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Did you know that today is Shigeru Miyamoto’s birthday? Yep, the famous Nintendo developer turned 58 today! As we all know, age is nothing but a number. Miyamoto will be with Nintendo forever… Right?! Anyway, happy birthday, Miyamoto!

Man… That really doesn’t look good. I honestly thought it wouldn’t look that bad.

This information comes from Geoff Keighley’s Twitter…

“VGA rumors…We’ll share two world premiere announcements on Wednesday with many more to come.”

It’s almost a guarantee that one of the reveals won’t be Nintendo related. EA’s Patrick Buechner tweeted that BioWare fans should pay attention… And we know that the company has made only one DS title in the past. We’ll let you know, though, if either of the reveals happen to be tied into a Nintendo system.


Create trailer

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii | 0 comments

This information comes from Nintendo’s UK head of comms Rob Saunders…

“The sales of GoldenEye show that these titles can and do perform well on Wii. The idea that Wii owners are only after smaller mini-game compilations or first-party titles isn’t true. A good quality title, supported well by both publisher and retail, has just as much chance of performing well as any Nintendo title.”

We definitely know that GoldenEye 007 is selling well. Activision recently stated that the game was outselling Call of Duty: Modern Warfare – Reflex Edition.


The heroine’s name is no longer Lilly. That was actually just a placeholder name. Her real name is “エアロ,” which may end up as Aero in English.


GoldenEye 007

– A lot of people thought the Wii game would just be a cash-in
– Craig highly recommends it

Donkey Kong Country Returns

– Crazy stuff in worlds 6, 7, 8
– Will spend a lot of time if you want 100%
– A lot of 1-ups, but Craig says you’ll need them
– Can buy additional 1-ups
– Great music even though most probably won’t be as impressed as they were back with the SNES
– Craig doesn’t like the blow mechanic in the game, thinks it’s mostly unnecessary
– Only use it to uncover hidden items or blow out fire on an enemy
– DK can stomp the ground as well
– Can use the Wiimote without the nunchuck, Craig actually prefers it
– Craig was dying a lot more with the nunchuck
– Craig liked the mine cart levels
– Lots of old school references
– Mr. Game & Watch in the background of one of the levels
– Craig thinks the co-op is cool, but isn’t sure he’d like to use it in the later levels
– Use coins to buy extra lives, invincibility potion, or an extra heart
– If you jump on 3 enemies in a row, you get a coin, keep jumping on enemies to get additional coins
– Run button in the game when using the classic controller mode

With Mario Sports Mix’s impending release in Japan, Nintendo has almost revealed the complete roster. There’s still one character that has yet to be announced, though. Rumor has it that the mystery player will be none other than a regular, blue Slime. The information was originally reported on a Japanese website, but it’s supposedly reliable. In any case, we should be finding out if this is the real deal soon enough!

Thanks to Thomas N for the tip!


Sonic Colors commercial

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, Videos, Wii | 1 Comment

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