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At E3 last month, only a few specific third-party games were announced for Wii U. Capcom is one of many publishers that didn’t announce actual support for the console. However, that doesn’t mean that the company won’t be bringing any games to the platform in the future.

On the latest “Ask Capcom” segment, Christian Svensson said that Capcom has been having conversations about how to approach the platform. Although he wouldn’t provide further information, he did admit that Capcom is “close with Nintendo.” In other words, you can probably expect Capcom to show some support for Wii U down the line – at next year’s E3, perhaps.

“Coming to the topic of Wii U, we continue to have conversations about best to tackle that. I have nothing to confirm right now, but we’re close with Nintendo. That’s probably the best way I’d put it. You can draw your own conclusions from there.”

Xenoblade’s coming out in Europe in just a couple of months. The Last Story seems to be on track for 2012. And Pandora’s Tower? Apparently that’s also launching in Europe next year.

Live Wii claims to have heard that Nintendo will be completing the trifecta of recent Wii RPGs by launching the game in 2012. The site didn’t provide any particular source though, so take this rumor with a grain of salt for now.

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The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker will always be remembered for its unique visual style. Nintendo took a rather large risk by implementing cel-shaded graphics, though there’s no question it payed off.

But what if Nintendo decided to take a more realistic approach with the game’s visual style? That’s what Reddit user “thepixelartist” explored in his latest work. He’s completely turned Outset Island into a more photorealistic environment.

Oh, and no… technically the last photo in the gallery above is not part of thepixelartist’s Wind Waker set. It’s just something a bit more random he created, but I figured some of you may enjoy it nonetheless!

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