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1. [PSP] Monster Hunter Portable 3rd
2. [PS3] Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 3
3. [DS] Inazuma Eleven 3: World Challenge!! The Ogre
4. [Wii] Donkey Kong Country Returns
5. [DS] Pokemon Black/White
6. [PSP] Shining Hearts
7. [Wii] Wii Party
8. [Wii] Mario Sports Mix
9. [DS] Ni no Kuni
10. [Wii] Mario Sports Mix

At E3, Shigeru Miyamoto said that The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword was nearly complete. In fact, at a roundtable discussion following Nintendo’s press conference, Miyamoto explained that the game would have already been released had Twilight Princess’ art style been used. It seemed as though only the game’s dungeons and bosses needed to be worked on before the title could ship to stores.

But perhaps Skyward Sword isn’t as far along as we thought. In an interview with Pocket-lint, Miyamoto stated that the game is “over half complete.” Based on the wording used, I wouldn’t be so sure that Skyward Sword will be released in early 2011, as was originally promised. Miyamoto went on to discuss his interest in making the game “very dense.”

“What we are focused on is creating gameplay mechanics so the gameplay experience feels very dense. In fact, the overall experience is going to feel more dense. We hope that people will want to go back and replay the game once they finish it.”

Xenoblade developer Monolith Soft is starting to make a new game. The company just opened a page on their website which states that workers are needed. Monolith is looking to fill positions such as programmer, 2D designer, planner, effect designer, 3DCG designer and motion designer.

Although it’s true that Monolith Soft has created a number of titles for Nintendo in recent years, it’s possible that this new game is for a different publisher. The developer has worked on a couple of Super Robot Taisen projects as well as Dragon Ball Z: Attack of the Saiyans for Namco Bandai. It should be awhile before we receive concrete details about the game, but hopefully it’ll be worth the wait.


Miyamoto on Microsoft talking about catering for “Wii graduates”…

“I don’t think the Wii is something that people need to graduate from. Of course, I am happy that motion is fashionable now. But when we make games, we are not trying to produce trendy products. It needs to be an experience that’s meaningful, and the motion control needs to add something. So our new Zelda game takes motion control and adds something to the game to make you feel like you’re part of the adventure. I think our rivals need to find what it is they have to offer that’s new.”

I’m sure you guys haven’t forgotten about Entertainment Weekly’s choices for the “Worst Games of 2010.” Kirby’s Epic Yarn was actually the top pick – to the surprise of many fans. Jeff Jensen has apparently received a great deal of feedback for his decision. As a result, Jensen has composed a lengthy article discussing the reason for picking Kirby as the worst game. Here’s an excerpt:

“Still, do I seriously think Kirby is the worst game of the year … or do I just strongly dislike it, think its wildly overrated, had some major aesthetic and philosophical objections to it, and hoped to use my ‘Worst’ entry to provoke debate about cutesyness? I’d say more of the latter. So yes, I have a small pang of regret for calling Kirby’s Epic Yarn “the worst game of the year,” but only a small pang, especially since it’s barely a game. But if you asked me for my top-10 list of interactive storybooks for children, it would be pretty close to No. 1. After all: It is really, really cute.”


This information comes from retailer Game Star…

– Virtually walk through the game with the Balance Board
– Wiimote used like a flashlight
– Game broken into chapters
– Gradually uncover the mystery of why people are being sacrificed to gods
– Complete one episode to unlock the next one


This information comes from a Yahoo! Japan poll…

1.) Mario from Super Mario Bros. (9,862 votes)
2.) Hatsune Miku from Hatsune Miku: Project Diva 2nd (6,420 votes)
3.) Date Masamune from Sengoku Basara: Samurai Heroes (4,333 votes)
4.) Naked Snake from Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker (4,142 votes)
5.) Felyne from Monster Hunter Diary Poka Poka Felyne Village (4,033 votes)
6.) Reshiram from Pokémon Black (3,208 votes)
7.) Wada-Don from Taiko no Tatsujin DS 3 (2,962 votes)
8.) Nene Anegasaki from LovePlus + (2,446 votes)

9.) Totori from Atelier Totori (868 votes)
10.) Black Heart from Hyperdimension Neptunia (707 votes)


OFLC rates Rayman 3D

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments

Although Rayman: Origins was not announced for a Nintendo platform at E3, a noticed posted on the game’s website stated that it could eventually end up on the 3DS and/or Wii. We still don’t have a confirmation that Origins will end up on Nintendo’s next handheld, but a listing from the OFLC is hinting that it may happen.

“Rayman 3D” has been rated by the OFLC, though we don’t know what platform the listing is for. Moreover, if it is for the 3DS, we don’t know if it is a port/spinoff of Origins. It’s certainly possible that the title could be for the 3DS, but don’t get your hopes up until Ubisoft has something official to share!


The previously Wii-exclusive downloadable game Retro City Rampage has been delayed until next year, according to the game’s creator, but an additional XBLA version of the game will be coming out alongside it as well.

For those that aren’t familiar yet, Retro City Rampage is a game made by Brian Provinciano, an indie game dev, that spoofs everything there is to spoof about the gaming industry nowadays. It’s a retro-inspired GTA-like game played in 8-bit style that was original supposed to come out this month. Now, the release date stands at “Fall 2011” with the 360 version coming next summer.

Talk about a kick to the groin for Wii owners!

Via 1up

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