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LovePlus 3DS details

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 6 Comments

– Uses the 3DS’ 3D screen, touch screen, microphone, camera, gyro sensor, network capabilities
– 3D screen, touch screen, mic, camera, gyro sensor and network capabilities
– By using those functions, the devs hope players will feel a deeper connection to a more appealing girlfriend
– Girls can remember your face
– Can freely play in horizontal or vertical “tate” mode
– More robust wireless functionality
– StreetPass mode could be used so that girlfriends could tell lies to one another, build up a city based off data collected from StreetPass
– Character Designer Mino Taro said the game’s character designs are all being refreshed
– Staff working hard to improve the graphics
– Can show more detailed facial expressions
– Taro said players should look out for the cute gestures from the girls
– Trailer was concept footage, hints at what players can expect from the game
– Trailer shows Manaka Takane, one of the series’ three girlfriends
– Manaka discusses what “3D” means, mentions the system’s motion sensor and gyro sensor
– She says: “Hmm, gyro… does that mean you can tilt it?”
– Increased resolution mentioned as well, and support for 3D photos
– Manaka gets embarrassed towards the end because the player seems to approach the 3DS
– Manaka says that the game can recognize the player thanks to the camera, asks that you not look at her so closely, as she can truly detect your face
– Noise interrupts you as you’re about to go in for a kiss
– Spring 2011 release


This information comes from Satoru Iwata…

“At first we thought it would be desirable to launch the 3DS within the year, so we made our forecasts on that basis. At this point it is clear that if we launch within the year, we will not be able to supply enough units.”

I was honestly shocked when Iwata stated that the 3DS wouldn’t be releasing in any territory this year. I was skeptical of a NA/European launch for 2010, but I was almost certain it would at least be out in Japan around November. It will feel strange not having the 3DS around for the holiday season, but at least more units will be available when the system launches and more developers have time to work on their projects.

Source 1, Source 2

Haunted House trailer

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii | 0 comments

This information comes from Wes Philips, Capcom’s manager of PR strategy…

“Our Nintendo 3DS lineup is ridiculously good. Mega Man Legends, Super Street Fighter IV and Resident Evil? No one is bringing it like us.”

I definitely feel like Capcom is one of the strongest supporters of the 3DS. Resident Evil: Revelations and Super Street Fighter IV 3D contributed to a fantastic start, but as we know, the company also announced a second Resident Evil title for the handheld as well as Mega Man Legends 3 earlier today. Personally, I can’t wait to see what the new Legends game looks like.


3DS download sales details

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, DS, News | 11 Comments

– 3DS to fix issues with the Wii and DSi shops
– 3DS shop will combine promotional and sales functionality
– Iwata compared this to combining the Wii Shop Channel and Nintendo Channel into one
– Improved shop interface for 3DS
– Quickly and smoothly switch between screens
– Store downloads on an SD card
– The 3DS come with a 2GB card, but you can use a larger card as well
– 4 categories of 3DS downloads: Virtual Console, Classic Games with New 3D Look, Nintendo DSiWare, Nintendo 3DS Software
– Virtual Console category starting off with Game Boy and Game Boy Color
– “Classic Games with a new 3D Look” category includes classic titles remade in 3D
– Namco Bandai had a 3D version of Xevious as an experiment for the Classic Games with a new 3D Look category
– DSiWare category: Download DSiWare titles like DSi/DSi LL owners can, transfer games over to the 3DS as well
– Last category most likely 3DSWare, but it has not been given that official name

“We’ve been doing download sales for the Wii and DSi, but there is room for improvement. We cannot say that the Wii Shopping Channel and Nintendo DSi Shop have provided users with a sufficiently easy and accessible interface, and we were not able to run optimal shops which have the ability to both promote and sell products in one place.”

“For any download business to grow, it must be important for consumers to be able to enjoy window shopping even when they do not have any particular product in mind. Quick and easy access to the shop is, therefore, very important.”

“To make the classic titles 3D will not be as easy as providing Virtual Console software, but we are eager to make them available for the download sales.”


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