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More information has emerged from Nintendo’s latest financial results briefing. Some points are unclear – such as a new Pokemon title that isn’t listed internally – but there are some interesting details nonetheless.

Nintendo president Satoru Iwata shared the following information during the briefing:

– Once again, Kid Icarus coming to Japan between January-March
– Possible Pokemon game coming, could be in the spring
– First 10 months in Japan have 8 of top 20 Nintendo titles vs. 13 last year
– USA: first 3 weeks in October has Wii hardware sales up year-over-year
– USA: 3DS/DS sales trending in-line with DS last year
– Nintendo wants to obtain bigger sales year-over-year by the end of 2011
– Satoru Iwata elieves Christmas sales will be up year-over-year for Nintendo
– USA/Japan: 3DS purchase rate is higher than the DS last year
– USA: Active users in October vs. March hasn’t changed for Wii/DS/3DS
– Improved profits driven by lower cost and continued momentum in 2012
– Nintendo hopes to accelerate digital offerings
– Iwata implied a launch date for Wii U later than June 2012 (makes sense since Nintendo will show the console at the show)
– USA: StreetPass opportunities are small; need to get a group together and they’ll have positive views of the feature
– Nintendo’s priority in 2011 is 3DS hardware sales, profitability sacrificed, want to grow 3DS into a core platform
– Big improvement in 3DS profitability next year; targeting 16 million units; conservative goal, not aggressive
– Lack of 3DS software won’t happen again
– Nintendo will collaborate more with external developers since they can’t do everything internally; external companies better at network service
– Nintendo still interested in expanding the gaming population
– Iwata: Industry will shrink is audience doesn’t expand
– Children are asking for the 3DS more for Christmas
– This is why Nintendo is more confident about 3DS sales
– There is a plan in place to enhance the 3DS line-up internationally, aand this will be one of the drivers for improved profits in 2012


The information below comes from Nintendo’s latest financial briefing. All numbers are listed in terms of millions of units sold.


PS3 – 2.42
DS – 2.67
Xbox 360 – 3.45
3DS – 1.42
Wii – 2.36
PSP – .85


PS3 – 2.79
DS – 2.26
Xbox 360 – 1.98
3DS – 1.48
Wii – 2.01
PSP – 1.40


PS3 – 1.11
DS – .60
Xbox 360 – .09
3DS – 2.15
Wii – .55
PSP – 1.60


Nintendo president Satoru Iwata provided a brief update on Wii U at the company’s latest financial briefing. It sounds like we won’t be seeing the console anytime soon. Iwata told investors that Nintendo “would like to show the final format of the Wii U at the E3 show next year.” This probably is an indication that the console won’t be out until late 2012.

Iwata also said that Nintendo “learned a bitter lesson with the launch of the Nintendo 3DS”. Hopefully this means that they’ll be gearing up for a healthy lineup of launch games and will price the Wii U appropriately.

“We are also planning to launch the Wii U, which is the successor to the Wii, during the next fiscal year. We would like to show the final format of the Wii U at the E3 show next year. As we learned a bitter lesson with the launch of the Nintendo 3DS, we are trying to take every possible measure so that the Wii U will have a successful launch.”


Satoru Iwata has detailed the eShop-related improvements that will be made available through a system update late next month. Iwata primarily discussed DLC, demos and enhancements to the download process. He also teased revealed upcoming PC/smartphone functionality for the shop.

Iwata shared the following information with investors:

– Once a title is released, a developer can add content to it through the eShop
– Nintendo believes more developers will now increase the amount of titles for the shop
– Publishers can provide demos to consumers
– These demos can be limited by the number of trials
– Over one million reviews have been contributed worldwide for titles on the eShop
– Can download software while 3DS is in sleep mode with the update
– This will put an end to users having to wait patiently while several software titles are downloading at the same time or while a title with a large-file size is downloading
– Access eShop through the Web
– This means you can get to the shop on PCs or smartphones
– Nintendo wants to solve the issue of information (including reviews) being restricted to the eShop only
– If a game receives high marks from consumers, a majority of people won’t know about it unless they access the shop on the 3DS; Nintendo wants to change this in the future
– Won’t be able to purchase software directly on your PC/smartphone at the beginning
– Take a photo of a QR code at the eShop by using the 3DS camera
– 3DS will then open that specific page on the eShop
– This function will be included in the system update in November
– Nintendo will allow consumers to buy software directly on their PC/smartphone


Nintendo release schedule

Posted on 12 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, DS, News, Wii | 0 comments

There isn’t anything too shocking here. Kid Icarus: Uprising is due out no later than March in Japan (listed as just 2012 in North America and Europe), Fatal Frame Wii is still included (as TBA) on the schedule, and Fire Emblem 3DS is probably staying in Japan. A whole bunch of third-party games are listed, too.

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