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It looks like this may be the end of Nintendo’s super play videos for the Mario series…

Thanks to Chestah for the tip!

Nomura on where 3D falls in the series timeline…

“Kingdom Hearts 3D takes place after Kingdom Hearts Re:coded, making it the latest development in the Kingdom hearts timeline.”

Nomura on new worlds in the game…

“We’re still deciding which worlds to include, but there may be a major overhaul in terms of the selection of Disney worlds.”

You know, I’m incredibly relieved right now. It’s been a tough past few months for me (I won’t bore you with the details), but I’m finally going to have some time to fully devote myself to the sites and complete some much needed maintenance. Something has mysteriously gone wrong with our Twitter posts, and our RSS feed has been experiencing some issues. So I’m going to try and get to the bottom of those problems and with any luck, I’ll have them fixed soon.

Also, I wanted to make sure you guys were aware of our new screenshot galleries. Quite a few of you weren’t happy with the way they worked in the past, though I’d say the galleries we’re using now are much more user-friendly. No longer will you be forced to click an image twice to see it in a larger size. As soon as you view a screenshot, you’ll see a fairly large version of the picture, and you’ll be able to quickly cycle through the rest of the images in the gallery. I’ve made a few other changes recently, such as the default avatar displayed in the comments section. There’s still much to be done, though.

Before I end this post, I wanted to make sure I wish everyone Happy Holidays! Hopefully most of you will be reading this message late in the afternoon tomorrow… if you celebrate Christmas, of course. Spend some time with your lovely families, and open those presents! And now that I think about it, New Year’s Eve is just around the corner…

I have a feeling that things will be very quiet on the news front over the next week and as we head into 2011, but I’ll be here to cover anything significant Nintendo updates that I come across.

Austin chimes in:

First off, happy holidays to all of you! I’m personally a Christmas celebrator, so it’s the eve of the holiday for me, and I’ve got some bad news: Despite spending hours and hours today trying to make it work, I can’t get a video feature done and of good quality.

It’s not for lack of trying, I promise! Truly, I must’ve filmed 10 different features today, but each one had something very wrong. The first few had major sound issues, some had crazy lighting issues, and the quality of the footage on them is just horrible. The content is good and it’s there, I just am having a ton of trouble working with this new webcam I got. I’ll post up the crappy-quality one tomorrow, but it’s gotten far too late now and iMovie has insisted on crashing on me multiple times. 😛

Many apologies on my end; I’m working hard to make things work in terms of hardware.


Designer/Team Meat’s Edmund McMillen on how the WiiWare version would have been gimped…

“There is no way to avoid the fact that if we released a 40MB version of Super Meat Boy it would be a shit version of the game. It’s a lose lose situation, but the fact of the matter is if we release a shitty game, we will have to live with that for the rest of our careers and have to cop to the fact that it is a shitty game.”

McMillen discussing the file size limit on WiiWare…

“We knew of the limits early on but overestimated our ability to get Nintendo to raise the file size. It’s lame that there is a 40MB cap on WiiWare games … but it was our fault for blindly assuming this cap wasn’t set in stone, and we are sorry for that.”

Believe it or not, the commercial above can now be seen on Japanese televisions. This certainly bodes well for future advertising for The Last Story. After all, if Nintendo is willing to run a commercial just for a presentation, one would think that they’re ready to really push the game in Japan.

This information comes from the latest episode of Invisible Walls…

Dance Central – 350k
Need For Speed Hot Pursuit PS3 – 203k
Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 360 – 201k
Metroid Other M LTD ~ 300k
Iron Man 2 DS – >40k

Source 1, Source 2

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