.”

Sakurai’s feelings of Melee today…

“Melee is the sharpest game in the series. It’s pretty speedy all around and asks a lot of your coordination skills. Fans of the first Smash Bros. got into it quickly, and it just felt really good to play.”

Sakurai regretting that Melee wasn’t more accessible…

“I had created Smash Bros. to be my response to how hardcore-exclusive the fighting game genre had become over the years. But why did I target it so squarely toward people well-versed in videogames, then? That’s why I tried to aim for more of a happy medium with Brawl’s play balance. There are three Smash Bros. games out now, but even if I ever had a chance at another one, I doubt we’ll ever see one that’s as geared toward hardcore gamers as Melee was. Melee fans who played deep into the game without any problems might have trouble understanding this, but Melee was just too difficult.”

Sakurai elaborating on accessibility…

“If we want new people from this generation of gamers to come in, then we need it accessible, simple, and playable by anyone. You can’t let yourself get preoccupied with nothing but gameplay and balance details. That’s where the core of the Smash Bros. concept lies, not on doggedly keeping the game the way it was before.”


This information comes from Double Fine’s website…

“Most of my all time favorite games are Nintendo games. I have touched Shigeru Miyamoto with my bare hands!!! (He was very soft and pleasant.) Double Fine would love to make something for Nintendo’s fine machine, but it’s not up to us. It’s the publisher’s money, so they get to decide what platform to invest in. In other words, IT’S NOT OUR FAULT! I personally would have loved to make Psychonauts for the Game Cube. (Well, not literally me personally. I would have loved to tell someone else to make it, and I would have loved to watch them do it, and I would have loved yelling, “Faster! Faster!” as they worked.) I really hope we get a chance to make a game for the Wii some day. Why don’t you spam your favorite publisher with mail right now and ask them to send us money to make a Wii game? (And a little extra money for a pool table?)” – Tim Schafer

Double Fine has made a few fantastic titles over the past decade. There’s Psychonauts of course, and Brutal Legend more recently. The funny thing is, we did hear a few rumors about that title coming to Wii, although it was supposedly being made by a different developer.

We provided you guys with a sneak peak of Nintendo Power’s “Game Changers” article a couple of weeks ago via a scan released on the magazine’s official website, but we’ve posted the complete list below.

13. Wii Fit
Influenced such games as: EA Sports Active: More Workouts, Just Dance, Jillian Michaels’ Fitness Ultimatum

12. Metroid
Influenced such games as: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, Mega Man ZX, Shantae: Risky’s Revenge

11. Nintendogs
Influenced such games as: SimAnimals, Viva Piñata: Pocket Paradise, Monster Tale

10. Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day
Influenced such games as: Big Brain Academy: Wii Degree, Professor Layton and the Curious Village, Art Academy

9. GoldenEye 007
Influenced such games: Metroid Prime, Call of Duty: World at War, The Conduit

8. Tetris
Influenced games such as: Dr. Mario, Columns, Puyo Pop

7. Pokemon Red Version and Pokemon Blue Version
Influenced such games as: Yu-Gi-Oh! Dark Duel Stories, Mega Man Battle Network, Dragon Quest Monsters

6. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Influenced such games as: Resident Evil 4, Star Fox Adventures, Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

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