Eternity’s Child creator doesn’t care about casual gamers, discontent with own title
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 2 Comments
“(speaking about who Eternity’s Child is aimed for)I don’t care about casual gamers… (speaking about if Eternity’s Child has had enough dev time) To be honest, I am not satisfied with Eternity’s Child. I hope that is does well enough for me to be able to do the game of my dreams and not live off noodles.” – Luc Bernard, creator of Eternity’s Child
Those are some pretty blunt statements by Mr. Bernard. Although, it makes one wonder: If a game’s own creator isn’t satisfied with a project, why isn’t there an effort provided to modify the elements of the game so it can be fixed? The second statement from Mr. Bernard will surely make some reconsider purchasing Eternity’s Child on WiiWare.
Japanese software sales thus far
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, News, Wii | 0 comments
– New Super Mario Bros. (NDS, Nintendo): 5,181,470 units
Release: 05/25/06
– Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii, Nintendo): 1,645,362 units
Release: 01/31/08
Weekly savings
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, News, Wii | 0 comments
Best Buy
Imagine: Babyz (DS) – $14.99
Petz Wild Animalz: Dolphinz (DS) – $14.99
Circuit City
Petz Wild Animalz: Dolphinz (DS) – $17.99
Imagine: Babyz (DS) – $17.99
Petz Wild Animalz: Dolphinz (DS) – $17.99
Deal or No Deal (DS) – $11.99
Toy Shop (DS) – $11.99
Imagine: Fashion Designer (DS) – $17.99
Imagine: Figure Skater (DS) – $17.99
Guitar Hero III (Wii) – $79.99
Pool Party (Wii) – $15.99 + Free pool cue accessory stick with purchase
Myth Makers Super Kart GP (Wii) – $11.99
Cocoto Magic Circus (Wii) – $11.99
Carnival Games (Wii) – $31.99
Summer Sports (Wii) – $31.99
Madden NFL 08 (Wii) – 23.99
Thrust Master Wireless Controller for Wii – $14.99
VERGE Stylus Four Pack – $2.49
VERGE Screen Protectors – $3.49
MLB 2K8 (Wii) – $39.99
Petz: Dogz 2 (DS) – $14.99
Free High School Musical bundle with purchase of 2 Wii games shown (SSBB, Mario Kart Wii, Boom Blox, Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga, MLB 2K8, Hannah Montana : Spotlight World Tour)
Free Wario: Master of Disguise with purchase of 2 DS games shown (New Super Mario Bros., Phantom Hourglass, Mario Party DS, My Sims, Lego Indiana Jones, Petz: Dogz 2)
Big update from Crossbeam Studios
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments
Cubed3 has managed to obtain a huge response from Greg Szemiot Crossbeam Studios concerning a wide array of issues. Overall, it seems that the company has been struggling as of late and the team will be focusing on the PC front for now.
“I will not sugar coat anything. Falafelkid was right in his article. CSE has had many problems throughout the years. We were naive and perhaps arrogant, “riding the wave of publicity,” as he puts it. We take our projects very seriously but we made many mistakes. The biggest mistake was not taking the business side seriously for many years. As CEO, the fault lies squarely with me. I put the game ideas first and said “I’ll take care of the business stuff later.” We also then announced projects that were merely ideas or designs at the time. The fact that those haven’t panned out yet makes me apologise profusely to both my staff and gamers who believed in us and the projects.
Since 2005, when we first started to toy with the idea of re-designing Orb for the then Revolution, we only had a few levels done in 3D Gamestudio. We planned on eventually moving on to Torque. When we announced the game was in planning for Wii it was our hope and far-fetched dream that it would come to fruition. Obviously that backfired. We made the announcement with little more than a design for the Wii version and gave up completely on developing any other version. I believe it was sheer arrogance; a start-up developer with no experience of console development announcing a title for the Wii when it was still in planning. This behaviour killed us slowly over time. Not even the biggest companies do that, and it was a difficult lesson to learn.
Defendin De Penguin heads to Wii – first details
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments
– First real time strategy geared for kids 12 and under
– Utilize an array of environmental ammunition to deter the enemy
– Use our hero Little blue to upgrade a tower or fish for money or retrieve special objects
– Use wits and strategy to defend your town from hungry invaders
– Upgrade towers to increase attack range and strength as enemies gain strength too
Nintendo’s Laurent Fischer – Only “geeks and otakus” want a hard drive
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments
Nintendo of Europe’s managing director of marketing Laurent Fischer was approached about the current storage situation on Wii at a recent NoE outing. Fischer made a surprising and fairly insulting comment, expressing that “‘otaku and geeks” are the only types of Wii gamers who are cramming for a hard drive.
Nintendo posts new job listing for Wii USB devices
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments
A new job listing has been posted on the job listings pages of the Nintendo of America website. Nintendo wishes to hire a Software/Hardware Tester, but the description highlights the importance of “Creating and executing a test plan for Wii’s USB devices.” There are a plethora of possibilities that the job description could be referring to, although the first concept that would come to mind is a hard drive. Perhaps Nintendo is finally beginning to take initiative to solve the storage solution on Wii.
Virgin Play brings DS Japanese Training to Europe
Posted on 16 years ago by Program in DS, News | 4 Comments
“We are currently working on several titles for launch in Europe. With AQ Interactive we’re also working on Lost Regnum, which will be published in Europe with the name: Warriors of the lost Empire. We will also be launching our own IP’s: Mind Your Language, a new language game that will be available for learning: Spanish, English, French, German and yes, Japanese!
We also have B-Team in the works, more information will be available shortly, but to give you a preview, think the A-Team mixed with Hogan’s Heroes. We have games for younger audiences, Pocoyo and Lola & Virginia will also making their first appearance on consoles this year, and of course we have the much anticipated Realmadrid Real Life which creates a totally new genre as well, projected for the end of 2008 just to name a few. We are on a constant lookout for new concepts or games that will be attractive to the end user and to add to our ever-growing catalogue.”
In case you aren’t familiar with the animated shows, the pictures are screen captures from Lola & Virginia. While this particular game may not be of great interest to the Siliconera crowd, thought of Mind Your Language: Japanese Training probably is. The other promising development is seeing another relationship between AQ Interactive and an international publisher. Could Virgin Play be brave enough to take a risk with the vertical PSP game, Anata wo Yurusanai (I Won’t Forgive You)?
Nintendo relates Wii storage solution to WiiConnect24?
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 1 Comment
“Aside from SD Cards, at this time the Wii console does not support external storage devices, such as USB drives or external hard drives. While it’s possible to transfer a file manually to an external storage device using an SD Card, there is currently no way to save directly or to transfer files directly to such a device from your Wii console. If such functionality is granted via a future system update and WiiConnect24 is activated, we will post it to our website, and might possibly send notice via the Wii Message Board.” – Nintendo email rep
Usually, when you send an email to Nintendo, you’ll later receive a generic, unhelpful reply. This response, however, is far from useless. Is Nintendo somehow going to take advantage of WiiConnect24 to send data to devices in the future?