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The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD wasn’t a completely internal Nintendo project. HexaDrive also worked on the game, according to the studio’s website.

HexaDrive is well-known for developing remakes and HD versions of games. The company was involved with Okami HD, Rez HD, and Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D.

We should mention that Hexadrive also worked on another recent Wii U release. The studio helped out Platinum Games for the creation of The Wonderful 101, too.

Source, Via

The Famicom celebrated its 30th anniversary this past July. To commemorate the occasion, Nippon Columbia will be releasing a large collection of game music in a package called “Nintendo Famicom Music”.

The sounds of so many classics and masterpieces from the NES generation were extracted from actual software, which became clear only recently.

The recorded music sources are as follows:

– ROM Cassette: Super Mario Bros, Donkey Kong, Wrecking Crew, Balloon Fight, Dr. Mario, Famicom Wars, Devil World, Donkey Kong Jr, Donkey Kong 3, Baseball, Soccer, Clu Clu Land, Ice Climbers, Mach Rider, Mario Bros., and Super Mario Bros. 3

– Disk System: FDS BIOS, The Legend of Zelda, Nazo no Murasame J?, Metroid, Kid Icarus, The Adventure of Link, Shin Onigashima, Volleyball, Wrestling, and Super Mario Bros 2

The Nintendo Famicom Music CD will be available on November 20 in Japan. Pricing is set at 2400 yen ($24).

Unsurprisingly, Monster Hunter 4 was a huge endevour for Capcom. Speaking in an internal interview, series producer Ryozo Tsujimoto said “a few hundred people” contributed to the game’s development.

How does that compare to other Capcom games? DmC Devil May Cry, a fairly high-profile release, saw a development team of “over 90 members”. Resident Evil 6, on the other hand, experienced a staff count of over 600 people.

Source, Via

We have details on three upcoming Japanese 3DS titles, courtesy of translations from Siliconera.

Rather than splitting up the information into three posts, we’ve rounded up all of the information below. Head past the break for the latest on each game.

Robin Williams has done his fair share of gaming, having played the likes of Zelda and Call of Duty. But how familiar is he with the latest round of consoles?

When it comes to the Wii U, he hasn’t had a chance to see it yet (or the PlayStation 4 for that matter). Writing in a Reddit AMA, he said:

“For the WiiU or the PS4, at this point I haven’t seen them yet but I might have to check into the cyber wing at Betty Ford.”


Fans have been campaigning for Capcom to bring Monster Hunter 4 to the west through the use of a certain hashtag. It’s apparently received enough attention that the publisher felt a need to respond.

On Facebook, Capcom wrote that the company is “continuing to evaluate new Monster Hunter titles for the west”. Capcom is also “excited to see the fan base growing and you all showing your passion”.

The full message reads:

“Hey hunters! We’ve seen many of you ask for us to #BRINGMH4TOTHEWEST. We’re excited to see the fan base growing and you all showing your passion, keep it coming! We are continuing to evaluate new Monster Hunter titles for the west, and will share any new information with you here on Facebook as soon as we have it..”

I wouldn’t worry too much about Monster Hunter 4 getting localized. It just came out in Japan, so in a few months from now, I’m sure Capcom will have something to say.


This week’s Japanese eShop update is as follows:


Downloadable Titles
Gardening Mama: Mama to Mori no Nakamatachi (retail title) – 4,500 yen (from 9/26)
Disney Epic Mickey: Mickey no Fushigi na B?ken (Power of Illusion, retail title) – 5,040 yen (from 9/26)
Makai?ji Devils and Realist Dairi? no Hih? (retail title) – 5,980 yen (from 9/26)
Dogimegi Inryoku-chan DEMO – FREE

Virtual Console
Rockman World 2 (Mega Man II, Game Boy) – 400 yen
Nazo Puyo (Game Gear) – 300 yen

Wii U

Downloadable Titles
Zelda no Densetsu: Kase no Takuto HD (Wind Waker HD, retail title) – 5,985 yen
Disney Epic Mickey 2: Futatsu no Ryoku (The Power of Two, retail title) – 6,090 yen

Virtual Console
Ganbare Goemon 2: Kiteretsu Sh?gun Magginesu (Super Famicom) – 800 yen
Shin Megami Tensei II (Super Famicom) – 900 yen


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Remember this image? It was a snapshot of a video played at last month’s Pokémon Game Show, and it lead to wide speculation about Pokémon fighting games, next-gen open world titles, or something else entirely. Now, Pokémon series director Junichi Masuda has commented on the brief video directly:

“That was actually a video which was shown at the Pokémon Games Show, an event in Tokyo last month and it was showing the history of Pokémon games as well as the future. It was kind of a concept about what the future of Pokemon may look like…”

– Pokémon series director Junichi Masuda

Don’t take this as confirmation of a game looking just like this, but it sounds like Masuda and co. have been thinking about this sort of thing heavily in the past few months at least.


A Newegg promotion code slashes $20 off the recently-released Zelda: Wind Waker HD Wii U bundle. Enter “SAVE10SEP25Z” at checkout and you’ll see the discount. Don’t forget about the shipping fee, though…

Also on Newegg, the retailer is taking Wii Party U pre-orders for $40. This is $10 lower than the MSRP, so you don’t have much to lose by reserving the title now.

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