Kawata: 3D effect makes Resident Evil more scary
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
This information comes from Resident Evil: Revelations producer Masachika Kawata…
“The 3D effects really do help bring out the sense of presence and the sense of being in an enclosed space, not knowing where an enemy is going to jump out. It makes it all the more scary. We do believe 3D adds quite a bit to the game.”
The 3D effect could make things more realistic and perhaps more scary overall. I personally believe that music/sound are one of the most important elements to impact the environment of a game. What makes Resident Evil games scary for you guys?
First 3D Pixel Racing screenshots
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Screenshots, Wii | 0 comments
Aliens dev thinks Wii U is “a really cool stop-gap console”, excited about controller, more
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 0 comments
Gearbox Software co-founder and chief creative officer Brian Martel was very positive when talking about the Wii U with IGN. But one the more interesting comments he shared is that Wii U is “going to be a really cool stop-gap in between this generation and the next generation.” I don’t think Nintendo has any plans for Wii U to be a stop-gap! I’m sure that they want the console to stick around for at least five years.
Martel’s full comments about Wii U are below:
“Right now we’re still finding out what kind of final tech specs the Wii U is going to have. But we like the system a lot; we think it’s going to be a really cool stop-gap in between this generation and the next generation. We think it’s really smart of Nintendo, and the fact that as a platform it’s a lot more capable for hardcore first-person shooter-style gaming – for us that’s fantastic. We’ve got the [Aliens: Colonial Marines] engine running on the Wii U, and as far as the console goes, you’re going to see textures at a resolution that you haven’t seen on [the current] generation. But the thing we’re most excited about is: what can we do with the controller? So the obvious thing for us is that we can do the motion tracker [on the controller screen], or the sentry gun information – all that kind of stuff. That stuff is really sexy for us. Getting the information off the screen and onto this device is a fantastic idea, right? So can we have a HUD-less environment? Yeah, probably. That would be fantastic, right?”
Rumor: Kid Icarus: Uprising due out Q1 2012 in Europe
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Rumors | 0 comments
According to information gathered from Nintendo, Kid Icarus: Uprising isn’t due out in Europe this year. The title is now on track for a Q1 2012 release in the territory. No reason was provided for the game’s delay.
I’m wondering if the delay will affect North America/Japan as well or if it’s specific for Europe. Last we heard, Uprising is launching in North America later this year.
Screenshots of this week’s Nintendo Downloads (7/7)
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, DS, Screenshots, Wii | 0 comments
Official Nintendo Download announcement for July 7
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, DS, News, Wii | 0 comments
This week’s Nintendo Download includes the following featured games:
Just JAM – Pick up that Wii Remote™ controller and get ready to mix, match and lay down your own tunes. Just JAM offers a live music experience featuring your favorite genres and cool artists. (For Wii™)Nintendo eShop + Nintendo DSiWare™:
Jewel Keepers: Easter Island – With mind-blowing visuals and an engaging storyline, this game will keep you entertained for hours as you travel across Easter Island and help to unravel its mysteries. (For Nintendo 3DS™ / Nintendo DSi™)
Cinderella Life screenshots
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Screenshots | 0 comments
Nintendo’s localization history: North America vs. Europe
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, News, Wii | 0 comments
IGN has posted the images above on their website along with an article comparing Nintendo of America’s localization history with Nintendo of Europe’s record. It’s interesting to see which titles have been brought over to each region. I actually wasn’t aware that Dolphin the Giant made it to Europe!
Iwata says Wii U will appeal more towards the hardcore, EA partnership talk, Wii sales not a concern… yet
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News, Wii, Wii U | 0 comments
Satoru Iwata on how the Wii U will better appeal to hardcore gamers compared to Wii…
“When we considered what to do with the graphics capability of the Wii, we put more attention and focus on the ability to create new experiences rather than the quality of the graphics. For popular genres in the Western world such as the shooter games, the picture quality is actually very important. And as a result, we have not been able to provide hardcore video game players with the option they really want with the Wii. That sort of picture-processing issue is going to be solved this time around.