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The second round of Nintendo’s Wii U Virtual Console “Start-Up Campaign” has kicked off in Japan today.

Those who purchase two of three Kirby VC games – Kirby’s Dream Land 3, Kirby’s Dream Course, and Kirby Star Stacker – can get a third free. The deal also is available for those who previously purchased the Wii version of the Virtual Console Kirby releases.


Three more Virtual Console games are heading to the Japanese Wii U eShop next week. Mappy (FC, 500 Yen), Pac-Man (FC, 500 Yen) and Super Metroid (SF) are all due out on May 15. Super Metroid should also be launching in North America next week for 30 cents as part of the Wii U Virtual Console Trial Campaign.


EA signed an exclusive deal with Disney to develop and publish “new Star Wars titles for a core gaming audience, spanning all interactive platforms and the most popular game genres”.

There’s no doubt that new Star Wars releases from EA will appear on the PlayStation, Xbox, and PC platforms. But what about Wii U? EA hasn’t exactly been supportive of the console as of late.

No announcements were made, but EA said during an investor conference call today that it plans to bring Star Wars titles to all major platforms. Hopefully EA considers Wii U to be a “major platform”…


Official invitations sent out by Nintendo of America confirm a few extra details about the company’s pre-E3 media event.

The press will initially listen to opening remarks from Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime and Shigeru Miyamoto, which is expected to last only a half hour. This will be followed by a Q&A and hands-on time with various titles.

Here’s the invite sent out to the press in full:

“Many of the listed games (and others) are indeed coming, but we’re working with Nintendo on the actual release dates and other details. We should have an official release schedule soon – but yes, Wii U is about to get a dose of 16-bit Capcom love. 🙂 “

– Capcom Statement, via Capcom Unity Forums

16-bit love, eh? I guess that means we’ll be seeing some cool Super Nintendo titles hit the Wii U soon! Aside from Super Ghouls n’ Ghosts and Street Fighter II, what more would we want!?

Via Nintendo Life

Although Nintendo won’t be hosting a press conference at E3 this year, we’re hearing rumblings that the company will be holding a smaller event before the expo that will be attended by two bigwigs from the Big N.

The news, which comes from NintendoWorldReport, states that Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime and Shigeru Miyamoto will lead a presentation for the press. It is set to take place on Tuesday morning, the day that is typically reserved for Nintendo’s big media briefings. This lines up with Nintendo’s official comments concerning E3.

Will the press event be streamed? For now, the answer isn’t clear.


The recently revealed (and recently cancelled) Mega Man FPS Maverick Hunter split the fan community in two. Admittedly, the opinions towards the negative were slightly more prevalent than those towards the positive, but the polarity of the opinions was nevertheless rather extreme, and Capcom’s Christian Svensson said that the thoughts on the game from within the company were also mixed:

“Given the lack of consensus in this thread alone, that should tell you what you needed to know. Suffice to say, there were very polarized opinions internally on this project as well.”

– Capcom USA Senior Vice-President Christian Svensson

Perhaps it’s for the best that the project was cancelled. I know that I certainly wasn’t the biggest fan of the style they chose for it!

Via Siliconera

EA announced today that it has signed a multi-year exclusive licensing agreement with Disney to develop and publish new Star Wars games. Disney will still be holding on to certain rights when it comes to releases for mobile, social, tablet and online platforms while EA will be handling “new Star Wars titles for a core gaming audience, spanning all interactive platforms and the most popular game genres”.

Disney Interactive co-president John Pleasants said of the deal:

“This agreement demonstrates our commitment to creating quality game experiences that drive the popularity of the Star Wars franchise for years to come. Collaborating with one of the world’s premier game developers will allow us to bring an amazing portfolio of new Star Wars titles to our fans around the world.”

EA Labels President Frank Gibeau added:

“Every developer dreams of creating games for the Star Wars universe. Three of our top studios will fulfill that dream, crafting epic adventures for Star Wars fans. DICE and Visceral will produce new games, joining the BioWare team which continues to develop for the Star Wars franchise. The new experiences we create may borrow from films, but the games will be entirely original with all new stories and gameplay.”

EA did not provide any financial terms in its announcement.

Source: EA PR

This month’s digital rewards on Club Nintendo have gone live. Members can choose from Super Mario RPG (Wii, 200 coins), Maboshi’s Arcade (Wii, 150 coins), 3D Classics: Excitebike (3DS, 150 coins), and Art Style: Acquia (3DS, 100 coins). These items last through June 2.

Visit this page to order a downloadable game.

A new report from the Japan Times claims that Nintendo is now offering developers “professional-use conversion software” that allows smartphone and tablet games to be more easily made for Wii U. Nintendo’s ultimate goal is to increase hardware sales and offer a greater array of titles.

Given Nintendo’s new approach to smaller developers, this would hardly be surprising. The company just recently began supporting Unity on Wii U and launched the “Nintendo Web Framework”, enabling application development on the Wii U through HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS.

a href=””>Source, Via

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