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Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal: Clash Duel Carnival has received a few more images (scans) and details from a recent Japanese magazine. You can find the shots above and information summary below.

– Obtain over 100 special items from other duelists
– These include card sleeves and duel mats
– Cards up to Duelist Pack 15 reconfirmed
– “Free Duel”: use all cards from the beginning of the game
– Fight characters to get the duelist items specific to them


This week’s GameStop ad has gone live. Aside from Rayman Legends’ continued discount, there isn’t a whole lot here unfortunately. You can pick up a pre-owned Wii or DS Lite for $50, but that’s about it.

Here’s the ad in full:



How does Link’s house in Zelda: A Link Between Worlds differ in the light and dark worlds? See for yourself below!




PES 2014 (World Soccer Winning Eleven 2014) 3DS isn’t coming out overseas, but Konami is releasing the game in Japan. Here’s a look a the game’s boxart:


Zelda: A Link Between Worlds has shown improvement since its showing at E3 2013. Some aspects have been changed/added as well.

Here’s a quick comparison of an E3 2013 screenshot and an October image released last week:



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