Wii successor rumors: EDGE edition
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Rumors, Wii U | 0 comments
The following information comes from EDGE. Like every other rumor we’ve posted on the site thus far, be circumspect of the speculation…
– Ubisoft, Activision, EA are among the third-parties working on the console
– These studios have had development units for months
– System retains motion controls
– Its capabilities are “better than Move”
– Unclear if a camera is involved with the console’s motion abilities
Yet another Wii successor rumor: Touch capability for controller
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Rumors, Wii U | 0 comments
Talk around the web suggests, unsurprisingly, that the controller for Nintendo’s next console will be very original. CVG’s sources believe it will feature an HD screen. Now IGN has offered a rumor of their own, saying that the controller even has touch capability.
“A report from CVG states the new Nintendo console will use an all-new controller – not an updated Wii controller – with sources saying it will have a built-in screen. Additional sources informed IGN the screen has touch capability.”
You really have to wonder how much of what we’ve been hearing is true, and what aspects are false. It’s a shame that E3 is so far away…
More Wii successor rumors – Controller with an HD screen, Blu-ray drive
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Rumors, Wii U | 0 comments
This information comes from an anonymous source speaking to CVG…
“Nintendo’s plans sound unreal. Publishers are already planning launch titles and it’s all very exciting. The hardware is even more powerful than current HD consoles and backwards compatible with Wii. The controller will be all-new and has a HD screen on it.”
Another rumor comes from Blu-ray.com, which claims that Nintendo is looking into Blu-ray as the console’s main optical drive. This is just one of many, many rumors we’ve heard about in the past few hours. Expect even more speculation as we come closer to E3.
Rumor: Numerous sources claim Wii successor announcement coming at E3
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Rumors, Wii U | 0 comments
We’re still about two months away from E3, but rumor has it that Nintendo is preparing for a new home console announcement at this year’s E3. Although additional speculation is expected to arrive for the next few months, keep in mind that nothing will be confirmed (or denied) until June. This rumor has a bit more validity than your typical gossip since numerous sources have apparently confirmed information about the system. Still, take the following details with a big grain of salt for now…
– Can run games at HD resolutions
– Conflicting reports about its graphical capabilities (Xbox 360/PlayStation 3 level graphics or not)
– Competitive specifications
– Nintendo already showing publishers the console to generate interest and to allow for development
– Late 2012 release
– Anonymous source: “Nintendo is doing this one right. [It’s] not a gimmick like the Wii.”
– Unclear if it will be backwards compatible with Wii software
– Unclear if it will carry the “Wii” name
– Nintendo not commenting on the speculation or their E3 plans, but said “stay tuned”
Rumor: Wii price cut on May 15
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Rumors, Wii | 0 comments
The Wii will be seeing a price reduction sooner rather than later, if Engadget is to be believed. The website reports, via a “trusted source”, that the console will only cost $150 starting May 15. This would make sense considering the system’s sluggish sales recently, not to mention that analysts have been calling for a price cut left and right. With no high-profile titles on the way (unless you want to count Wii Play: Motion), Nintendo isn’t left with a whole lot of options.
Rumor: StreetPass Puzzle details – another 3DS StreetPass game
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Rumors | 0 comments
– Collect 3D puzzle pieces
– Obtain the pieces by interacting with other 3DS owners through StreetPass
– The more players you interact with, the more pieces you gain
– Use the pieces to build and complete a 3D puzzle
– Built-in software
Once again, consider the details above speculation for now, but it seems like they’re the real deal!
Rumor: First details on built-in StreetPass Game, StreetPass Quest
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Rumors | 0 comments
This information below sounds real, but we’ll mark this as a rumor until we receive confirmation…
– Game starts off with your Mii having a dream
– Wake up in a cage
– Trapped in a tower
– Need to use Miis you have collected through StreetPass in a turn-based system
– Enemies become more powerful as you play
– Can buy a cat in armor to represent you if you haven’t collected any Miis
– The cat costs two coins
– Sword and Magic options (unclear if this is just for the cat or Miis as well)
– 16-32 stages/levels/battles
– 3 Miis can fight at once
– Ghost enemies appear in at least two levels
– Takes around 2-3 battles with each enemy to match their power
– Each attempt to rescue your captured Mii from the tower concludes with a re-cap of the enemies you have defeated
– Also shows remaining health of the foes you have started to battle, but haven’t beaten
– Game is built into the 3DS
Rumor: More than one Dragon Quest Wii title on the way
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Rumors, Wii | 0 comments
Here’s Yuji Horii’s response when asked if he is worried about leaving consoles behind due to the focus on Dragon Quest for handhelds recently…
“No, the series got its start on consoles, so we aren’t thinking that way, especially since we’re working on Wii versions of Dragon Quest right now.”
That’s an interesting statement, don’t you think? Obviously Dragon Quest X is still in development. Are there other games in the series coming to the console as well? Or was this just a translation error?
Rumor: 3DS VC available at launch
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Rumors | 0 comments
This information comes from an IGN article, which claims that gamers will have access to the 3DS’ Virtual Console at launch…
“It’s important to note that some of these features, most notably the Virtual Console/e-Shop idea, will not be available out of the box, but will need to be downloaded from a Wi-Fi connection. Nintendo has clarified that the Virtual Console will be available immediately upon the launch of the 3DS.”
Hmm… Nintendo has said that the eShop won’t be available through May… and I’m under the impression that you purchase Virtual Console games from the store. So, how will this work?
Rumor: 3DS is region-locked
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Rumors | 0 comments
According to a Nintendo of Japan customer service representative, the 3DS will be region-locked. This means that if you import a Japanese system and attempt to play a North American game, it simply will not work.
As disappointing as the news is, I don’t think this should be a big surprise to anyone. After the DSi implemented region locking, there really was no going back. Nintendo has yet to officially comment on the issue, but I’d say this rumor is very likely.