North American Rhythm Heaven Fever teaser trailer
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii | 0 comments
Nintendo Download (1/12/12, Europe)
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, DS, News, Wii | 0 comments
Bobby Carrot Forever – 800 points
Doodle Fit – £4.50 / 500 points
Make Up & Style – £4.50 / 500 points
Source: Nintendo PR
60 pages of amazing Zelda: Skyward Sword art from Hyrule Historia
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments
There are 274 pages in Hyrule Historia. 60 of those pages feature some amazing concept art of for Zelda: Skyward Sword. Nintendo has provided designs for important characters in the game (including Link, Zelda, and Ghirahim), NPCs, enemies and bosses, locations, and more. There even appears to be some unused designs for Fi.
If you haven’t completed the game yet, then it might be best for you to avoid the gallery above for now. However, you’ll probably want to take a look at it at some point because it contains some art that you won’t want to miss.
Check back soon for more high-quality scans from Hyrule Historia.
Thanks to Noble Wrot for the tip!
LTD, YTD hardware sales in the U.S. (NPD)
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, DS, News, Wii | 0 comments
This information is based on data collected from the NPD Group through November 2011. Additional hardware sales will be provided on Thursday via the December report.
DS – 50,530,001
Wii – 37,624,494
Xbox 360 – 30,934,373
PlayStation 3 – 19,041,921
3DS – 2,462,000
Xbox 360 – 5,539,214
PlayStation 3 – 3,579,948
Wii – 3,474,870
DS – 3,193,732
3DS – 2,462,000
Media Create software sales (12/26 – 1/1) – Top 50
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, DS, News, Wii | 0 comments
01./01. [3DS] Mario Kart 7
02./04. [3DS] Monster Hunter 3G #
03./02. [PS3] Warriors Orochi 2 #
04./03. [3DS] Super Mario 3D Land
05./05. [PS3] Final Fantasy XIII-2 #
06./09. [3DS] Inazuma Eleven Go: Shine / Dark
07./07. [WII] Just Dance Wii
08./06. [WII] Kirby’s Return to Dream Land
09./11. [WII] Wii Party
10./08. [3DS] SD Gundam G Generation 3D #
11./19. [WII] Wii Sports Resort with Remote Plus
12./20. [WII] Mario Kart Wii
13./28. [WII] Go Vacation
14./00. [PS3] The Idolmaster: Gravure For You! Vol. 3
15./10. [WII] Inazuma Eleven Strikers 2012 Xtreme
16./14. [WII] Taiko Drum Master Wii: Definitive Edition #
17./25. [PSP] World Soccer Winning Eleven 2012
18./16. [PS3] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 – Dubbed Edition
19./22. [PSP] Jikkyou Powerful Pro Baseball 2011 Ketteiban
20./26. [PSP] Frontier Gate
21./21. [WII] Rhythm Heaven: Fever
22./17. [NDS] Magician’s Quest: Oshare na Mahou Tsukai
23./23. [3DS] Nintendogs + Cats: French Bulldog / Shiba / Toy Poodle & New Friends
24./18. [NDS] One Piece: Gigant Battle 2 – New World #
25./15. [WII] Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games
26./34. [PSP] Monster Hunter Freedom 3 (PSP the Best)
27./31. [WII] Itadaki Street Wii
28./37. [PSV] Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational
29./40. [PSV] Uncharted: Golden Abyss
30./43. [PS3] Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme Vs.
31./12. [PSP] Mahou Shoujo Nanoha A’s Portable: The Gears of Destiny #
32./29. [WII] The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword #
33./30. [PS3] Jikkyou Powerful Pro Baseball 2011 Ketteiban
34./44. [PSV] Dynasty Warriors Next
35./24. [PSP] Little Battlers eXperience: Boost
36./49. [PSV] Lord of Apocalypse
37./00. [PS3] The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
38./32. [NDS] Kirby Mass Attack
39./13. [WII] PokePark 2: Beyond the World
40./41. [3DS] Pokemon Rumble Blast
41./33. [WII] New Super Mario Bros. Wii
42./00. [3DS] The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D
43./47. [PSP] Final Fantasy Type-0
44./00. [PSP] Hatsune Miku: Project Diva Extend
45./39. [WII] Family Fishing #
46./00. [PSP] Lord of Apocalypse
47./00. [PS3] World Soccer Winning Eleven 2012
48./00. [PS3] Metal Gear Solid HD Edition #
49./45. [PS3] Shin Kamaitachi no Yoru: 11 Hitome no Suspect
50./35. [NDS] Pokemon Black / White
New Beyond the Labyrinth details
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
Beyond the Labyrinth is due out in Japan in less than two weeks. Konami and tri-Ace gave players an opportunity to sample the game ahead of its release on the 19th, and that means we have a bunch of new details about the game.
The new information is as follows:
– Normal hard, hard, super hard, ultra hard, and hyper hard difficulty settings
– Change the difficulty midway through the game
– Clear history will show the lowest difficult setting you used at any point
– Can press B to fast forward through event scenes
– Your meeting with the game’s heroine happens at the beginning of the game and happens in an unexpected way
– Can use Photoshop for customization (unclear if the game itself makes any special accommodations for Photoshop use, or if you’re just importing jpeg or bmp data which can of course be edited in Photoshop)
– Use the net to trade clothes with other players (unclear if internet exchanges are part of the game or if you can just exchange image data online via your PC)
– Change the color of the girls’ panties
– HP recovers completely when you reach a save point
– Other special points on the field where you’ll recover some of your HP as well
– Some parameters, such as the move points that determine how much you can move, are carried over to the next battle
– Party members talk during battle
– These conversations are recorded in a log
– Will take about 40 hours to complete
Thanks to 4Him for the tip!
CyberConnect 2 hints at the continuation of the Little Tail Bronx world
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
Could there be more games in the Little Tail Bronx sometime in the future? CyberConnect 2 CEO Hiroshi Matsuyama has hinted at the possibility.
During a Japanese fan appreciation event for Solatorobo, Matsuyama said:
“In the not so distant future, I would like to greet everyone in the Little Tail Bronx world. Although, I don’t know what media it will be. As long as it has everyone’s support, the Little Tails Bronx world will live forever.”
Three games have been released in the Little Tail Bronx series: Mamorukun, Tail Concerto, and Solatorobo. We probably wouldn’t see any direct sequels to any of these titles, but there would be connections between them in that they all are set in the same “world”. You may remember that Solatorobo featured guest characters and references to both Tail Concerto and Mamorukun.
Impressing Miyamoto keeps Aonuma motivated, reflecting on Twilight Princess for Skyward Sword, more
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, GameCube, General Nintendo, News, Wii | 0 comments
There’s a new interview up with The Legend of Zelda producer Eiji Aonuma. Aonuma was asked about how he and his staff keep motivated, how he used his previous experience with the series in making Skyward Sword a better game, working in the shadow of Ocarina of Time’s success, and much more.
There are quite a few noteworthy tidbits, such as how Aonuma is motivated by his desire to impress Shigeru Miyamoto.
He also explained how he greatly reflected on Twilight Princess “with a view to try and fix lots of the things that we felt weren’t perfect.” Aonuma discussed this quite a bit.
For all of Aonuma’s comments, head past the break.