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General Nintendo

This information comes from a recent shareholder meeting…

– Miyamoto wants to make Pikmin available quickly
– Miyamoto feels a new character needs to be made since it’s been 10 years since Pikmin
– 3DS might display play time like the Wii
– Nintendo not planning a theme park, wouldn’t be a traditional theme park even if Nintendo did so
– When asked about what he’s working on: Miyamoto has been very interested in swimming lately
– Miyamoto also a member of a youth guidance organization and spends time with school children
– Even with the 3DS, Nintendo is always thinking about making new things
– 3DS was at this event
– One demonstration showed flowing water and a wine glass in E3
– Manipulate camera view with d-pad or slide pad
– Mario figures, Mario Bros. sequence, Yoshi sequence, three Pikmin in the grass also shown
– Lastly, a clip of Twilight Princess Link slashing his sword was shown

Nintendo on Ocarina of Time 3DS, when asked if it’ll be like the demo of Twilight Princess Link swinging his sword/if the polygon visuals will be different…

“We can’t share details, but it does have expressive capabilities…This is because the capabilities are of course higher.”

Miyamoto on the new game character…

“It’s about time for a new game character. Perhaps this can be delivered next year.”

Miyamoto on his time with the 3DS, who said he’s busy with the system…

“I’ll suddenly have ideas, so being busy now is a good condition.”

Iwata on the possibility of releasing software for the iPad…

“We have absolutely no plans to offer software.”

Source 1, Source 2

5/06 ??2010-035198 ????????
5/12 ??2010-036867 ?????????????????????????????????
5/12 ??2010-036868 ????????
5/12 ??2010-036869 ??????????? (????) (Pokemon PC Challenge)

5/07 ??2010-035762 ????? (Sengoku IXA)
5/07 ??2010-035763 ???
5/11 ??2010-036562 ?????????????
5/13 ??2010-037350 ????????

5/06 ??2010-035301 ??????????????????????
5/06 ??2010-035302 ???????????????????????
5/11 ??2010-036426 ????????????
5/19 ??2010-039259 ?????? (Pirate Wars)

5/07 ??2010-035586 ????????????????????
5/07 ??2010-035850 ?????????????????????????????????
5/07 ??2010-035851 ??????????????????
5/11 ??2010-036347 ????????
5/12 ??2010-036824 §?????????????? (????)
5/13 ??2010-037271 ???????? (taiko no tatsujin plus)
5/14 ??2010-037706 ????????
5/14 ??2010-037707 ???????????????????????
5/14 ??2010-037708 ?????????????????
5/17 ??2010-038279 ???????????
5/19 ??2010-039042 ??????????????????????????????????
5/19 ??2010-039043 ???????????????????????????

5/14 ??2010-037705 ???
4/27 ??2010-038524 ??????

5/06 ??2010-035444 ?????
5/11 ??2010-036689 ????????????????
5/19 ??2010-039250 §???? (????)
5/19 ??2010-039251 ??????????
5/19 ??2010-039252 ?????????????????????????


Starting August 1, Japanese Club Nintendo members can obtain a t-shirt for 600 points. Four colors will be available, as will options for dot design and illustration artwork. In total, there are 18 possibilities to choose from.

Check out more shirts here

“I believe it (the 3DS) will be a success. We’re expecting more of 3DS than other hardware.” – Marvelous producer Yoshifumi Hashimoto

– Hashimoto wants to make a Harvest Moon title for the 3DS
– Marvelous will fully support the 3DS
– No 3DS titles until at least March 2011
– No original titles in general for the rest of the fiscal year
– Marvelous wants to release original titles with the release of new hardware sometime int he next fiscal year
– Harvest Moon Twin Villages sales: 138,000 units
– Pre-orders for the game were much higher than its predecessor


Olympic gold medalist and Dancing with the Stars champion Shawn Johnson teams up with Nintendo video game icon Mario to shoot a fun video encouraging people of all ages to participate in the company’s Wii Games: Summer 2010 competition, a nationwide celebration of fun and active play.

Nintendo’s most beloved franchise character, Mario, warms up for the Wii Games: Summer 2010 competition. Mario stars with Olympic gold medalist and Dancing with the Stars champion Shawn Johnson in a fun video that encourages people of all ages to participate in Nintendo’s nationwide competition, a celebration of fun and active play.

Olympic gold medalist and Dancing with the Stars champion Shawn Johnson teams up with Nintendo video game icon Mario to encourage people of all ages to participate in Wii Games: Summer 2010. Serving as the Wii Games: Summer 2010 ambassador, Johnson will kick off the nationwide competition on July 16 in New Jersey’s Liberty State Park. Tournaments will also be held on five consecutive weekends at select Six Flags theme parks and in 16 shopping malls across the country, culminating in a national championship event in Los Angeles Sept. 3-5.

Aonuma talking about the story in Skyward Sword…

“Well, you saw the trailer this morning, and the presentation. The final scene is Link jumping off those cliffs and diving through the bank of clouds, and that’s a very key element behind the story in the Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. This time around, Link is living on a series of floating islands above the coulds, and that land is called Skyloft. Link lives in this floating land, and it’s his natural world, so he doesn’t think there’s anything strange about living above the clouds. One day, an incident occurs, and he discovers that beneath the clouds is another world, and that world is ruled by an evil force. And the thing that leads link on in his adventure and guides him is the titular sword – the Skyward Sword. When the sword is leading Link and helping him do things, it actually transforms into a human figure. [In] the artwork revealed at E3 last year, that was the figure that was in that artwork. So basically the story evolves in his travelling from Skyloft to the land below, and back and forth, as he is lead by the Skyward Sword. As he travels, the story of how the land below came to be ruled by these evil forces is revealed.”

Ingvar Petursson Will Oversee Modernization of Technology and Systems

REDMOND, Wash., June 25, 2010 – Nintendo of America announces the appointment of a new senior vice president to spearhead the modernization of the company’s internal information systems. Ingvar Petursson has been hired as the senior vice president of Information Services. Effective July 19, Petursson will oversee all aspects of NOA’s Information Services functions, including enterprise applications development, enterprise infrastructure and risk management.

“Ingvar brings a wealth of information technology knowledge and experience to Nintendo,” said Jim Cannataro, Nintendo of America’s executive vice president of Administration. “He will be tasked with the multi-year project of modernizing our systems.”

“Having people play together is a theme that’s always stuck in my mind, but it’s about trying to create what would work best for Legend of Zelda. We haven’t really found the perfect vehicle for that, but it’s a theme that I’m thinking about all the time, and I hope to be able to come up with an idea that will move us in that direction at some point. [I am interested in] the idea of communication between players. Let’s say a player does something in their game that affects an area, and then that is communicated back to another system, and that would introduce new elements to your game. I find that sort of communication really interesting. Obviously, we have thought about DLC, and we are thinking about it.” – Eiji Aonuma

I’ve never been interested in seeing online elements in Zelda games since I’ve always considered the series to be a single-player experience. Then again, what Aonuma said about communication between players sounds appealing. How do you guys feel about taking Zelda online?


“Treasure mostly focuses its efforts on platformers, shoot-em-ups and fighting games. We certainly still have an interest in developing platformers like Wario World.” – Masato Maegawa of Treasure

You know, I have to say that Treasure is at their best when creating shoot-em-ups. They developed Wario World for GameCube, but it wasn’t received too well. On the other hand, titles like Bangai-O Spirits and Gunstar Super Heroes were excellent.


“Of course, I have heard commentary that people feel that Nintendo’s online functionality is behind the others or is lacking in some ways. And I can say that we are not currently satisfied with the online efforts that we have made so far, and we are working at ways to improve those. On the other hand, I do not think that online functionality is something that we should be devoting resources to for every single product. Instead, I think that Nintendo’s ability to create an offline experience that feels incredibly unique and compelling is a particular strength that we have.

Going forward, what we will continue to do is to evaluate the individual products and experience that we’re creating on a product-by-product basis, and make a decision as to whether or not it’s more important to devote resources to making that offline experience more fun and compelling for products where that is going to be the most important element of the game play; and then for products where it is going to be more important, to add online functionality and make that online functionality robust and compelling. We will continue to focus our efforts there when it’s appropriate, but it’s going to be a product-by-product decision.”

And just in case you were wondering why New Super Mario Bros. Wii lacked online functionality, Iwata touched on that topic as well…

“When Shigeru Miyamoto created New Super Mario Bros. Wii, he ultimately made the decision as to whether or not it would have an online functionality. So I’d like to talk about why he chose not to include online functionality in that game.

Anytime you’re developing a game, there are limits to elements of development, like time, manpower and resources. What we’re always considering is what we can do with limited resources to maximize the appeal and entertainment value of a particular product. And this is something that Mr. Miyamoto is of course also constantly thinking about. I think that his decision on whether or not to include online functionality with New Super Mario Bros. Wii was based on the idea that the true value of that product was going to be determined not by online functionality, but on how compelling and unique the experience would be for two, three or four people to be able to play that game together in the same room.”


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