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Gamers, fear not. Although Nintendo fans have been concerned about the second half of 2008, Reggie Fils-Aime has confirmed in a GameTrailers TV episode that Nintendo’s second half lineup will be announced at E3. Furthermore, he noted that a huge “gamers” game will be releasing this holiday, and that casual gamers will be content with the future as well.


The creator of Madden Football, Scott Orr, is also developing Spogs Racing for WiiWare. Announced in this month’s issue of Nintendo Power, the game appears to be one of the games that has a lot of potential. Orr, in an interview, mentions that Spogs Racing will offer downloadable content. Also, he notes that created/customized content has been appearing in many of the company’s games. Because of this, perhaps this means user-generated content will be a feature in Spogs Racing as well.

“We’ll be making ‘racer packs’ available for Spogs Racing that will include new content such as tracks, car parts, and more. Racers literally crash and steal upgrade parts from their opponents in real-time. No need to spend money at a garage to buy upgrade parts; instead, get what you need when you need it, and face the challenge of losing your best parts to your opponents. We’re also putting a unique social spin into our games with user created/customized content and games that allow novice and hardcore players alike to play each other and have a great time.” – Scott Orr


Professor Layton and the Mysterious Village (DS): 91,000 units
Advance Wars: Days of Ruin (DS): 50,300 units
No More Heroes (Wii): 37,000 units
Dragon Quest Swords (Wii): 15,000 units


The latest video game industry sales figures reported by the independent NPD Group show that Nintendo DS™ and Wii™ topped the U.S. charts for February. Nintendo DS sold nearly 587,600 units and Wii sold nearly 432,000.

“Our momentum has not let up since the holidays and we expect it to continue throughout the year,” said Cammie Dunaway, Nintendo of America’s executive vice president of Sales & Marketing. “We have the industry’s strongest lineup of games for everyone from core to casual gamers.”

February sales, according to NPD, in the United States:

  • Nintendo sold more than 1 million hardware units combined, accounting for nearly half (47.6 percent) of all hardware sold.
  • Nintendo DS games topped all software sales, with more than 3.6 million units sold. Consumers purchased nearly 2.9 million software units for Wii. Four of every 10 games sold were for Nintendo systems.
  • Three games in the top five sellers for February play on Nintendo systems, including two from third-party publishers.
  • Nearly 1.7 million accessories were purchased for Wii, more than for any other system. More than 1.2 million accessories were sold for Nintendo DS as well.

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Source: Nintendo press room

Wii 57,068
PSP 53,924
DS Lite 48,658
PS3 21,008
PS2 10,429
Xbox 360 2,891


  • Nintendo DS – 587,600
  • Wii – 432,000
  • PlayStation 2 – 351,800
  • PlayStation 3 – 280,800
  • Xbox 360 – 254,600
  • PSP – 243,000

Nintendo continues to impress with the sales of both the Nintendo DS and Wii taking both the top spots over all of its competitors. It should be interesting to see this month’s sales with the release of Super Smash Bros. Brawl.


Wii, and even DS owners have been known to be victims of developers who do not put effort into creating their games – ports, cash-ins, and the removal of features in other versions of a specific game are commonly found in Wii and DS versions of multi-console games. Sadly, Sega Superstars Tennis is heading in this direction. Although the game seems to hold up quite well when compared to the other versions, one aspect that is missing is the online functionality in both the Wii and DS games. According to Sumo Digital, however, online modes are absent only because of a time constraint. Apparently, they simply did not have enough time to guarantee a workable online mode.


01./00. [PS3] Yakuza 3: Kenzan! (Sega) – 181,000 / NEW
02./02. [WII] Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Nintendo) – 50,000 / 1,408,000
03./03. [WII] Wii Fit (Nintendo) – 49,000 / 1,659,000

04./00. [PS2] Gundam Musou Special (Bandai-Namco) – 39,000 / 189,000
05./00. [WII] Metroid Prime 3: Corruption (Nintendo) – 32,000 / NEW
06./09. [WII] Wii Sports (Nintendo) – 19,000 / 2,838,000
07./04. [NDS] Soma Bringer (Nintendo) – 17,000 / 68,000
08./00. [NDS] Doraemon: Nobita and the Green Giant DS (Bandai-Namco) – 17,000 / NEW

09./07. [PSP] Musou Orochi (Koei) – 16,000 / 87,000
10./00. [WII] Everyone’s General Knowledge Training TV (Nintendo) – 14,000 / NEW


Unfortunately, a number of Super Smash Bros. Brawl owners have been plagued with issues dealing with the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. One of the main problems gamers have faced gamers is the Spectator Mode. For some, Spectator Mode had failed to show up the past few days. Luckily, Nintendo was right on the case. According to a NOA tech representative, “the Spectator Mode and Options menu started appearing for most people early this morning.”

Initial online woes with Brawl have been strong, but it looks like Nintendo is trying to fix many of the problems.


1 (1) Super Mario Bros 3
2 (2) Super Mario Bros
3 (3) Mario Kart 64
4 (4) Super Street Fighter 2
5 (5) Super Mario World
6 (6) Super Mario 64
7 (4) The Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time
8 (8) Bomberman 93
9 (9) Super Mario Bros 2
10 (E) Kirby 64 : The Crystal Shards
11 (12) The legend of Zelda : A Link to the Past
12 (10) 1080 Snowboarding
13 (11) Pac-Man
14 (13) Sonic 3
15 (16) Sonic
16 (17) Adventure Island
17 (15) The Legend of Zelda
18 (14) Paper Mario
19 (20) Yoshi’s Story
20 (18) Bubble Bobble


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