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Update: Just to be clear, SEGA/Gearbox haven’t confirmed the Wii U version for February 12, but I can’t imagine it arriving later than the PS3/360/PC versions considering the console will be released by then.

Aliens: Colonial Marines won’t be out until February 12, 2013, meaning the PS3, 360, PC, and Wii U versions should all arrive on the same day.

There wasn’t a ton of shocking news on GameTrailers’ latest Bonus Round episode, but Shane Satterfield once again said people will be surprised with the Wii U’s launch lineup and the amount of games in development for the system – that applies to both first and third-party software.


There’s also about five seconds of Pokemon Dream Radar in the video above.

Enclave: Shadows of Twilight will be available in Europe on May 22.

Nintendo TV episode 5

Posted on 12 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments

European 3DS owners can watch this episode of Nintendo TV on the 3DS eShop… and in 3D.


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