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THQ shared a couple of tidbits about next-generation consoles during its Q4 2012 earnings conference call today. During the discussion, president and CEO Brian Farrell said that the company will bring games to new systems at or near launch. Additionally, the company believes it has “several franchises that we can continue to build from the current to the next-generation.”


Konami is ditching a live E3 2012 press conference for a second straight year. The company has instead opted to prepare a recorded pre-E3 show, as was the case in 2011.

A countdown is running on a newly opened site here. It seems it’ll expire around May 31 or June 1, which is a few days before the start of E3 2012. The expo officially begins on June 5.


A rating for Mini Ninjas: Hiro’s Adventure has popped up on Australia’s classification board. Hitman developer and maker of the original Mini Ninjas IO Interactive is listed as the “author”, meaning the studio is creating the title. Square Enix will be publishing.

This is the second time we’re hearing about Mini Ninjas: Hiro’s Adventure. A trademark and domain name were discovered in March.

Source, Via

Ubisoft has offered a tease for next-generation consoles. In the company’s latest financial report, chief executive officer Yves Guillemot stated these new systems will be more connected and will boost the market.

Guillemot said:

“From a longer-term perspective, Ubisoft is positioning itself to capitalize on: the forthcoming arrival of the next generation of consoles which will be increasingly connected and will strongly boost the market thanks to a new qualitative leap and the integration of social games benefits and the item based model, the ongoing strong growth in the Free-to-Play market for PCs, smartphones and tablets.”

Ubisoft is already readying a great amount of support for one next-generation console, Nintendo’s Wii U. Several titles are planned for the system’s launch.

THQ release schedule

Posted on 12 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 0 comments

THQ has provided an updated release schedule as part of its latest financial results. You can find the full listing below.

Darksiders II (PS3/360/PC) – August 14
Darksiders II (Wii U) – console launch
Saints Row: The Third – Enter the Dominatrix (Consoles/PC) – September 2012
Annual WWE game (Consoles/PC) – Q4 2012
Company of Heroes 2 (PC) – Q1 2012
Metro: Last Light (Consoles/PC) – Q1 2013
South Park: The Stick of Truth (Consoles/PC) – Q1 2013

The 3DS version of Order Up!! will see a demo on the North American eShop very soon. Developer SuperVillain Studios says that a trial download is planned for May 24. The full game will be released soon after.


Capcom won’t have any Nintendo games on display at E3 2012 next month. That’s according to a company representative.

As far as we know, Capcom has absolutely nothing in the works for North American 3DS owners. Monster Hunter Tri G still hasn’t been announced for the continent, but fans were hoping for a confirmation within the next few weeks. And although Capcom is creating Monster Hunter 4 and Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney for the 3DS, it’s unknown if either title will leave Japan.

We also don’t know what Capcom has in store for Wii U, if anything. Perhaps the company is just playing coy to make some splashes at E3 (or maybe I’m just delusional, which is probably the case).


The latest Nintendo Gamer review scores are as follows:

Battleship: The Videogame (Wii) – 53%
Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise (Wii) – 89%
Block Factory (eShop) – 34%
Cats & Dogs: Pets at Play (3DS) – 27%
Colors 3D (eShop) – 86%
Code of Princess (3DS) – 71%
Dragon Crystal (eShop) – 71%
Jewel Link: Atlantic Quest (DS) – 45%
Jewel Match 3 (DS) – 46%
Mario Tennis Open (3DS) – 80%
Natalie Brooks: Mystery at Hillcrest High (DS) – 33%
Nickelodeon Dance (Wii) – 60%
Shibobi (eShop) – 78%
Sonic: Triple Trouble (eShop) – 48%
Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (Wii VC) – 70%
Zombiez Seeker (DS) – 19%

Thanks to joclo for the tip.

I honestly wouldn’t be posting about this under normal circumstances. However, Ben 10: Omniverse has just been announced for Wii U (as well as Wii, 3DS, DS, PS3, and Xbox 360), so I figured that was substantial enough to make a new post about it on NE.

It’s interesting to see these Wii U game confirmations just a few weeks before E3. Ubisoft revealed Avengers: Battle of Earth for the console a few days ago.

You can find details about Ben 10: Omniverse below.

Journey Through Time as Young and Teen Ben in Ben 10: Omniverse™, the First Game Based on the Highly Anticipated Cartoon Network Series

D3Publisher (D3P) and Cartoon Network Enterprises (CNE) today announced that they will bring Ben 10: Omniverse™, the first video game based on the highly-anticipated, brand new animated series of the same name, to store shelves this fall. The series will introduce fans to an entirely different Ben 10 experience through an all-new character design that pays homage to Ben’s past and a fresh batch of aliens to battle. Ben 10: Omniverse will also mark the debut of Ben’s new sidekick Rook, a skilled but inexperienced Plumber graduate. The Ben 10: Omniverse interactive game from D3Publisher will release on the upcoming Wii U™ system from Nintendo, the Wii™ system from Nintendo, Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system, Nintendo 3DS™ hand-held system and Nintendo DS™ hand-held system.

In Ben: 10 Omniverse, players will be immersed in exciting action-brawler gameplay featuring the new art style inspired from the show. Gamers will have the power to switch forms and battle as one of 13 playable alien heroes, including never-before-seen aliens like Bloxx and Gravattack, as they work with either Ben or Rook to defeat the evil plans of a fierce villain, intent on destroying the world.

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