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While it’s not a direct comparison, you can see a huge upgrade since Epic Mickey was first shown in October 2009.

October 2009

June 2010

October 2009

June 2010

I was gone for two weeks in a row, and now this week I just completely forgot because of all of the E3 business and the new site’s launch. However, I remember now and am super excited to get back into the rhythm of Game Nights! You all know the drill: Show up at 6PM CST (7PM EST, 4PM PST) and it’s free to play with no sign-up required! The best way to figure out how it all works is just by showing up, so I’ll see you all in a week for the first game night after E3!

GoldenEye 007 Wii details

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 4 Comments

– Rosa Klebb, Red Grant, Dr. No, Oddjob, Jaws, and Scarmanga are in the game
– Rosa Klebb, Red Grant, Dr. No classic characters in addition to Oddjob, Jaws, and Scarmanga
– Conflict and Team Conflict online multiplayer
– Bond movie set designers working on the game
– Valentin Zukovsky’s club will is one of the game’s levels
– No one from the original Rare team is working on the game
– Treyarch wasn’t asked to help with pointer controls
– Script is by Bruce Feirstein
– Score is by David Arnold
– The game is based on the GoldenEye story, not the game, and it’s inspired by the movie’s universe
– No other movie cameos other than multiplayer characters
– A bunch of voice acting
– Different AI actions based on what the player does on a mission
– Use Wiimote as a telephone


The Kore Gang trailer

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii | 0 comments

“Based off internally conducted research, naked-eye 3D for portables does not have high precision, and at present there are limitations.” – Sony Computer Entertainment CEO Kaz Hirai

Although I’ll admit that the 3DS’ technology has issues like a narrow viewing angle, based on the feedback from E3, I’d say the good outweighs the bad. Not only can you take your 3D gaming experiences anywhere you go, but you also don’t to hassle with 3D glasses.


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