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Level-5 published a new teaser site today. But whereas you may be expecting it to be Japanese-related, the page actually comes from the company’s North American branch. That likely means some kind of localization announcement is on the way.

The website currently houses a door. Click it, and you’ll be shown that another door hidden inside. Click several more times and you should see a magnifying glass appear. If you click once more on the doorknob, you’ll come across the image above.

I’m inclined to think that Level-5 is teasing Layton Brothers: Mystery Room – an iOS game – but we won’t know for sure until an official announcement is made.

Nearly 50,000 people with video game-ties showed up at E3 2013 this past week. The ESA has announced that 48,200 video game industry professionals, investor analysts, journalists, and retailers from 102 countries were at the expo.

28,000 total hotel room nights were generated from E3 visits and Los Angeles profited from close to $40 million in revenue. Roughly 230 exhibitors displayed content.

Not a bad E3 for the ESA!


Numbered Shin Megami Tensei games have never featured female leads. Could Atlus be open to making a change in the future?

Shin Megami Tensei IV character designer Masayuki Doi is personally a fan of highlighting a female lead in a mainline Shin Megami Tensei title. Doi did explain, however, that some longtime players could be opposed to that kind of move.

“I like female protagonists. It would be cool to have a female protagonist in the next SMT game.”

“However, there are traditionalists that see the series from the past to present and all of the protagonists have been male. To keep that tradition, there is feedback I’ve been hearing saying that if there is a new SMT title we should keep the tradition of having a male lead.”


Just as it did in Europe, Nintendo launched a Japanese website for the Year of Luigi today. Find it here. The page has the same items as the European one, but with a different design. Japanese fans can also get a look at the special Luigi 3DS XL that will launch with Mario & Luigi: Dream Team.

Zelda producer Eiji Aonuma weighed in on a number of new topics in yet another interview. This time, Aonuma commented on the possibility of Zelda getting her own game, why the handheld Zeldas usually see a top-down perspective, his thoughts on remaking Zelda: Majora’s Mask for the 3DS, putting Zelda in a different era, and more.

Tearaway wasn’t the only game Shigeru Miyamoto checked out at this year’s E3. He also got a look at Titanfall, the next-gen Madden, and The Division.

IGN’s Rich George managed to see Miyamoto getting a look at these three titles at the convention:

Nintendo of America Reggie Fils-Aime has once again said that the company could choose to hold conferences at future E3 events. For 2013, Nintendo felt that using a Nintendo Direct was the best approach based on the content they had.

“Next year and what we do at E3 next year is going to be an ongoing conversation, based on what the right thing to do is for the content we have. What we are not saying as a result of this year is that the Nintendo press conference is dead.”

“This year, we have a parade of content that once you get your hands on it, you say to yourself I gotta get this game and I mean think about it. We have all of these playable games on our floor and most of them are coming out this holiday season, three are coming in 2014. “

Nintendo of Europe has launched a hub for the Year of Luigi. Access it here. You can get the lowdown on the three titles celebrating the Year of Luigi, and there’s a tease of “other activities” that will be taking place throughout the year.

The Legend of Zelda series has never received major downloadable content. But bringing DLC to the franchise that producer Eiji Aonuma appears to be mulling over.

Aonuma recently said that Nintendo could offer “more places to explore”. On the other hand, the company could simply look “to enrich the experience beyond what is on the disc.” If Nintendo were to make DLC for a Zelda game, it would need to be something worthwhile for players.

We’re certainly looking at different ways to add on content that would enhance the experience for the user – maybe more places to explore or just to enrich the experience beyond what is on the disc. But we also have to take into consideration that if we charge for this content then it needs to be worth it for the user.

So it’s certainly a balancing an act, but I can’t say that it is something we’re not considering.


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