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This isn’t something to be taken too seriously, especially given that it’s a parody. Enjoy it for what it is!

Thanks to Jason B for the tip.

When you’re a big dude like Nintendo president Satoru Iwata, you’re bound to get a lot of attention.


Petit Computer trailer

Posted on 12 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, Videos | 0 comments

Petit Computer launches next week as a DSiWare download. It’ll be available on July 19 for $7.99.

Dear Internet,

Two things. Number one, I actually do know how to pronounce the name of the game. Number two, stop telling me to do ‘regular’ and ‘informative’ reviews. Information about the game is on every other video game website ever- including this one. You don’t need me telling you things that you can find elsewhere more easily. Number three, I’m getting a new camera that isn’t crappy.


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