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General Nintendo

I’m going to be completely honest and perhaps obvious here – There’s a pretty high chance that the new Metal Gear website that has opened has no relation to the Wii. When first looking at the logo, the immediate thought that pops into my mind is that this new game will be releasing on the 360, though we don’t know that for sure. The game could end up on the PS3, but I just don’t see it happening on Wii. Who knows though, miracles happen!

Source 1, Source 2

“We continue to focus tremendously internationally, Europe in particular is a very big area of focus for us. Japan has always been an important market for us. That’s an interesting challenge because you’re competing with Sony and Nintendo on their home turf there”. – Microsoft’s Shane Kim


“The decision to suspend N•Revolution has been taken because it has become increasingly obvious that Nintendo’s strategy for Wii and DS is no longer in line with Imagine Publishing’s target readership, and has moved increasingly away from the hardcore gaming community that is our specialty. With many new launches and especially acquisitions coming to fruition, we believe the resources and manpower are better spent in other markets where advertising revenue and PR support are stronger and sustained. Imagine will continue to drive purchases of Nintendo software with games™, Retro Gamer and our new multiformat videogames website,, and we hope to work closely with Nintendo in the future on those magazines.” – N•Revolution managing director Damian Butt


“You will hear more from these but not today, because we’re focused on 2009,” Infogrames president Phil Harrison told hacks assembled at a press event this afternoon. – Phil Harrison

Baldur’s Gate, Dungeons & Dragons, Neverwinter Nights and Test Drive Unlimited are all going to be revisited according to Atari. No specific details about any games were provided, and this was the only thing Phil Harrison was willing to say.


Shigeru Miyamoto is an extremely influential figure over at Nintendo headquarters, so it isn’t surprising that people listen in on what the man has to say. Most recently, Miyamoto was asked if Wii Music is the last game in the Wii-line of titles. He responded by noting, “Yes, it is true that the existing Wii games, including Wii Music, were on the top priority list, but there is some other software, of course, but I cannot talk about it!”

Miyamoto also responded to the challenge of coming up with universal themes (following sports, music, fitness)…

“Well, yes, it is challenging to find something universal but, after all, that’s my job as I see it. Until the time that I am in a position to tell you the next subject, we can only confirm that we are working on the next Mario and the next Zelda, etc. In terms of new games, we need to stand with the potential customer’s viewpoint. Of course, we have new ideas in mind all the time, but the challenging part is whether they will really be widely appreciated by users.”

5TH Cell announces exclusive worldwide unveiling of new original game at on December, 5th.

BELLEVUE, Washington.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Dec. 1, 2008-5TH Cell Media LLC (5TH Cell), the creators of Drawn to Life™ and Lock’s Quest™, announced today an exclusive agreement with to reveal their latest original game on Friday, December 5th 2008. This never before seen concept will continue 5TH Cell’s tradition of delivering high quality, original games with totally unique gameplay experiences.

“We’re very excited about the upcoming unveiling of our latest title on We built upon the experience and evolving technology from our previous titles to deliver something to the player that is completely new. This title is innovative, engaging and completely unique. We look forward to sharing it with everyone on December 5th”, said Creative Director for 5TH Cell, Jeremiah Slaczka.

General Manager Joseph M Tringali added, “The success of our previous titles has awarded us the chance to work on a new, exciting intellectual property After many months, we’re thrilled to show off our new title for the first time exclusively at We’re set on delivering an amazing final product and meeting the expectations of gamers everywhere.”

Last month, TT Games stated that no LEGO Harry Potter title was in development, though CVG reports that the well-known wizard will be suiting up – LEGO style – in the near future. Unfortunately, there are no solid details about gameplay yet. CVG guesses, however, that Warner will be publishing the game.


The Speed Gamers will be hosting a 72 Hour Marathon to raise money for charity starting December 19th. My Pokémon Ranch will be used as well as some GameCube games.

The Speed Gamers ( ) have been running marathons for
nearly a year, starting with Zelda, twice, followed by Mario, Metroid (with support from Retro Studios), Earthbound/Mother, Halo and recently a collection of Horror games for Halloween. Combined they have raised over $10,000 for various charities.

ACT Today, an autism support group, will be the benefactor this marathon, which
is mentioned on their News & Events page ( ). Prizes will be awarded to viewers and donators including the final Pokémon Diamond cartridge with a Pokédex complete to 491, excluding only the two which are not available by legitimate means.

Thanks to Robbie for the news tip!

Shinji Mikami, best known for his work on the Resident Evil series, was recently asked how the gaming industry has changed since he began working…

“When I joined the industry in 1990, it was an industry where anything was possible based upon the strength of your ideas. Since large amounts of financial capital have become necessary, the balance has tipped toward return on investment via extensive use of marketing and acquiring larger numbers of users. Because of this, I feel that the number of games made as creative challenges has decreased. I wish the market had more of an adventurous spirit. As a creator, my desire to challenge myself by making interesting things hasn’t changed a bit.”

Although I partially agree with Mikami, there are a great deal of games that step outside the box and take risks. Super Mario Galaxy, for instance, is conventional in the sense that it is another Mario game, but the element of gravity is creative.

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