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Forget The Box is claiming that a digital e-reader service will be released for Wii U. The site’s source supposedly comes from a software developer approached by Nintendo .

Basically, the application would allow users to download books, magazines, newspapers, comics, and other content. This would include every issue of Nintendo Power, instruction books, and maybe even players guides.

All of this digital content will be accessed through the Wii U’s controller. Each download would include a searchable index and users will be able to flip through the pages on the controller’s touch screen.

Consumers who are subscribed to a particular magazine will receive the latest issue automatically. This can be accomplished even if the console has been turned off.

Apparently, the e-reader service won’t be released only for Wii U. Nintendo has plans to bring it to 3DS as well as they look to share services between the two systems much like the iPhone and iPad.

It’d be best to exercise some caution with this rumor for now. That being said, I personally wouldn’t object to a service like this!


Update: I realize now that the folks handling ArtePiazza’s Twitter account may have been joking around. Just goes to show how I little I pay attention to April Fools’ Day!

Surely some of you remember Opoona. It was made for Wii a few years ago, and it was developed by ArtePiazza, the company behind the DS Dragon Quest ports.

If I’m remembering correctly, Opoona did not sell well in Japan. I wouldn’t be surprised if it it sold even worse in North America. But despite poor sales and a mixed critical reception, ArtePiazza is apparently working on a sequel.

Now, bear with me here since my understanding of Japanese is on the level of a 2-year-old child.

Someone on Twitter told ArtePiazza that they want Opoona 3DS as a Christmas present. Responding to this, the company seemed to say that this person should wait until April 1. This gives me the impression that some sort of reveal, which could be Opoona 3DS, is coming in a few months. We’ll see what happens!

It’s been a very, very long time since a mainline Final Fantasy game came to a Nintendo home console. But if GamesMaster UK is to be believed, the situation will change with Final Fantasy XV.

The magazine claims that Square Enix will hold a press conference at E3 2012. During the event, they’ll announce Final Fantasy XV for Wii U, as well as the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC.

This is just speculation at this point. Magazine rumors tend to be hit or miss, so take this with a grain of salt.


There is some talk that the official Zelda timeline has been revealed inside the pages of Hyrule Historia.

This is how it goes, supposedly:

The image basically speaks for itself. It comes from a Singaporean government site… and that’s pretty much it! There’s talk that the Wii U is on its fourth development kit at this time, though the image above makes me think that Nintendo has shipped out fifth edition units.


Is it time to start up the Wii U rumor mill once again? Perhaps, as someone has published some unconfirmed specs about the console.

Wii U Daily claims to have obtained some information from a developer who has been porting a PlayStation 3 title to Wii U.

The rumored specs are as follows:

– Quad Core, 3 GHz PowerPC-based 45nm CPU
– 768 MB of DRAM “embedded” with the CPU, and shared between CPU and GPU
– Unknown, 40nm ATI-based GPU

Supposedly Nintendo has been testing one console version that includes 768 MB of RAM and another with 1 GB of RAM. The site believes IBM has made the RAM which is embedded within the processor.

Keep in mind that the rumored specs above were from a Wii U kit handed to developers back in March. It’s possible that the console has seen an increase in power since then and may give it a larger edge over the Xbox 360.


Update: VG247 claims that a local GameStop salesperson confirmed the information.

Could Xenoblade Chronicles actually a release in North America? If a new database listing at GameStop is to be believed, the answer is a resounding “yes”.

It seems that the title will be released exclusively through the retailer. Notice the “Xenoblade Chronicles GS Exclusive” entry in the image above.

If the photo can be trusted, Xenoblade Chronicles will launch in North America on April 3, though that could be a temporary date.


Nintendo told fans that they would deliver 10 free NES games and 10 free Game Boy Advance titles to 3DS “Ambassadors” who purchased the system before August 12. So far, they’ve followed through on one half of their promise.

We heard that the GBA titles would make it out this year (the NES games were made available a few months ago), but now people are beginning to wonder if that will actually happen. There’s only a few weeks left in 2011, and a hint from Nintendo of Spain seems to say that Ambassadors will be asked to wait until next year for their rewards.

Nintendo of Spain’s Ambassador site contains the following blurb about the GBA titles:

Available from next year.
Game Boy Advance titles for the Virtual Console service

Yoshi’s Island: Super Mario Advance 3
Mario Kart: Super Circuit
Metroid Fusion
WarioWare, Inc.: Minigame Mania
Mario vs. Donkey Kong
and five titles

Nintendo has been delaying 3DS-related items lately, so this wouldn’t be entirely surprising. Until we hear something official though, take this rumor with a grain of salt.

Source 1, Source 2

There’s a rumor going around that Square Enix is remixing either Dragon Quest VII or Final Fantasy VII for the 3DS. Supposedly “Creamsugar” has learned that this announcement will be made next year.

“OK here is the rumor: big N will announce a megaton on next year’s meeting which to celebrate 3DS sold XX million. …It’s a remix version of the 7th game of a famous (J)RPG series, and will sell half year later of a spin-off game of the series. …The source told me at the end of year 2010, there will be a power up version of MH3 for 3DS. And then we all knew it during this year’s TGS”

For some reason, this speculation is being picked up on a variety of sites. And really, I have no idea why. The “source” seems questionable, and has provided some information in the past that has seen mixed results. But I suppose there could be some truth to the rumors as there are a few folks out there who have faith in this person. It’d be nice if this turns out to be true, but I wouldn’t count on it until something more official comes our way. That may take quite a bit of time.


Nintendo has said previously that a new 3DS system update is due out before the end of the month. They’re running out of time, as only nine days remain in November.

It seems that 3DS owners will need to wait until the very end of the month. A new European commercial, which focuses on the upcoming video recording features, apparently states that the functionality will be available “from 30th November.” Talk about waiting for the last possible moment!

The new update will add video recording additions to the 3DS Camera application, software transfers between two 3DS systems, and includes new content for the StreetPass Mii Plaza.


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