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General Nintendo

IGN has published the extended, written version of its interview with Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime.

In the discussion, Fils-Aime comments on how they’ll make Pikmin 3 a success unlike its two predecessors (which starts with Nintendo Selects: Pikmin 2), what the Wii U launch window is, and more.

Head past the break for the full Q&A.

EAD Tokyo. Monolith Soft. Retro. These are just three first-party Nintendo studios that were absent from E3 this year.

Retro is particularly important, as they’ve worked on some of Nintendo’s most beloved franchises – Metroid and Donkey Kong. There was a lot of hope that the studio would be bringing a new Wii U game to E3 2012, but as we all know, that didn’t happen.

Reggie Fils-Aime was asked about the status of Retro in an interview with IGN, but the Nintendo of America president remained tight-lipped.

Fils-Aime said:

“… if I disclosed what Retro is doing, I would have the president of Retro literally calling me right now saying, ‘Reggie, what are you doing?’ We love that people are interested. We love surprising people. I remember getting the questions before we announced Donkey Kong Country Returns. And I loved unveiling that. So… Rest assured, the team is hard at work. But I’m not gonna tell you what they’re working on.”

And when asked if we’ll hear about Retro anytime soon, Fils-Aime said, “Um… Likely not.”

E3 2013, then? Please?


Okay, now it sounds like we have an absolute confirmation that Friend Codes won’t be on Wii U. I don’t know what happened during that analyst meeting, but it sounds pretty concrete that the console will be making use of accounts (of which twelve are supported), and that’s it.

Watch the video above for the discussion on Wii U’s online and Friend Codes talk, along with other topics.


The first of many interviews to come from Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime…

Update: Just noticed another tweet coming from GameTrailers editor-in-chief Shane Satterfield. Yesterday, he wrote on Twitter “that friend codes are gone for Wii U.” So, which is it? The only thing I can gather is that the Friend Codes usage will be very different for Wii U if they’re there at all. Let the confusion commence!

Some slightly disappointing news has made it out of a Nintendo analyst meeting at E3 2012 today.

The company briefly touched on the Wii U’s online functionality in addition to other topics. Nintendo previously announced an account system for the system, but hadn’t ruled out Friend Codes.

Today, Nintendo has confirmed that Friend Codes haven’t been completely eliminated and will be returning in some form. Details about its implementation haven’t been discussed, though making friends will apparently be easier.

Other tidbits from the event include:

– 3DS software units have outsold the equivalent of DS software in the same period
– 3DS has reached 70% Internet connection rate
– An average of 5 items have been purchased by online 3DS users
– Wii U home screen includes a recommendation engine built-in, showing users which titles they might be interested in
– Wii U: can access store and communications on smartphones so that you can buy and download content to the console by the time you get home
– “Current share price cannot be sustained, by delivering and communicating hope to rectify, no consideration to go private”
– Nintendo not actively looking into free-to-play games
– No plans for Mario free-to-play game
– Nintendo believes in selling product for value created
– Nintendo won’t compete with Microsoft or others for exclusive franchise support; they want to take advantage of the 190 million Wiimote/45 million Balance Board install base
– No built-in hard drive for Wii U, but USB connections let users use variety of external options like a cheap hard drive
– Nintendo open to pre-installed software for Wii U in some markets
– On Xbox SmartGlass: what they offer is a small facet of what Wii U can do; they clearly see value to follow only 1 year after Wii U
– Nintendo has placed particular focus on Wii U’s latency to ensure a seamless experience; Nintendo thinks Sony/Microsoft will still have an issue (possibly with similar products)
– “This cycle can improve profits driven by digital, miiverse is designed to improve tie ratio, wiiu think will have higher active use rate”
– When asked about Apple TV, Nintendo said that they believe what Wii U offers is the only one of its kind with a second screen integrated seamlessly to the television


Shigeru Miyamoto does indeed have an original game in the works. The thing is, he’s been so preoccupied with different roles that it’s been taking awhile to create the design document.

Miyamoto told Joystiq:

“One thing I want to clear up, people like to ask me if I want to do a small project with a small team. I do like working with a small team, and I’m working with a number of small teams on a lot of different ideas, but the problem is because of all these different roles that I have to fulfill, it takes me a long time to write the design document.”

Miyamoto added that the design work has been taking longer than usual due to the nature of working with smaller teams, so “maybe this time next year I’ll have something ready to show you that perhaps will illustrate that idea.”

He’s currently busy with the project’s design documents, even working on them at E3 2012.

According to Miyamoto:

“I have some storyboards that I have to draw before I finish this trip. It’s fun. I use Flipnote Studio to draw my storyboards.”


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