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ZombiU demo trailer

Posted on 11 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U | 0 comments

But Austin, what am I about to watch!?

Do you like Mythbusters? Do you like “Let’s Play” videos? Then you’ll love this! Aysha and Austin shift gears for this week’s episode of TPPG by taking on some rumored easter eggs and glitches in The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker, seeing which ones pan out and which ones are just lies floating in an ocean of beautiful blue Gamecube graphics.

I made this video back on Wednesday (hence why it sounds like I thought the Nintendo Direct was “today”) but neglected to put it up because I feel as though its production values are rather low. Still, I think I trust you guys to be able to look passed the low recording quality and poor editing just this once to see the point I’m trying to make. What’s the point I’m trying to make?

Xenoblade is way more colorful (and in my opinion better looking) than Monolith Soft’s new game “X”. I think “X” looks like baloney visually, even if the game will be good for other aspects.

We have one or two more features coming today and this is the least important of them so I’m just tossing it up in the afternoon willy nilly. Expect a new ‘Two People Playin’ Games’ beta episode and a new ‘Here’s a Podcast’ later tonight!

You can get another behind the scenes look at LEGO Marvel Super Heroes below, along with another sneak peak of footage:


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