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For awhile, Trauma Center was one of the top series on Nintendo platforms. Atlus put out several games on both Wii and DS before “ending” things in 2010 with Trauma Team.

The Trauma series has been on hiatus since. Artist Masayuki Doi, however, has interest in working on the next game. Doi contributed to almost all of the Trauma titles.

Speaking with Siliconera, Doi said:

“I’m passionate about the Trauma Center series too and I want to develop the next game, but right now my focus is on the Shin Megami Tensei series.”



IGN’s new interview with Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata and Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime boils down to a few topics: constant skepticism surrounding the company, boosting hardware sales with the right (and various) games, and the Wii U’sl lack of a killer app.

You can find all of Iwata and Reggie’s thoughts below.

Yesterday we heard from Shigeru Miyamoto that Nintendo has “been working on what we can do to increase our internal staff in a way that will allow us to have more projects going at the same time”. One way in which Nintendo hopes to expand is through its EAD Tokyo team, the developers behind the Super Mario Galaxy and Super Mario 3D titles.

Miyamoto told IGN that he’s been collaborating with Yoshiaki Koizumi “on what we can do to allow the Tokyo studio to create more games.” Nintendo has already started to “gradually” increase that studio’s team.

“We’re doing this not by going out of house to different companies and having them develop games for us, but instead by working with partner companies and subsidiaries in a way that allows the Tokyo studio to run more projects.”

Aksys will be attending this year’s Anime Expo, and numerous events and activities are planned.

First, you’ll want to pay attention to the Aksys Games Panel on July 6, between 2 PM and 3 PM. The company is planning on sharing a “new, wacky title announcement” and will host a game show where a few signed copies of a secret item will be given away.

One day prior, Aksys’ “The Art of Localization” panel will allow fans to “Get up close and personal with the translators and editors behind some of your favorite titles including Muramasa Rerbirth, Zero Escape: Virtue’s Last Reward, and Hakuoki”.

Aksys will also shower fans with giveaways, special deals at its booth store, and an “Otome Day” involving a Hakuoki cosplay event.

Anime Expo 2013 will take place between July 4 and July 7.

Source: Aksys PR

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies producer Motohide Eshiro commented on a number of different topics in a Kotaku interview, including the possibility of the legendary lawyer making it into Smash Bros.

His response:

“(laughter) I haven’t heard anything about the new Smash Bros. yet, but I don’t really think that there’s a chance that Phoenix could get into Smash Bros. I actually didn’t know that (Mega Man is in Smash Bros.). I was very, very surprised about that.”

F-Zero hasn’t had a starring role in a Nintendo console game since F-Zero GX on the GameCube close to a decade ago. Shigeru Miyamoto realizes that fans are interested in the series and would love to see a new entry, but he personally struggles over finding an idea “that would really turn it into a great game again.”

According to Miyamoto:

“I certainly understand that people want a new F-Zero game. I think where I struggle is that I don’t really have a good idea for what’s new that we could bring to F-Zero that would really turn it into a great game again. Certainly I can see how people looking at Mario Kart 8 could see, through the anti-gravity, a connection to F-Zero. But I don’t know, at this point, what direction we could go in with a new F-Zero.”

When asked if some franchises such as F-Zero or Wave Race were suited to older generations of Nintendo hardware and didn’t have a place in modern gaming, Miyamoto said:

“It’s tough. We come to the show and we bring a lot of great franchises and everyone says, ‘Oh, well, where’s this game that I want to play? Where’s something new?’ I only have so much capacity. [laughs] Obviously in the past we’ve tried to work with other companies, where we’ve let them develop games for us in franchises like Star Fox and F-Zero, but the more we think about it, the more we prefer to be able to create those games internally, on our own. We’ve obviously, as I mentioned, been working on what we can do to increase our internal staff in a way that will allow us to have more projects going at the same time, so we can create new games and work on additional old IP and still maintain the other primary franchises that people want to see.”

A couple of interesting things here. First, Nintendo likes to create its games internally even though it has allowed outside companies to work on various IPs. Second, Nintendo is looking to increase its staff so that it can work on more titles at once.


One of my favorite parts.

This is a survey that requires no signing up, accounts, clicking through ads, or anything. Just answer a required question, answer a non-required question (if you want) and make your voice heard in yet another NintendoEverything reader survey poll thing! Results will be read in the form of our top ten list on the next podcast, and if you opted to answer the written question your answer could be read on the show! So don’t say anything ridiculous.

Thanks very much. As stated above the topic for you guys this week is “What did you think of Nintendo’s E3 this year?”.

Take the survey here! (more details inside if you’re confused)

Have you realized that females are being more represented in Nintendo’s games as of late? Peach is playable in a mainline Mario game. Pikmin 3 has a playable female character. Dixie is back in Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze. Mario Kart 8 has a selection of female characters such as Peach, Daisy and Toadette. And Bayonetta 2 features a female lead.

With Kotaku having notice the rising prominence of female characters in upcoming Nintendo titles, the site had the following exchange with Shigeru Miyamoto:

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