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Track down the playable Yoshis by finding the Mario Tennis Open QR codes

18th May – In an exciting Nintendo 3DS exclusive, a massive Yoshi hunt will soon become available ahead of the upcoming Mario Tennis Open launch on 25th May. The hunt, entitled The Yoshi Chase, will involve tracking down a series of different-coloured Yoshis, playable in Mario Tennis Open, through corresponding QR codes released over the coming weeks through various channels. The Black Yoshi will be the first to be released but there are many more in the pipeline so keep your eyes peeled.

Each Yoshi QR code will be released in a variety of different ways and at different times, so you will have to stay alert to find them – the Black Yoshi will be distributed first exclusively through 30 Asda stores on Friday 25th and Saturday 26th May, between the hours of 9.30AM and 5.30PM. White, Blue and Red Yoshi will follow at a later date. These characters can only be activated with the QR code held by in-store sampling teams, so be sure to come down with your Nintendo 3DS so you don’t miss out.

Square Enix opened a teaser site for “DvsD” a few hours ago. However, no one seems to know what it is – including myself!

Hopefully Square Enix will pull back the curtain on DvsD soon.

You can keep track of the site here.

Namco recently picked up a number trademarks, as noted by My Game News Flash. “Unitia”, “Tactics Unitia”, “Tactics Union,” “Assault Union,” “Super Sentai Heroes” and “Attack the Legend” have all been registered by the company.

There is some talk about Unitia tying into a new Tales game, but that doesn’t seem to be in the cards. As far as the other trademarks go, they could be anything!

Source, Via

The latest GamesMaster review scores are as follows:

Max Payne 3 – 90%
Dragon’s Dogma – 84%
DiRT Showdown – 82%
Ghost Recon: Future Soldier – 88%
Mario Tennis Open – 87%
Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise – 82%
Risen 2: Dark Waters – 80%
Fez – 90%
Fable Heroes – 70%
Diabolical Pitch – 75%
Awesomenauts – 72%
Anomaly Warzone Earth – 80%
South Park: Tenorman’s Revenge – 79%
Lone Survivor – 81%
The Walking Dead: Episode 1 – 85%
Sorcery – 82%
Doc Clock – 68%
Wrecked Revenge Revisited – 62%
Red Faction – 79%
Floating Cloud God Saves the Pilgrims – 83%
Spirit Camera: The Cursed Memoir – 66%
UEFA Euro 2012 – 76%
Escape Trick: Convenience Store – 30%
Shinobi – 40%
Violin Paradise – 22%
Colors! 3D – 87%
Sniper Elite V2 – 71%
Tribes: Ascend – 85%
Legend of Grimrock – 88%
Back to the Future: The Game – 69%
Gemini Wars – 59%
Akai Katana – 70%

Thanks to joclo for the tip.

Two more pieces of downloadable content will be making their way to Fire Emblem: Awakening next week. “Another Story: Infinite Divine Weapons” and “Another Story: King vs. King” will be up for purchase on May 24.

Completing Another Story: Infinite Divine Weapons will award players with a Silver Card which grants access to shop items for half price. It’ll be available for 300 yen.

The latter piece of DLC brings in Celice from Fire Emblem: Seisen no Keifu. It’ll cost 400 yen.


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