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A new piece of content has been added to Nintendo Video for the third time this week. Today 3DS owners can view “BearShark”, a video created by CollegeHumor. Nintendo describes the video as “When Bear and Shark team up, nobody’s safe on land or sea.” It’s just a little more than two minutes long, so if you have some free time, perhaps you’ll consider watching it!

What do you get when you mix Super Mario Bros. with the Unreal Engine 3 and a little bit of first-person action? The videos above, of course! A fan took it upon himself to recreate the title using Epic’s engine to “learn about game development.” The project took eight weeks to complete.

Nintendo has provided a slew of reasons as to why they’re reducing the price of the 3DS. There’s the fact that it simply hasn’t been selling well, how this move makes it easier for publishers and developers to get on board, and that the new price will also help out retailers.

What Nintendo hasn’t said is that the new price is related to users getting sick and dizzy from 3D. That’s not stopping The Sun from saying otherwise, however.

Check out this blurb from their article regarding the 3DS price drop:

“NINTENDO is slashing the price of its 3D console by a third – after claims it makes gamers feel dizzy and sick.”

That’s pretty much a blatant lie. Sure, some consumers were a bit worried about getting tired from 3D before the 3DS shipped, but we haven’t seen many complaints at all since launch. Nintendo has also consistently said that the effect shouldn’t be a cause for concern.

I suppose we just have to deal with the fact that The Sun likes to embellish their articles. Back in April, the publication claimed that “thousands” of 3DS owners were suffering from headaches and dizziness. Nintendo later denied the report, saying that “the number of calls and emails with queries on Nintendo 3DS is in fact well below the rate experienced during past hardware launches”.

According to data published by Nielsen, 25% of Wii owners are streaming Netflix through Wii. That beats out the PlayStation 3 (13%) and Xbox 360 (12%).

Data for Hulu watching is also available in the graphic above, but it’s not too interesting. A large majority of viewers access Hulu through their computer rather than consoles or other means.


This video was part of this week’s Nintendo Channel updates, so you can also watch it on your Wii if you’re interested.


Super Adventure Island II – 800 points

Neo Geo

Twinkle Star Sprites – 900 points
Art of Fighting 3 – 900 points

To this day, Nintendo continues to enforce a strict 40 megabyte filesize limit for WiiWare titles. For the 3DS eShop, the situation is different.

Let’s Golf 3D, the first “3DSWare” title in North America and Europe, launched yesterday and the file size is much larger than most had expected. The game itself takes up 1,500 blocks, which puts it somewhere around 190 megabytes. That’s nearly five times the size of the biggest WiiWare title.

It’s great to see that there is no apparent restriction on the eShop. Developers will have many more options and room to work with and the process to make a game for the service should be much easier than creating something for WiiWare.


I have no idea how long I have until I have to leave again, so I may have to stop this post short and come back to it later. Sorry! To read the original article and read the comments I am replying to, click here.

Anyway, let me start off by reiterating a point I made at the beginning of the article, though clearly not strongly enough: I’m in support of OpRainfall. I want these games to come here as badly as you all do, and I’m very sad Nintendo has decided (at least for the time being) to forgo their publication in North America. If anything, they could take any number of alternate sales routes to minimize risk- limiting quantities or selling it on a demand basis like Demon’s Souls- and so really, one could just jump to the conclusions that Nintendo is either lazy, mean, or doesn’t care about us at all.

The purpose of this article was not so much to question the validity of arguments against Nintendo because I do not believe they are valid. The purpose is to say “Hey you guys, I know this sucks and it shouldn’t be this way, but let’s take a look from Nintendo’s perspective for a second.” Their behavior in this situation, while unfortunate, I don’t think is nearly as unfair and people are making it out to be. If people are making it out to be, say, a 10 on the unfairness scale, I’d like to say it should really only be a 6 or a 7. We aren’t being treated horribly and unfairly; we just haven’t given Nintendo a reason to trust us with “core” titles on Wii.

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